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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 35: Compensation/Emergency Responders

GENERAL BILL by Adams ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Allen ; Antone ; Barreiro ; Baxley ; Bendross-Mindingall ; Berfield ; Bilirakis ; Bogdanoff ; Bowen ; Brandenburg ; Bullard ; Cannon ; Carroll ; Coley ; Cretul ; Davis ; Domino ; Evers ; Farkas ; Flores ; Galvano ; Gannon ; Garcia ; Gelber ; Gibson ; Gibson ; Glorioso ; Goldstein ; Greenstein ; Grimsley ; Harrell ; Hays ; Henriquez ; Hukill ; Jennings ; Justice ; Kendrick ; Legg ; Llorente ; Lopez-Cantera ; Murzin ; Needelman ; Patterson ; Planas ; Porth ; Proctor ; Reagan ; Rice ; Richardson ; Rivera ; Robaina ; Roberson, Y ; Ryan ; Sands ; Sansom ; Sobel ; Sorensen ; Taylor, P ; Traviesa ; Williams, T. ; Zapata

Compensation/Emergency Responders; provides standard of proof for certain emergency response personnel with injury or disease caused by exposure to toxic substance; provides that any adverse result or complication re smallpox vaccinations is injury by accident arising out of employment for certain emergency response personnel; provides for continuation of permanent total supplemental benefits after age 62 for certain emergency response personnel, etc. Creates 112.18.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/6/2005 House - Died in Committee on Insurance (CC)
Bill Text: Web Page

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
11/30/2004 House • Filed
12/28/2004 House • Referred to State Administration Appropriations (FC); Domestic Security (SAC); Insurance (CC); Fiscal Council
3/8/2005 House • Introduced, referred to State Administration Appropriations (FC); Domestic Security (SAC); Insurance (CC); Fiscal Council -HJ 00015
3/16/2005 House • On Committee agenda-- State Administration Appropriations (FC), 03/18/05, 9:45 am, 12-H --Temporarily deferred
3/21/2005 House • On Committee agenda-- State Administration Appropriations (FC), 03/23/05, 4:15 pm, 12-H
3/23/2005 House • Favorable with CS amendment by State Administration Appropriations (FC); YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 00270
3/25/2005 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
3/28/2005 House • Now in Domestic Security (SAC) -HJ 00270; On Committee agenda-- Domestic Security (SAC), 03/30/05, 3:30 pm, 12-H
3/30/2005 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Domestic Security (SAC); YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -HJ 00365
4/4/2005 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b); Now in Insurance (CC) -HJ 00365
5/6/2005 House • Died in Committee on Insurance (CC)