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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 1821: Citrus


Citrus; amends permitted emissions limits; provides for DEP to develop, by specified deadline, management practices to prevent or minimize certain pollutants that are not specifically named in this section; provides specific contents of rules adopted by department; provides additional emissions limits; repeals provisions re citrus canker eradication & compensation to homeowners, etc. Amends 403.08725.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/2/2003 House - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/SB 1300; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1300 (Ch. 2003-144) -HJ 01098
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
4/7/2003 House • Filed
4/8/2003 House • Introduced -HJ 00363
4/10/2003 House • Referred to Agriculture; Natural Resources; Appropriations -HJ 00382
4/11/2003 House • On Committee agenda-- Agriculture, 04/15/03, 9:00 am, 214-C
4/15/2003 House • Favorable by Agriculture; YEAS 13 NAYS 0 -HJ 00399; Now in Natural Resources -HJ 00399; On Committee agenda-- Natural Resources, 04/15/03, 2:15 pm, 404-H; Favorable with CS amendment by Natural Resources; YEAS 13 NAYS 0 -HJ 00400
4/23/2003 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b); Now in Appropriations -HJ 00400
4/28/2003 House • Withdrawn from Appropriations -HJ 00703; Placed on Calendar
5/2/2003 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/SB 1300; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1300 (Ch. 2003-144) -HJ 01098