CS/CS/CS/SB 832: Unclaimed Property
GENERAL BILL by Fiscal Resource ; Judiciary ; Banking and Insurance ; Horne
Unclaimed Property; revises provisions re Disposition of Unclaimed Property to refer to property considered abandoned as unclaimed property; changes references to property from being abandoned to being unclaimed; provides valuation & remission of contents of safetydeposit boxes; includes statecertified public accountants among persons authorized to file claims as owner's representatives, etc. Amends Ch. 717, 732.107, 493.6102.
Last Action: 5/5/2000 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar SJ 01145; Died on Calendar
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 12/22/1999 Senate • Prefiled
1/3/2000 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Fiscal Resource
1/31/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda Banking and Insurance, 02/07/00, 12:30 pm, 110S
2/7/2000 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 9 NAYS 1
2/10/2000 Senate • Now in Judiciary
3/2/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda Judiciary, 03/07/00, 3:45 pm, 110S
3/7/2000 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Fiscal Resource SJ 00052; On Committee agenda Banking and Insurance, 02/07/00, 12:30 pm, 110S; Comm. Action: CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 9 NAYS 1 SJ 00010; CS read
• 00122; Now in Judiciary SJ 00010; On Committee agenda Judiciary, 03/07/00, 3:45 pm, 110S Temporarily postponed
3/13/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda Judiciary, 03/16/00, 9:00 am, 110S
3/16/2000 Senate • Comm. Action: CS/CS by Judiciary; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 SJ 00251;
3/21/2000 Senate • 00260
3/20/2000 Senate • Now in Fiscal Resource SJ 00251
4/3/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda Fiscal Resource, 04/06/00, 2:30 pm, 110S
4/6/2000 Senate • Comm. Action:CS/CS/CS by Fiscal Resource; YEAS 6 NAYS 0
4/11/2000 Senate • 00424
4/10/2000 Senate • Placed on Calendar SJ 00421
5/1/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar SJ 00628
5/2/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar SJ 00729
5/3/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar SJ 00888
5/4/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar SJ 00994
5/5/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar SJ 01145; Died on Calendar
CS/CS/CS/SB 832, Committee Substitute 3 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Fiscal Resource (Post-Meeting) 4/6/2000 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location H 615 (e1) Unclaimed Property Prieguez Similar Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance
Location:Floor Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 871540 - Amendment
Saunders 5/3/2000
5:31 AMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (33)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 493.6102 Inapplicability of parts I through IV of this chapter. 717.101 Definitions. 717.102 Property presumed abandoned; general rule. 717.103 General rules for taking custody of intangible unclaimed property. 717.1035 Property originated or issued by this state, any political subdivision of this state, or any entity incorporated, organized, created, or otherwise located in the state. 717.104 Traveler's checks and money orders. 717.105 Checks, drafts, and similar instruments issued or certified by banking and financial organizations. 717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations. 717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies. 717.108 Deposits held by utilities. 717.109 Refunds held by business associations. 717.1101 Stock and other intangible interests in business associations. 717.111 Property of business associations held in course of dissolution. 717.112 Property held by agents and fiduciaries. 717.113 Property held by courts and public agencies. 717.115 Wages. 717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository. 717.117 Report of abandoned property. 717.118 Notice and publication of lists of abandoned property. 717.119 Payment or delivery of abandoned property. 717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges. 717.122 Public sale of abandoned property. 717.123 Deposit of funds. 717.124 Filing of claim with department. 717.1241 Conflicting claims. 717.1243 Transfer of unclaimed property by operation of law. 717.125 Claim of another state to recover property; procedure. 717.129 Periods of limitation. 717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines. 717.135 Agreement to locate reported property. 717.1353 717.137 Effect of new provisions; clarification of application. 732.107 Escheat. -
CS/CS/SB 832, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Judiciary (Post-Meeting) 2/8/2000 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (33)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 493.6102 Inapplicability of parts I through IV of this chapter. 717.101 Definitions. 717.102 Property presumed abandoned; general rule. 717.103 General rules for taking custody of intangible unclaimed property. 717.1035 Property originated or issued by this state, any political subdivision of this state, or any entity incorporated, organized, created, or otherwise located in the state. 717.104 Traveler's checks and money orders. 717.105 Checks, drafts, and similar instruments issued or certified by banking and financial organizations. 717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations. 717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies. 717.108 Deposits held by utilities. 717.109 Refunds held by business associations. 717.1101 Stock and other intangible interests in business associations. 717.111 Property of business associations held in course of dissolution. 717.112 Property held by agents and fiduciaries. 717.113 Property held by courts and public agencies. 717.115 Wages. 717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository. 717.117 Report of abandoned property. 717.118 Notice and publication of lists of abandoned property. 717.119 Payment or delivery of abandoned property. 717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges. 717.122 Public sale of abandoned property. 717.123 Deposit of funds. 717.124 Filing of claim with department. 717.1241 Conflicting claims. 717.1243 Transfer of unclaimed property by operation of law. 717.125 Claim of another state to recover property; procedure. 717.129 Periods of limitation. 717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines. 717.135 Agreement to locate reported property. 717.1353 717.137 Effect of new provisions; clarification of application. 732.107 Escheat. -
CS/SB 832, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Banking and Insurance (Post-Meeting) 2/8/2000 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (32)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 493.6102 Inapplicability of parts I through IV of this chapter. 717.101 Definitions. 717.102 Property presumed abandoned; general rule. 717.103 General rules for taking custody of intangible unclaimed property. 717.1035 Property originated or issued by this state, any political subdivision of this state, or any entity incorporated, organized, created, or otherwise located in the state. 717.104 Traveler's checks and money orders. 717.105 Checks, drafts, and similar instruments issued or certified by banking and financial organizations. 717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations. 717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies. 717.108 Deposits held by utilities. 717.109 Refunds held by business associations. 717.1101 Stock and other intangible interests in business associations. 717.111 Property of business associations held in course of dissolution. 717.112 Property held by agents and fiduciaries. 717.113 Property held by courts and public agencies. 717.115 Wages. 717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository. 717.117 Report of abandoned property. 717.118 Notice and publication of lists of abandoned property. 717.119 Payment or delivery of abandoned property. 717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges. 717.122 Public sale of abandoned property. 717.123 Deposit of funds. 717.124 Filing of claim with department. 717.1241 Conflicting claims. 717.1243 Transfer of unclaimed property by operation of law. 717.125 Claim of another state to recover property; procedure. 717.129 Periods of limitation. 717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines. 717.135 Agreement to locate reported property. 717.137 Effect of new provisions; clarification of application. 732.107 Escheat. -
SB 832, Original Filed Version Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Citations - Statutes (31)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 717.101 Definitions. 717.102 Property presumed abandoned; general rule. 717.103 General rules for taking custody of intangible unclaimed property. 717.1035 Property originated or issued by this state, any political subdivision of this state, or any entity incorporated, organized, created, or otherwise located in the state. 717.104 Traveler's checks and money orders. 717.105 Checks, drafts, and similar instruments issued or certified by banking and financial organizations. 717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations. 717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies. 717.108 Deposits held by utilities. 717.109 Refunds held by business associations. 717.1101 Stock and other intangible interests in business associations. 717.111 Property of business associations held in course of dissolution. 717.112 Property held by agents and fiduciaries. 717.113 Property held by courts and public agencies. 717.115 Wages. 717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository. 717.117 Report of abandoned property. 717.118 Notice and publication of lists of abandoned property. 717.119 Payment or delivery of abandoned property. 717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges. 717.122 Public sale of abandoned property. 717.123 Deposit of funds. 717.124 Filing of claim with department. 717.1241 Conflicting claims. 717.1243 Transfer of unclaimed property by operation of law. 717.125 Claim of another state to recover property; procedure. 717.129 Periods of limitation. 717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines. 717.135 Agreement to locate reported property. 717.137 Effect of new provisions; clarification of application. 732.107 Escheat.
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