CS/HB 1147: Transportation
GENERAL BILL by Transportation ; Smith
Transportation; provides for organizational unit to administer seaport programs; provides for state bonds for federal-aid highways construction; provides seaport powers & duties of DOT; provides for exemption from locally imposed weight limits under certain circumstances; authorizes fixed-guideway transportation system operating within dept.'s right-of-way to operate at any safe speed; provides for allocation of certain new highway funds, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 4/30/1999 House - Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 311 (Ch. 99-345), HB 591 (Ch. 99-385), CS/CS/SB 1270 (Ch. 99-248), SB 1446 (Ch. 99-250)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 3/1/1999 House • Prefiled
3/4/1999 House • Introduced -HJ 00155
3/5/1999 House • Referred to Transportation (EDC); Judiciary (CJC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00247
3/15/1999 House • On Committee agenda-- Transportation (EDC), 03/17/99, 1:00 pm, 317C
3/17/1999 House • Comm. Action: CS by Transportation (EDC) -HJ 00511
4/6/1999 House • CS read first time on 04/06/99 -HJ 00507
3/31/1999 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 113
4/5/1999 House • Now in Judiciary (CJC) -HJ 00511
4/13/1999 House • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary (CJC), 04/15/99, 1:30 pm, Morris Hall --Not considered
4/23/1999 House • Withdrawn from Judiciary (CJC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00757, -HJ 00784; Placed on Calendar
4/30/1999 House • Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 311 (Ch. 99-345), HB 591 (Ch. 99-385), CS/CS/SB 1270 (Ch. 99-248), SB 1446 (Ch. 99-250)
CS/HB 1147, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:26 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Judiciary (Post-Meeting) 4/9/1999 (pdf)
Transportation (Post-Meeting) 3/30/1999 (pdf)
Related Bills (13)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 972 (c2) Transportation Dept. Casas Similar Last Action: 4/30/1999 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01628, -SJ 01926; Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 311 (Ch. 99-345), HB 591 (Ch. 99-385), CS/CS/SB 1270 (Ch. 99-248), SB 1446 (Ch. 99-250)
Location:H 311 (e1) Trovillion Compare Last Action: 6/11/1999 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 99-345; See also HB 591 (Ch. 99-385)
Location:H 591 (e3) Smith Compare Last Action: 6/18/1999 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 99-385; See also CS/HB 311 (Ch. 99-345), SB 182 (Ch. 99-203), SB 1446 (Ch. 99-250), SB 2350 (Ch. 99-224)
Location:H 1689 Transportation Planning Patterson Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Committee on Transportation (EDC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 591 (Ch. 99-385)
Location:H 2193 Maritime & International Trade Business Development & International Trade Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1566 (Ch. 99-251)
Location:S 240 (c1) DOT & Public Authorities/Law Suits Lee Compare Last Action: 4/26/1999 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00792, -SJ 00886; Read second time -SJ 00871; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00871; House Bill substituted -SJ 00886; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 311 (Ch. 99-345)
Location:S 940 (c2) Eminent Domain Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Committee on Real Property & Probate (CJC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 591 (Ch. 99-385), SB 2350 (Ch. 99-224)
Location:S 1270 (e3) Casas Compare Last Action: 6/8/1999 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 99-248; See also CS/CS/SB 1056 (Ch. 99-234)
Location:S 1306 (e1) Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles Webster Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 591 (Ch. 99-385), CS/CS/SB 1056 (Ch. 99-234), CS/CS/SB 1270 (Ch. 99-248), SB 1446 (Ch. 99-250)
Location:S 1314 (c1) Transportation Department Webster Compare Last Action: 4/28/1999 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01221, -SJ 01402; Pending amendment withdrawn -SJ 01242; House Bill substituted -SJ 01243; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 591 (Ch. 99-385); See also CS/CS/SB 1566 (Ch. 99-251)
Location:S 1446 (e2) Jones Compare Last Action: 6/8/1999 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 99-250; See also HB 591 (Ch. 99-385)
Location:S 1920 Transportation Planning Sebesta Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 S Died in Committee on Transportation, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 591 (Ch. 99-385)
Location:S 2174 (c1) Land Use & Transportation Planning Hargrett Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 S Died in Committee on Fiscal Policy
Location:Floor Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 534868 - Amendment
Jones 4/30/1999
3:36 AMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (93)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 20.23 Department of Transportation. 206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund. 215.615 215.616 311.06 311.061 311.07 Florida seaport transportation and economic development funding. 311.09 Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Council. 311.105 Florida Seaport Environmental Management Committee; permitting; mitigation. 311.11 Seaport Employment Training Grant Program. 316.0815 316.302 Commercial motor vehicles; safety regulations; transporters and shippers of hazardous materials; enforcement. 316.3025 Penalties. 316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review. 316.555 Weight, load, speed limits may be lowered; condition precedent. 320.0715 International Registration Plan; motor carrier services; permits; retention of records. 320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys. 334.035 Purpose of transportation code. 334.0445 Model career service classification and compensation plan. 334.046 Department program objectives. 334.071 334.351 Youth work experience program; findings and intent; authority to contract; limitation. 335.0415 Public road jurisdiction and transfer process. 335.093 Scenic highway designation. 337.025 Innovative highway projects; department to establish program. 337.11 Contracting authority of department; bids; emergency repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders; combined design and construction contracts; progress payments; records; requirements of vehicle registration. 337.16 Disqualification of delinquent contractors from bidding; determination of contractor nonresponsibility; denial, suspension, and revocation of certificates of qualification; grounds; hearing. 337.162 Professional services. 337.18 Surety bonds; requirement with respect to contract award; defaults; damage assessments. 337.185 State Arbitration Board. 337.19 Suits by and against department; limitation of actions; forum. 337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property. 337.251 Lease of property for joint public-private development and areas above or below department property. 337.403 Relocation of utility; expenses. 337.408 Regulation of benches, transit shelters, and waste disposal receptacles within rights-of-way. 338.223 Proposed turnpike projects. 338.229 Pledge to bondholders not to restrict certain rights of department. 339.135 Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment. 339.155 Transportation planning. 339.175 Metropolitan planning organization. 341.041 Transit responsibilities of the department. 341.053 Intermodal Development Program; administration; eligible projects; limitations. 341.302 Rail program, duties and responsibilities of the department. 341.3201 Florida High-Speed Rail Transportation Act; short title. 341.321 Development of high-speed rail transportation system; legislative findings, policy, purpose, and intent. 341.322 Definitions used in ss. 341.3201-341.386. 341.325 Special powers and duties of the department. 341.327 Preemption; sole and exclusive determination of need for the high-speed rail transportation system. 341.329 Bonds; project financing. 341.331 Service designation; termini. 341.332 Franchises. 341.3331 Request for proposals. 341.3332 Notice of issuance of request for proposals. 341.3333 Application for franchise; confidentiality of application and trade secrets. 341.3334 Franchise review process. 341.3335 Interagency coordination of franchise application review. 341.3336 Public meeting on the franchise application. 341.3337 Determination and award of franchise. 341.3338 Effect of franchise. 341.3339 Postfranchise agreements. 341.334 Department of Transportation; powers and duties. 341.335 Powers and duties of the board. 341.336 Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Community Affairs; other affected agencies; powers and duties. 341.3365 Certification procedures. 341.342 Agreements concerning contents of certification application and supporting documentation. 341.343 Review of application. 341.344 Citizens' Planning and Environmental Advisory Committee. 341.345 Alternate corridors or transit station locations. 341.346 Appointment of administrative law judge; powers and duties. 341.3465 Alteration of time limitations. 341.347 Local government hearings. 341.348 Reports and studies. 341.351 Publication of notice of certification application and proceedings; contents of notice. 341.352 Certification hearing. 341.353 Final disposition of certification application. 341.363 Effect of certification; ss. 341.3201-341.386 to take precedence. 341.364 Appeals to board. 341.365 Associated development. 341.366 Recording of notice of certified corridor route. 341.368 Modification of certification or franchise. 341.369 Fees; disposition. 341.371 Revocation or suspension of franchise or certification. 341.372 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of franchise. 341.375 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals encouraged; plan for compliance. 341.381 Applicability. 341.382 Superseded laws and regulations. 341.383 Authority of local government to assess fees. 341.386 Award of franchise and certification admissible in eminent domain proceedings; attorney's fees and costs. 373.4137 Mitigation requirements. 479.01 Definitions. 479.07 Sign permits. 479.15 Harmony of regulations. 479.16 Signs for which permits are not required. -
HB 1147, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:26 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Transportation (Post-Meeting) 3/15/1999 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (80)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 20.23 Department of Transportation. 206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund. 215.615 215.616 316.0815 316.302 Commercial motor vehicles; safety regulations; transporters and shippers of hazardous materials; enforcement. 316.3025 Penalties. 316.555 Weight, load, speed limits may be lowered; condition precedent. 320.0715 International Registration Plan; motor carrier services; permits; retention of records. 320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys. 334.035 Purpose of transportation code. 334.0445 Model career service classification and compensation plan. 334.071 334.351 Youth work experience program; findings and intent; authority to contract; limitation. 335.0415 Public road jurisdiction and transfer process. 335.093 Scenic highway designation. 337.11 Contracting authority of department; bids; emergency repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders; combined design and construction contracts; progress payments; records; requirements of vehicle registration. 337.16 Disqualification of delinquent contractors from bidding; determination of contractor nonresponsibility; denial, suspension, and revocation of certificates of qualification; grounds; hearing. 337.162 Professional services. 337.18 Surety bonds; requirement with respect to contract award; defaults; damage assessments. 337.185 State Arbitration Board. 337.19 Suits by and against department; limitation of actions; forum. 337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property. 337.403 Relocation of utility; expenses. 338.223 Proposed turnpike projects. 338.229 Pledge to bondholders not to restrict certain rights of department. 339.135 Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment. 339.155 Transportation planning. 339.175 Metropolitan planning organization. 341.041 Transit responsibilities of the department. 341.302 Rail program, duties and responsibilities of the department. 341.3201 Florida High-Speed Rail Transportation Act; short title. 341.321 Development of high-speed rail transportation system; legislative findings, policy, purpose, and intent. 341.322 Definitions used in ss. 341.3201-341.386. 341.325 Special powers and duties of the department. 341.327 Preemption; sole and exclusive determination of need for the high-speed rail transportation system. 341.329 Bonds; project financing. 341.331 Service designation; termini. 341.332 Franchises. 341.3331 Request for proposals. 341.3332 Notice of issuance of request for proposals. 341.3333 Application for franchise; confidentiality of application and trade secrets. 341.3334 Franchise review process. 341.3335 Interagency coordination of franchise application review. 341.3336 Public meeting on the franchise application. 341.3337 Determination and award of franchise. 341.3338 Effect of franchise. 341.3339 Postfranchise agreements. 341.334 Department of Transportation; powers and duties. 341.335 Powers and duties of the board. 341.336 Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Community Affairs; other affected agencies; powers and duties. 341.3365 Certification procedures. 341.342 Agreements concerning contents of certification application and supporting documentation. 341.343 Review of application. 341.344 Citizens' Planning and Environmental Advisory Committee. 341.345 Alternate corridors or transit station locations. 341.346 Appointment of administrative law judge; powers and duties. 341.3465 Alteration of time limitations. 341.347 Local government hearings. 341.348 Reports and studies. 341.351 Publication of notice of certification application and proceedings; contents of notice. 341.352 Certification hearing. 341.353 Final disposition of certification application. 341.363 Effect of certification; ss. 341.3201-341.386 to take precedence. 341.364 Appeals to board. 341.365 Associated development. 341.366 Recording of notice of certified corridor route. 341.368 Modification of certification or franchise. 341.369 Fees; disposition. 341.371 Revocation or suspension of franchise or certification. 341.372 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of franchise. 341.375 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals encouraged; plan for compliance. 341.381 Applicability. 341.382 Superseded laws and regulations. 341.383 Authority of local government to assess fees. 341.386 Award of franchise and certification admissible in eminent domain proceedings; attorney's fees and costs. 373.4137 Mitigation requirements. 479.01 Definitions. 479.07 Sign permits. 479.16 Signs for which permits are not required.
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