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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 1388: Intellectual Disabilities [SPSC]

GENERAL BILL by Criminal Justice ; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs ; Haridopolos ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Crist

Intellectual Disabilities [SPSC]; Amends specified provisions substituting the Arc of Florida for the Association for Retarded Citizens. Amends specified provisions substituting the term "intellectual disability" for the term "mental retardation." Revises definitions relating to intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled to delete unused terms. Provides a directive to the Division of Statutory Revision. Expresses legislative intent, etc.

Effective Date: 07/01/2010
Last Action: 4/30/2010 Senate - Died in Committee on Health and Human Services Appropriations
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    1/26/2010 Senate • Filed
    2/3/2010 Senate • Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Health and Human Services Appropriations
    3/2/2010 Senate • Introduced, referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Health and Human Services Appropriations -SJ 00098
    3/23/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 03/26/10, 8:00 am, 401-S
    3/26/2010 Senate • CS by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 00350; CS read 1st time on 03/30/10 -SJ 00356
    3/29/2010 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
    4/1/2010 Senate • Now in Criminal Justice -SJ 00350
    4/8/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 04/13/10, 9:30 am, 37-S
    4/13/2010 Senate • CS/CS by Criminal Justice; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 00552; CS read 1st time on 04/14/10 -SJ 00559
    4/14/2010 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
    4/15/2010 Senate • Original reference(s) removed: Judiciary; Now in Health and Human Services Appropriations -SJ 00643; On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 04/19/10, 1:00 pm, 110-S --If received
    4/30/2010 Senate • Died in Committee on Health and Human Services Appropriations

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  • CS/CS/SB 1388, Committee Substitute 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/14/2010 at 8:29 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Criminal Justice (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1600 Certification of Swimming Instructors [SPSC] Bullard Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Health Regulation

    Citations - Statutes (50)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.502 Notice, process, and service.
    40.013 Persons disqualified or excused from jury service.
    86.041 Actions by executors, administrators, trustees, etc.
    92.53 Videotaping of testimony of victim or witness under age 16 or person with mental retardation.
    92.54 Use of closed circuit television in proceedings involving victims or witnesses under the age of 16 or persons with mental retardation.
    92.55 Judicial or other proceedings involving victim or witness under the age of 16 or person with mental retardation; special protections.
    320.10 Exemptions.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    393.063 Definitions.
    393.11 Involuntary admission to residential services.
    394.455 Definitions.
    400.960 Definitions.
    408.032 Definitions relating to Health Facility and Services Development Act.
    409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers.
    413.20 Definitions.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    499.0054 Advertising and labeling of drugs, devices, and cosmetics; exemptions.
    514.072 Certification of swimming instructors for people who have developmental disabilities required.
    627.6041 Handicapped children; continuation of coverage.
    627.6615 Handicapped children; continuation of coverage under group policy.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    650.05 Plans for coverage of employees of political subdivisions.
    765.204 Capacity of principal; procedure.
    849.04 Permitting minors and persons under guardianship to gamble.
    914.16 Child abuse and sexual abuse of victims under age 16 or persons with mental retardation; limits on interviews.
    914.17 Appointment of advocate for victims or witnesses who are minors or persons with mental retardation.
    916.105 Legislative intent.
    916.106 Definitions.
    916.107 Rights of forensic clients.
    916.301 Appointment of experts.
    916.3012 Mental competence to proceed.
    916.302 Involuntary commitment of defendant determined to be incompetent to proceed.
    916.3025 Jurisdiction of committing court.
    916.303 Determination of incompetency due to retardation or autism; dismissal of charges.
    916.304 Conditional release.
    918.16 Sex offenses; testimony of person under age 16 or person with mental retardation; testimony of victim; courtroom cleared; exceptions.
    921.137 Imposition of the death sentence upon a defendant with mental retardation prohibited.
    941.38 Extradition of persons alleged to be of unsound mind.
    944.602 Agency notification before release of mentally retarded inmates.
    945.025 Jurisdiction of department.
    945.12 Transfers for rehabilitative treatment.
    945.42 Definitions; ss. 945.40-945.49.
    947.185 Application for mental retardation services as condition of parole.
    984.19 Medical screening and treatment of child; examination of parent, guardian, or person requesting custody.
    985.14 Intake and case management system.
    985.145 Responsibilities of juvenile probation officer during intake; screenings and assessments.
    985.18 Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment.
    985.19 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases.
    985.195 Transfer to other treatment services.
    985.61 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.

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  • CS/SB 1388, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/29/2010 at 8:49 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Committee Amendments (2)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    834628 - Amendment
    Criminal Justice
    12:43 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    184138 - Amendment
    Criminal Justice
    12:43 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute

    Committee Votes (1)

    Date Committee Result
    4/13/2010 9:30 AM Criminal Justice 5 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (50)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.502 Notice, process, and service.
    40.013 Persons disqualified or excused from jury service.
    86.041 Actions by executors, administrators, trustees, etc.
    92.53 Videotaping of testimony of victim or witness under age 16 or person with mental retardation.
    92.54 Use of closed circuit television in proceedings involving victims or witnesses under the age of 16 or persons with mental retardation.
    92.55 Judicial or other proceedings involving victim or witness under the age of 16 or person with mental retardation; special protections.
    320.10 Exemptions.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    393.063 Definitions.
    393.11 Involuntary admission to residential services.
    394.455 Definitions.
    400.960 Definitions.
    408.032 Definitions relating to Health Facility and Services Development Act.
    409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers.
    413.20 Definitions.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    499.0054 Advertising and labeling of drugs, devices, and cosmetics; exemptions.
    514.072 Certification of swimming instructors for people who have developmental disabilities required.
    627.6041 Handicapped children; continuation of coverage.
    627.6615 Handicapped children; continuation of coverage under group policy.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    650.05 Plans for coverage of employees of political subdivisions.
    765.204 Capacity of principal; procedure.
    849.04 Permitting minors and persons under guardianship to gamble.
    914.16 Child abuse and sexual abuse of victims under age 16 or persons with mental retardation; limits on interviews.
    914.17 Appointment of advocate for victims or witnesses who are minors or persons with mental retardation.
    916.105 Legislative intent.
    916.106 Definitions.
    916.107 Rights of forensic clients.
    916.301 Appointment of experts.
    916.3012 Mental competence to proceed.
    916.302 Involuntary commitment of defendant determined to be incompetent to proceed.
    916.3025 Jurisdiction of committing court.
    916.303 Determination of incompetency due to retardation or autism; dismissal of charges.
    916.304 Conditional release.
    918.16 Sex offenses; testimony of person under age 16 or person with mental retardation; testimony of victim; courtroom cleared; exceptions.
    921.137 Imposition of the death sentence upon a defendant with mental retardation prohibited.
    941.38 Extradition of persons alleged to be of unsound mind.
    944.602 Agency notification before release of mentally retarded inmates.
    945.025 Jurisdiction of department.
    945.12 Transfers for rehabilitative treatment.
    945.42 Definitions; ss. 945.40-945.49.
    947.185 Application for mental retardation services as condition of parole.
    984.19 Medical screening and treatment of child; examination of parent, guardian, or person requesting custody.
    985.14 Intake and case management system.
    985.145 Responsibilities of juvenile probation officer during intake; screenings and assessments.
    985.18 Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment.
    985.19 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases.
    985.195 Transfer to other treatment services.
    985.61 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.

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  • SB 1388, Original Filed Version Posted 1/26/2010 at 11:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Committee Amendments (4)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    770716 - Amendment
    Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
    7:03 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    422194 - Amendment
    Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
    7:03 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    193690 - Amendment
    Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
    7:03 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    704194 - Amendment
    Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
    7:03 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute

    Committee Votes (1)

    Date Committee Result
    3/26/2010 8:00 AM Children, Families, and Elder Affairs 6 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (47)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.502 Notice, process, and service.
    40.013 Persons disqualified or excused from jury service.
    86.041 Actions by executors, administrators, trustees, etc.
    92.53 Videotaping of testimony of victim or witness under age 16 or person with mental retardation.
    92.54 Use of closed circuit television in proceedings involving victims or witnesses under the age of 16 or persons with mental retardation.
    92.55 Judicial or other proceedings involving victim or witness under the age of 16 or person with mental retardation; special protections.
    320.10 Exemptions.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    393.063 Definitions.
    393.11 Involuntary admission to residential services.
    394.455 Definitions.
    400.960 Definitions.
    408.032 Definitions relating to Health Facility and Services Development Act.
    413.20 Definitions.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    499.0054 Advertising and labeling of drugs, devices, and cosmetics; exemptions.
    514.072 Certification of swimming instructors for people who have developmental disabilities required.
    627.6041 Handicapped children; continuation of coverage.
    627.6615 Handicapped children; continuation of coverage under group policy.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    650.05 Plans for coverage of employees of political subdivisions.
    765.204 Capacity of principal; procedure.
    849.04 Permitting minors and persons under guardianship to gamble.
    914.16 Child abuse and sexual abuse of victims under age 16 or persons with mental retardation; limits on interviews.
    914.17 Appointment of advocate for victims or witnesses who are minors or persons with mental retardation.
    916.105 Legislative intent.
    916.106 Definitions.
    916.301 Appointment of experts.
    916.3012 Mental competence to proceed.
    916.302 Involuntary commitment of defendant determined to be incompetent to proceed.
    916.3025 Jurisdiction of committing court.
    916.303 Determination of incompetency due to retardation or autism; dismissal of charges.
    916.304 Conditional release.
    921.137 Imposition of the death sentence upon a defendant with mental retardation prohibited.
    941.38 Extradition of persons alleged to be of unsound mind.
    944.602 Agency notification before release of mentally retarded inmates.
    945.025 Jurisdiction of department.
    945.12 Transfers for rehabilitative treatment.
    945.42 Definitions; ss. 945.40-945.49.
    947.185 Application for mental retardation services as condition of parole.
    984.19 Medical screening and treatment of child; examination of parent, guardian, or person requesting custody.
    985.14 Intake and case management system.
    985.145 Responsibilities of juvenile probation officer during intake; screenings and assessments.
    985.18 Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment.
    985.19 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases.
    985.195 Transfer to other treatment services.
    985.61 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.

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