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The Florida Senate

HB 1593: State Employment

GENERAL BILL by Williams

State Employment; Revises provisions relating to employment policy of state; revises rulemaking authority of DMS; revises & provides provisions relating to state agencies, ad hoc advisory committees, State Personnel System, state employees, telecommuting, collective bargaining, Select Exempt Service positions, civil service positions, Senior Management Services positions, other-personal-service employment, etc.

Effective Date: 07/01/2010
Last Action: 4/30/2010 House - Died in Committee on Governmental Affairs Policy (EDCA)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/2/2010 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00144
    3/10/2010 House • Referred to Governmental Affairs Policy (EDCA); Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council -HJ 00258
    4/30/2010 House • Died in Committee on Governmental Affairs Policy (EDCA)

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  • HB 1593, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/2/2010 at 10:10 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 2268 (c1) State Employment [GPSC] Ring Similar Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2)

    Citations - Statutes (197)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.13 Compensation of members.
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.21 Department of Revenue.
    20.23 Department of Transportation.
    20.255 Department of Environmental Protection.
    24.105 Powers and duties of department.
    24.122 Exemption from taxation; state preemption; inapplicability of other laws.
    30.071 Applicability and scope of act.
    43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, powers and duties.
    104.31 Political activities of state, county, and municipal officers and employees.
    106.24 Florida Elections Commission; membership; powers; duties.
    110.105 Employment policy of the state.
    110.1055 Rules and rulemaking authority.
    110.107 Definitions.
    110.1082 Telephone voice mail systems and telephone menu options systems.
    110.1091 Employee assistance programs; public records exemption.
    110.1099 Education and training opportunities for state employees.
    110.112 Affirmative action; equal employment opportunity.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    110.1128 Selective service registration.
    110.113 Pay periods for state officers and employees; salary payments by direct deposit.
    110.114 Employee wage deductions.
    110.115 Employees of historical commissions; other state employment permitted.
    110.1155 Travel to or conducting business with a country in the Western Hemisphere lacking diplomatic relations with the United States.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.1165 Executive branch personnel errors; limitation of actions for compensation.
    110.117 Paid holidays.
    110.118 Administrative leave for certain athletic competition.
    110.119 Administrative leave for reexamination or treatment with respect to service-connected disability.
    110.120 Administrative leave for disaster service volunteers.
    110.121 Sick leave pool.
    110.122 Terminal payment for accumulated sick leave.
    110.1221 Sexual harassment policy; executive agency rules.
    110.1225 Furloughs.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    110.1228 Participation by small counties, small municipalities, and district school boards located in small counties.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    110.12312 Open enrollment period for retirees.
    110.12315 Prescription drug program.
    110.1232 Health insurance coverage for persons retired under state-administered retirement systems before January 1, 1976, and for spouses.
    110.1234 Health insurance for retirees under the Florida Retirement System; Medicare supplement and fully insured coverage.
    110.1238 State group health insurance plans; refunds with respect to overcharges by providers.
    110.1239 State group health insurance program funding.
    110.124 Termination or transfer of employees aged 65 or older.
    110.1245 Savings sharing program; bonus payments; other awards.
    110.125 Administrative costs.
    110.126 Oaths, testimony, records.
    110.127 Penalties.
    110.129 Services to political subdivisions.
    110.131 Other-personal-services temporary employment.
    110.1315 Alternative benefits; other-personal-services employees.
    110.151 State officers' and employees' child care services.
    110.1521 Short title.
    110.1522 Model rule establishing family support personnel policies.
    110.1523 Adoption of model rule.
    110.161 State employees; pretax benefits program.
    110.171 State employee telecommuting program.
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    110.191 State employee leasing.
    110.201 Personnel rules, records, and reports.
    110.2035 Classification and compensation program.
    110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    110.21 Shared employment.
    110.211 Recruitment.
    110.213 Selection.
    110.2135 Preference in employment, reemployment, promotion, and retention.
    110.215 Examinations and other employment qualification assessments administered to persons having disabilities.
    110.217 Appointments and promotion.
    110.219 Attendance and leave; general policies.
    110.221 Parental or family medical leave.
    110.224 Public employee performance evaluation system.
    110.227 Suspensions, dismissals, reductions in pay, demotions, layoffs, transfers, and grievances.
    110.233 Political activities and unlawful acts prohibited.
    110.235 Training.
    110.401 Declaration of policy.
    110.402 Senior Management Service; creation, coverage.
    110.403 Powers and duties of the department.
    110.405 Advisory committees.
    110.406 Senior Management Service; data collection.
    110.501 Definitions.
    110.502 Scope of act; status of volunteers.
    110.503 Responsibilities of departments and agencies.
    110.504 Volunteer benefits.
    110.601 Declaration of policy.
    110.602 Selected Exempt Service; creation, coverage.
    110.603 Pay and benefits.
    110.604 Suspensions, dismissals, reductions in pay, demotions, and transfers.
    110.605 Powers and duties; personnel rules, records, reports, and performance appraisal.
    110.606 Selected Exempt Service; data collection.
    112.044 Public employers, employment agencies, labor organizations; discrimination based on age prohibited; exceptions; remedy.
    112.0805 Employer notice of insurance eligibility to employees who retire.
    112.313 Standards of conduct for public officers, employees of agencies, and local government attorneys.
    112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
    112.363 Retiree health insurance subsidy.
    121.021 Definitions.
    121.051 Participation in the system.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.35 Optional retirement program for the State University System.
    145.19 Annual percentage increases based on increase for state career service employees; limitation.
    216.011 Definitions.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    260.0125 Limitation on liability of private landowners whose property is designated as part of the statewide system of greenways and trails.
    287.175 Penalties.
    295.07 Preference in appointment and retention.
    295.09 Reinstatement or reemployment; promotion preference.
    296.04 Administrator; duties and qualifications; responsibilities.
    296.34 Administrator; qualifications, duties, and responsibilities.
    381.00315 Public health advisories; public health emergencies.
    381.85 Biomedical and social research.
    394.47865 South Florida State Hospital; privatization.
    402.3057 Persons not required to be refingerprinted or rescreened.
    402.55 Management fellows program.
    402.7305 Department of Children and Family Services; procurement of contractual services; contract management.
    402.731 Department of Children and Family Services certification programs for employees and service providers; employment provisions for transition to community-based care.
    409.1757 Persons not required to be refingerprinted or rescreened.
    409.9205 Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
    414.37 Public assistance overpayment recovery privatization; reemployment of laid-off career service employees.
    427.012 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged.
    447.203 Definitions.
    447.207 Commission; powers and duties.
    447.209 Public employer's rights.
    447.401 Grievance procedures.
    456.048 Financial responsibility requirements for certain health care practitioners.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    601.10 Powers of the Department of Citrus.
    624.307 General powers; duties.
    624.437 "Multiple-employer welfare arrangement" defined; certificate of authority required; penalty.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.649 Administrator.
    627.6498 Minimum benefits coverage; exclusions; premiums; deductibles.
    627.6617 Coverage for home health care services.
    627.6686 Coverage for individuals with autism spectrum disorder required; exception.
    943.0585 Court-ordered expunction of criminal history records.
    943.059 Court-ordered sealing of criminal history records.
    945.043 Department-operated day care services.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    1001.705 Responsibility for the State University System under s. 7, Art. IX of the State Constitution; legislative finding and intent.
    1001.706 Powers and duties of the Board of Governors.
    1001.74 Powers and duties of university boards of trustees.
    1002.36 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
    1012.62 Transfer of sick leave and annual leave.
    1012.79 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    1012.88 Community college police.

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