HB 1007: Florida Statutes
Florida Statutes; amends, transfers & renumbers specified provisions; reenacts & repeals specified provisions pursuant to specific provision; deletes provisions that have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; replaces incorrect cross-references & citations; corrects grammatical, typographical, & like errors, etc. Amends FS.
Effective Date: 60 days after sine die
Last Action: 3/7/2003 House - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted SB 580 -HJ 00159; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 580 (Ch. 2003-1) -HJ 00159
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Last Action: 3/7/2003 House - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted SB 580 -HJ 00159; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 580 (Ch. 2003-1) -HJ 00159
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 3/2/2003 House • Prefiled
3/3/2003 House • Placed on Calendar
3/4/2003 House • Introduced, placed on Calendar -HJ 00084
3/7/2003 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted SB 580 -HJ 00159; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 580 (Ch. 2003-1) -HJ 00159
HB 1007, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/2/2003 at 11:17 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Policy Committee (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 580 Lee Similar Last Action: 4/1/2003 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2003-1 -SJ 00317
Location:Citations - Statutes (144)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 8.0001 Definitions. 20.12 Department of Banking and Finance. 20.13 Department of Insurance. 24.121 Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for public education. 27.710 Registry of attorneys applying to represent persons in postconviction capital collateral proceedings; certification of minimum requirements; appointment by trial court. 57.085 Waiver of prepayment of court costs and fees for indigent prisoners. 61.517 Temporary emergency jurisdiction. 106.07 Reports; certification and filing. 112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits. 112.191 Firefighters; death benefits. 119.07 Inspection, examination, and duplication of records; exemptions. 121.055 Senior Management Service Class. 154.01 County health department delivery system. 163.3177 Required and optional elements of comprehensive plan; studies and surveys. 163.31777 Public schools interlocal agreement. 196.1983 Charter school exemption from ad valorem taxes. 199.282 Penalties for violation of this chapter. 210.20 Employees and assistants; distribution of funds. 220.1501 Rulemaking authority to implement s. 220.15 243.20 Definitions. 267.173 Historic preservation in West Florida; goals; contracts for historic preservation; powers and duties. 288.1067 Confidentiality of records. 288.109 One-Stop Permitting System. 288.7091 Duties of the Florida Black Business Investment Board, Inc. 295.0185 Children of deceased or disabled military personnel who die or become disabled in Operation Enduring Freedom; educational opportunity. 316.640 Enforcement. 318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures. 322.051 Identification cards. 334.0445 Model career service classification and compensation plan. 335.14 Traffic control devices on State Highway System or State Park Road System; exemption for computerized traffic systems and control devices. 341.8201 Short title. 381.0068 Technical review and advisory panel. 381.0602 Organ Transplant Advisory Council; membership; responsibilities. 381.6021 Certification of organizations engaged in the practice of cadaveric organ and tissue procurement. 381.6022 Certification of organ procurement organizations, tissue banks, and eye banks. 381.60225 Background screening. 381.6023 Organ and Tissue Procurement and Transplantation Advisory Board; creation; duties. 381.6024 Fees; Florida Organ and Tissue Donor Education and Procurement Trust Fund. 381.6025 Physician supervision of cadaveric organ and tissue procurement coordinators. 381.6026 Procurement of cadaveric organs for transplant by out-of-state physicians. 395.2050 Routine inquiry for organ and tissue donation; certification for procurement activities; death records review. 400.0089 Agency reports. 400.191 Availability, distribution, and posting of reports and records. 400.23 Rules; evaluation and deficiencies; licensure status. 402.305 Licensing standards; child care facilities. 402.3131 Large family child care homes. 403.706 Local government solid waste responsibilities. 406.51 Disposition of unclaimed deceased veterans; contract requirements. 409.1451 Independent living transition services. 409.815 Health benefits coverage; limitations. 409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care. 411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions. 420.504 Public corporation; creation, membership, terms, expenses. 435.03 Level 1 screening standards. 440.102 Drug-free workplace program requirements. 440.15 Compensation for disability. 440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment. 445.0121 Student eligibility requirements for initial awards. 467.0125 Licensure by endorsement. 470.002 Definitions. 470.019 Disciplinary actions against direct disposers and direct disposal establishments. 470.036 Disciplinary proceedings. 489.510 Evidence of workers' compensation coverage. 496.404 Definitions. 499.033 Ephedrine; prescription required. 499.051 Inspections and investigations. 501.608 License or affidavit of exemption; occupational license. 507.05 Estimates and contracts for service. 517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices. 553.73 Florida Building Code. 562.11 Selling, giving, or serving alcoholic beverages to person under age 21; misrepresenting or misstating age or age of another to induce licensee to serve alcoholic beverages to person under 21; penalties. 562.111 Possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under age 21 prohibited. 624.04 "Person" defined. 624.303 Seal; certified copies as evidence. 624.313 Publications. 624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others. 624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees. 624.504 Liability for state, county tax. 624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments. 624.523 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund. 626.022 Scope of part. 626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents. 626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security. 626.321 Limited licenses. 626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative. 626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements. 626.7354 Customer representative's powers; agent's or agency's responsibility. 626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions. 626.753 Sharing commissions; penalty. 626.829 "Health agent" defined. 626.852 Scope of this part. 626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined. 627.3111 Public records exemption. 627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans. 628.255 Person with effective control cannot receive commission unless contract approved; penalties. 631.111 Order of liquidation; domestic insurers. 633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules. 634.171 Salesperson to be licensed and appointed. 634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives. 641.35 Assets, liabilities, and investments. 642.034 License and appointment required. 642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed. 642.045 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license and appointment of sales representative; departmental action upon violation by licensed insurance agent or solicitor. 648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination. 679.703 Security interest perfected before effective date. 679.704 Security interest unperfected before effective date. 765.5216 Organ and tissue donor education panel. 765.522 Duty of certain hospital administrators; liability of hospital administrators, organ procurement organizations, eye banks, and tissue banks. 765.53 765.541 765.542 765.543 765.544 765.545 765.546 768.16 Wrongful Death Act. 768.17 Legislative intent. 768.18 Definitions. 790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm. 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. 943.22 Salary incentive program for full-time officers. 943.66 Rules; Facilities Program, Capitol Police; traffic regulation. 945.355 HIV testing of inmates prior to release. 1000.01 The Florida K-20 education system; technical provisions. 1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect. 1004.22 Divisions of sponsored research at state universities. 1004.32 New College of Florida. 1004.45 Ringling Center for Cultural Arts. 1004.92 Purpose and responsibilities for career and technical education. 1008.35 Best financial management practices for school districts; standards; reviews; designation of school districts. 1009.40 General requirements for student eligibility for state financial aid. 1009.66 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program. 1009.74 The Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Program. 1010.07 Bonds or insurance required. 1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. 1011.94 Trust Fund for University Major Gifts. 1012.33 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and school principals. 1012.74 Florida educators professional liability insurance protection. 1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding. 1013.33 Coordination of planning with local governing bodies. 1013.35 School district educational facilities plan; definitions; preparation, adoption, and amendment; long-term work programs. 1013.356 Local funding for educational facilities benefit districts or community development districts. 1013.36 Site planning and selection. 1013.68 Classrooms First Program; uses.