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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 2116: Motor Vehicle Crash Victim/OGSR

PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Productivity ; Banking and Insurance

Motor Vehicle Crash Victim/OGSR; revises definition of "victim services programs" to include only organizations that are qualified for nonprofit status under s. 501(c)(3) of U.S. Internal Revenue Code & have valid consumer's certificate of exemption issued to organization by DOR; creates public-records exemption for uniform traffic citations re motor vehicle crash; provides for future review & repeal of exemption under OGSR Act, etc. Amends 316.003,.066, 324.051, 921.0022.

Effective Date: 10/01/2006
Last Action: 5/4/2006 Senate - Substituted HB 7035 -SJ 01033; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7035 (Ch. 2006-260)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/16/2006 Senate SPB 7110 submitted as a committee bill (SB 2116) by Banking and Insurance; Filed
3/3/2006 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Rules and Calendar; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/08/06, 9:00 am, 412-K --Workshop
3/7/2006 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00168; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/08/06, 9:00 am, 412-K --Workshop-Not considered
3/23/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/28/06, 2:00 pm, 412-K
3/28/2006 Senate • Favorable by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00327
3/29/2006 Senate • Now in Governmental Oversight and Productivity -SJ 00327
3/30/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Productivity, 04/04/06, 3:15 pm, 110-S
4/4/2006 Senate • CS by Governmental Oversight and Productivity; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 00398; CS read first time on 04/06/06 -SJ 00412
4/6/2006 Senate • Now in Rules and Calendar -SJ 00398
4/28/2006 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules and Calendar -SJ 00696; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
5/2/2006 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00827; Read second time -SJ 00805
5/4/2006 Senate • Substituted HB 7035 -SJ 01033; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7035 (Ch. 2006-260)