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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 492: Violent Video Games

GENERAL BILL by Judiciary ; Diaz de la Portilla ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) King ; Jones ; Bennett ; Smith ; Baker ; Alexander ; Atwater ; Dockery ; Fasano ; Crist ; Webster ; Sebesta ; Margolis ; Bullard ; Clary ; Posey ; Wilson ; Saunders ; Pruitt ; Lawson

Violent Video Games; prohibits person from selling or renting video game to minor, or allowing minor to play video game in video arcade, if such game has been labeled as violent video game; provides exceptions to prohibition; provides that having requested identification from person purchasing video game or playing such game in video arcade is affirmative defense to any action filed under act; provides that violation of act is a misdemeanor, etc.

Effective Date: 10/01/2006
Last Action: 5/5/2006 Senate - Died in Committee on Justice Appropriations
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
10/25/2005 Senate • Filed
11/10/2005 Senate • Referred to Commerce and Consumer Services; Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Justice Appropriations
12/29/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Consumer Services, 01/11/06, 9:00 am, 401-S
1/11/2006 Senate • Favorable by Commerce and Consumer Services; YEAS 7 NAYS 1; Now in Criminal Justice
1/31/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 02/08/06, 2:00 pm, 37-S --Temporarily postponed
3/3/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/08/06, 2:00 pm, 37-S
3/7/2006 Senate • Introduced, referred to Commerce and Consumer Services; Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Justice Appropriations -SJ 00074; On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Consumer Services, 01/11/06, 9:00 am, 401-S; Favorable by Commerce and Consumer Services; YEAS 7 NAYS 1 -SJ 00191; Now in Criminal Justice -SJ 00191; On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 02/08/06, 2:00 pm, 37-S --Temporarily postponed; On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/08/06, 2:00 pm, 37-S
3/8/2006 Senate • Favorable by Criminal Justice; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 00229
3/9/2006 Senate • Now in Judiciary -SJ 00229
3/24/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 03/29/06, 3:30 pm, 401-S --Temporarily postponed
3/30/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 04/04/06, 3:15 pm, 401-S
4/4/2006 Senate • CS by Judiciary; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00398; CS read first time on 04/06/06 -SJ 00401
4/6/2006 Senate • Now in Justice Appropriations -SJ 00398
5/5/2006 Senate • Died in Committee on Justice Appropriations