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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 1756: Educational Accountability

GENERAL BILL by Fiscal Policy ; Education ; Cowin ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) McKay

Educational Accountability; revises provisions re authority of State Board of Education to enforce school improvement; requires private school opportunity scholarships to be provided to certain public school students; provides student eligibility requirements; requires DOE to develop system to measure annual pupil progress; requires statewide assessment program to include science; requires schools that receive opportunity scholarships to provide certain courses, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 4/30/1999 House - Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/2/1999 Senate • Filed
    3/4/1999 Senate • Introduced, referred to Education; Fiscal Policy -SJ 00125; On Committee agenda-- Education, 03/08/99, 12:30 pm, Room-412K --Temporarily postponed
    3/11/1999 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Education, 03/16/99, 1:00 pm, Room-412K --Temporarily postponed
    3/17/1999 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Education, 03/22/99, 1:00 pm, Room-412K
    3/22/1999 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Education -SJ 00352; CS read first time on 03/25/99 -SJ 00366
    3/25/1999 Senate • Now in Fiscal Policy -SJ 00352
    4/5/1999 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Fiscal Policy, 04/08/99, 10:00 am, Room-412K
    4/8/1999 Senate • Comm. Action:-CS/CS by Fiscal Policy -SJ 00513; CS read first time on 04/13/99 -SJ 00515
    4/9/1999 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00513
    4/13/1999 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00512; Read second time -SJ 00489; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00490; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00512; Amendment pending -SJ 00512
    4/15/1999 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00512, -SJ 00575; Pending amendment failed -SJ 00524; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00524; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00525; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00531
    4/16/1999 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00586; CS passed as amended; YEAS 26 NAYS 14 -SJ 00587; Immediately certified -SJ 00587
    4/16/1999 House • In Messages
    4/30/1999 House • Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751

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  • CS/CS/SB 1756, Engrossed 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:55 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (8)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 751 (e3) Melvin Compare Last Action: 6/21/1999 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 99-398
    H 891 Mathematics & Science Education Andrews Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Committee on Education Appropriations (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
    H 1557 Remedial Instruction Ryan Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Committee on Education Appropriations (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
    H 2221 Education Terms Education/K-12 Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Committee on Education Appropriations (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
    S 186 Schools/Pupil Progression Education Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 S Died in Committee on Fiscal Policy, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
    S 896 (e1) Mathematics & Science Education Sullivan Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
    S 1646 (e1) Education Sullivan Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751
    S 2050 (e1) School Safety & Truancy Reduction Lee Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 751

    Floor Votes (10)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/13/1999 11:53 AM Senate 14 Yeas - 25 Nays
    4/13/1999 12:19 PM Senate 13 Yeas - 26 Nays
    4/13/1999 12:29 PM Senate 13 Yeas - 26 Nays
    4/13/1999 12:37 PM Senate 20 Yeas - 20 Nays
    4/13/1999 12:44 PM Senate 20 Yeas - 20 Nays
    4/13/1999 12:46 PM Senate 23 Yeas - 17 Nays
    4/13/1999 12:57 PM Senate 23 Yeas - 17 Nays
    4/15/1999 9:32 AM Senate 13 Yeas - 23 Nays
    4/15/1999 10:24 AM Senate 18 Yeas - 20 Nays
    4/16/1999 11:40 AM Senate 26 Yeas - 14 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (48)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    24.121 Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for public education.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    228.041 Definitions.
    228.053 Developmental research schools.
    228.054 Joint Developmental Research School Planning, Articulation, and Evaluation Committee.
    228.056 Charter schools.
    228.0565 Deregulated public schools.
    228.301 Test security.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.512 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.
    229.551 Educational management.
    229.555 Educational planning and information systems.
    229.565 Educational evaluation procedures.
    229.57 Student assessment program.
    229.58 District and school advisory councils.
    229.591 Comprehensive revision of Florida's system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.592 Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.595 Implementation of state system of education accountability for school-to-work transition.
    230.03 Management, control, operation, administration, and supervision.
    230.202 District school board members; compensation.
    230.23 Powers and duties of school board.
    230.2316 Dropout prevention.
    230.303 Superintendent of schools.
    231.085 Duties of principals.
    231.24 Process for renewal of professional certificates.
    231.29 Assessment procedures and criteria.
    231.2905 Florida School Recognition Program.
    231.36 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and principals.
    231.600 School Community Professional Development Act.
    232.245 Pupil progression; remedial instruction; reporting requirements.
    232.2454 District student performance standards, instruments, and assessment procedures.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.248 Confidentiality of assessment instruments.
    232.2481 Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools.
    233.061 Required instruction.
    233.09 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    233.165 Standards for selection.
    233.17 Term of adoption for instructional materials.
    233.25 Duties, responsibilities, and requirements of publishers and manufacturers of instructional materials.
    236.013 Definitions.
    236.08106 Excellent Teaching Program.
    236.685 Educational funding accountability.
    239.101 Legislative intent.
    239.229 Vocational standards.
    240.118 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    240.529 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.

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  • CS/CS/SB 1756, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:55 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Fiscal Policy (Post-Meeting) 4/5/1999 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (67)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    093476 - Amendment
    Klein 4/13/1999
    12:47 AM
    Web Page
    204256 - Amendment
    Jones 4/13/1999
    12:47 AM
    Web Page
    383466 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 4/13/1999
    12:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 144580 - Amendment to Amendment (383466)
    Forman 4/16/1999
    2:17 AM
    Web Page
    671262 - Amendment
    Sullivan 4/13/1999
    12:48 AM
    Web Page
    784400 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 4/13/1999
    12:48 AM
    Web Page
    933110 - Amendment
    Forman 4/13/1999
    12:49 AM
    Web Page
    054520 - Amendment
    Cowin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    060000 - Amendment
    Rossin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 372468 - Substitute Amendment (060000)
    Latvala 4/16/1999
    2:19 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 243692 - Amendment to Amendment (372468)
    Rossin 4/16/1999
    2:18 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 962142 - Substitute Amendment (060000)
    Latvala 4/16/1999
    2:21 AM
    Web Page
    063782 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    092340 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 901216 - Substitute Amendment (092340)
    Sullivan 4/16/1999
    2:21 AM
    Web Page
    093070 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    135678 - Amendment
    Clary 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    151784 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 481088 - Substitute Amendment (151784)
    King 4/16/1999
    2:19 AM
    Web Page
    182298 - Amendment
    Dyer 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    193028 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    232690 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    233990 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 725406 - Amendment to Amendment (233990)
    King 4/16/1999
    2:21 AM
    Web Page
    290142 - Amendment
    Holzendorf 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    292562 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    314050 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    361236 - Amendment
    Rossin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    363450 - Amendment
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    373800 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    404186 - Amendment
    Klein 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    405660 - Amendment
    Cowin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    433972 - Amendment
    Dyer 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    440288 - Amendment
    Cowin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 840392 - Amendment to Amendment (440288)
    Latvala 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 523832 - Substitute Amendment (440288)
    Latvala 4/16/1999
    2:19 AM
    Web Page
    460588 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    465728 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    474260 - Amendment
    Cowin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    493038 - Amendment
    Cowin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    500448 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    534050 - Amendment
    Saunders 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    543820 - Amendment
    Holzendorf 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    603398 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    603508 - Amendment
    Klein 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    713576 - Amendment
    Forman 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    740894 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    800558 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    800652 - Amendment
    Forman 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    802602 - Amendment
    King 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 431726 - Substitute Amendment (802602)
    King 4/16/1999
    2:19 AM
    Web Page
    822980 - Amendment
    Dyer 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    835438 - Amendment
    Dyer 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 611952 - Substitute Amendment (835438)
    Dyer 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    874442 - Amendment
    Rossin 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 752546 - Substitute Amendment (874442)
    Rossin 4/16/1999
    2:21 AM
    Web Page
    945118 - Amendment
    Silver 4/13/1999
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    082982 - Amendment
    Jones 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    103300 - Amendment
    Brown-Waite 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    131756 - Amendment
    Campbell 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    204820 - Amendment
    Jones 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    334428 - Amendment
    Jones 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 143338 - Substitute Amendment (334428)
    Jones 4/16/1999
    2:17 AM
    Web Page
    491914 - Amendment
    Jones 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    730474 - Amendment
    Geller 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    891604 - Amendment
    Jones 4/15/1999
    1:50 AM
    Web Page
    954680 - Amendment
    King 4/15/1999
    1:51 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (47)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    24.121 Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for public education.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    228.041 Definitions.
    228.053 Developmental research schools.
    228.054 Joint Developmental Research School Planning, Articulation, and Evaluation Committee.
    228.056 Charter schools.
    228.0565 Deregulated public schools.
    228.301 Test security.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.512 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.
    229.551 Educational management.
    229.555 Educational planning and information systems.
    229.565 Educational evaluation procedures.
    229.57 Student assessment program.
    229.58 District and school advisory councils.
    229.591 Comprehensive revision of Florida's system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.592 Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.595 Implementation of state system of education accountability for school-to-work transition.
    230.03 Management, control, operation, administration, and supervision.
    230.202 District school board members; compensation.
    230.23 Powers and duties of school board.
    230.2316 Dropout prevention.
    230.303 Superintendent of schools.
    231.085 Duties of principals.
    231.24 Process for renewal of professional certificates.
    231.29 Assessment procedures and criteria.
    231.2905 Florida School Recognition Program.
    231.36 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and principals.
    231.600 School Community Professional Development Act.
    232.245 Pupil progression; remedial instruction; reporting requirements.
    232.2454 District student performance standards, instruments, and assessment procedures.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.248 Confidentiality of assessment instruments.
    232.2481 Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools.
    233.09 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    233.165 Standards for selection.
    233.17 Term of adoption for instructional materials.
    233.25 Duties, responsibilities, and requirements of publishers and manufacturers of instructional materials.
    236.013 Definitions.
    236.08106 Excellent Teaching Program.
    236.685 Educational funding accountability.
    239.101 Legislative intent.
    239.229 Vocational standards.
    240.118 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    240.529 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1756, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:55 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Education (Post-Meeting) 3/24/1999 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (47)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    24.121 Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for public education.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    228.041 Definitions.
    228.053 Developmental research schools.
    228.054 Joint Developmental Research School Planning, Articulation, and Evaluation Committee.
    228.056 Charter schools.
    228.0565 Deregulated public schools.
    228.301 Test security.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.512 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.
    229.551 Educational management.
    229.555 Educational planning and information systems.
    229.565 Educational evaluation procedures.
    229.57 Student assessment program.
    229.58 District and school advisory councils.
    229.591 Comprehensive revision of Florida's system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.592 Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.595 Implementation of state system of education accountability for school-to-work transition.
    230.03 Management, control, operation, administration, and supervision.
    230.202 District school board members; compensation.
    230.23 Powers and duties of school board.
    230.2316 Dropout prevention.
    230.303 Superintendent of schools.
    231.085 Duties of principals.
    231.24 Process for renewal of professional certificates.
    231.29 Assessment procedures and criteria.
    231.2905 Florida School Recognition Program.
    231.36 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and principals.
    231.600 School Community Professional Development Act.
    232.245 Pupil progression; remedial instruction; reporting requirements.
    232.2454 District student performance standards, instruments, and assessment procedures.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.248 Confidentiality of assessment instruments.
    232.2481 Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools.
    233.09 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    233.165 Standards for selection.
    233.17 Term of adoption for instructional materials.
    233.25 Duties, responsibilities, and requirements of publishers and manufacturers of instructional materials.
    236.013 Definitions.
    236.08106 Excellent Teaching Program.
    236.685 Educational funding accountability.
    239.101 Legislative intent.
    239.229 Vocational standards.
    240.118 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    240.529 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • SB 1756, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:55 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (47)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    24.121 Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for public education.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    228.041 Definitions.
    228.053 Developmental research schools.
    228.054 Joint Developmental Research School Planning, Articulation, and Evaluation Committee.
    228.056 Charter schools.
    228.0565 Deregulated public schools.
    228.301 Test security.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.512 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.
    229.551 Educational management.
    229.555 Educational planning and information systems.
    229.565 Educational evaluation procedures.
    229.57 Student assessment program.
    229.58 District and school advisory councils.
    229.591 Comprehensive revision of Florida's system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.592 Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability.
    229.595 Implementation of state system of education accountability for school-to-work transition.
    230.03 Management, control, operation, administration, and supervision.
    230.202 District school board members; compensation.
    230.23 Powers and duties of school board.
    230.2316 Dropout prevention.
    230.303 Superintendent of schools.
    231.085 Duties of principals.
    231.24 Process for renewal of professional certificates.
    231.29 Assessment procedures and criteria.
    231.2905 Florida School Recognition Program.
    231.36 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and principals.
    231.600 School Community Professional Development Act.
    232.245 Pupil progression; remedial instruction; reporting requirements.
    232.2454 District student performance standards, instruments, and assessment procedures.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.248 Confidentiality of assessment instruments.
    232.2481 Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools.
    233.09 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    233.165 Standards for selection.
    233.17 Term of adoption for instructional materials.
    233.25 Duties, responsibilities, and requirements of publishers and manufacturers of instructional materials.
    236.013 Definitions.
    236.08106 Excellent Teaching Program.
    236.685 Educational funding accountability.
    239.101 Legislative intent.
    239.229 Vocational standards.
    240.118 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    240.529 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.

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