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The Florida Senate

HB 7237: Postsecondary Education [SPSC]

GENERAL BILL by Education Policy Council ; Weatherford ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Ambler ; McKeel

Postsecondary Education [SPSC]; Revises provisions relating to responsibility for State University System under State Constitution; revises powers & duties of Board of Governors; provides that board has authority to regulate State University System & may adopt regulation development procedure for board & university boards of trustees to use in implementing constitutional duties & responsibilities; creates Higher Education Coordinating Council, etc.

Effective Date: 07/01/2010
Last Action: 5/11/2010 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2010-78
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/16/2010 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00725; Referred to Calendar -HJ 00726
    4/22/2010 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -HJ 00913; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00914
    4/23/2010 House • Read 3rd time -HJ 01023; Passed as amended; YEAS 109 NAYS 0 -HJ 01024
    4/23/2010 Senate • In Messages; Received -SJ 00801; Referred to Higher Education; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means -SJ 00801
    4/27/2010 Senate • Withdrawn from Higher Education; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means -SJ 00904; Substituted for CS/CS/SB 1786 -SJ 00905; Read 2nd time -SJ 00905; Read 3rd time -SJ 00905; Passed; YEAS 37 NAYS 1 -SJ 00905
    4/27/2010 House • Ordered enrolled -HJ 01178
    4/30/2010 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor -HJ 01700
    5/11/2010 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2010-78

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  • HB 7237, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/28/2010 at 12:48 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (3)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1786 (c2) Postsecondary Education [SPSC] Oelrich Similar Last Action: 4/27/2010 S Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00903; Amendment(s) adopted (611744, 369372) -SJ 00904; Substituted HB 7237 -SJ 00904; Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 7237 (Ch. 2010-78) -SJ 00904
    S 1344 (e1) Higher Education [WPSC] Lynn Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Senate, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5201 (Ch. 2010-155), HB 7237 (Ch. 2010-78)
    S 2442 (c2) State University System [SPSC] Lynn Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 7237 (Ch. 2010-78)

    Citations - Statutes (44)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    282.0041 Definitions.
    282.703 SUNCOM Network; exemptions from the required use.
    282.706 Use of SUNCOM Network by libraries.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of access required.
    1001.705 Responsibility for the State University System under s. 7, Art. IX of the State Constitution; legislative finding and intent.
    1001.706 Powers and duties of the Board of Governors.
    1001.72 University boards of trustees; boards to constitute a corporation.
    1001.74 Powers and duties of university boards of trustees.
    1004.03 Program approval.
    1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect.
    1004.21 State universities; general provisions.
    1004.22 Divisions of sponsored research at state universities.
    1004.38 Master of science program in speech-language pathology; Florida International University.
    1004.381 Nursing degree program at University of West Florida.
    1004.3811 Master of science degree programs in nursing and social work at the University of West Florida.
    1004.382 Master's in social work program at Florida Atlantic University.
    1004.383 Chiropractic medicine degree program at Florida State University.
    1004.386 Long-term care administration degree program at Florida Gulf Coast University.
    1004.64 Florida Gulf Coast University School of Engineering authorized; bachelor's degrees authorized.
    1006.54 Universities; public documents distributed to libraries.
    1006.60 Codes of conduct; disciplinary measures; rulemaking authority.
    1006.65 Safety issues in courses offered by public postsecondary educational institutions.
    1007.264 Persons with disabilities; admission to postsecondary educational institutions; substitute requirements; rules.
    1007.265 Persons with disabilities; graduation, study program admission, and upper-division entry; substitute requirements; rules.
    1009.24 State university student fees.
    1009.26 Fee waivers.
    1010.04 Purchasing.
    1010.62 Revenue bonds and debt.
    1011.43 Investment of university agency and activity funds; earnings used for scholarships.
    1011.90 State university funding.
    1013.02 Purpose; rules.
    1013.10 Use of buildings and grounds.
    1013.12 Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property.
    1013.28 Disposal of property.
    1013.30 University campus master plans and campus development agreements.
    1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding.
    1013.47 Substance of contract; contractors to give bond; penalties.
    1013.74 University authorization for fixed capital outlay projects.

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  • HB 7237, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/22/2010 at 9:06 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/23/2010 3:32 PM House 109 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/27/2010 4:29 PM Senate 37 Yeas - 1 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (44)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    282.0041 Definitions.
    282.703 SUNCOM Network; exemptions from the required use.
    282.706 Use of SUNCOM Network by libraries.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of access required.
    1001.705 Responsibility for the State University System under s. 7, Art. IX of the State Constitution; legislative finding and intent.
    1001.706 Powers and duties of the Board of Governors.
    1001.72 University boards of trustees; boards to constitute a corporation.
    1001.74 Powers and duties of university boards of trustees.
    1004.03 Program approval.
    1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect.
    1004.21 State universities; general provisions.
    1004.22 Divisions of sponsored research at state universities.
    1004.38 Master of science program in speech-language pathology; Florida International University.
    1004.381 Nursing degree program at University of West Florida.
    1004.3811 Master of science degree programs in nursing and social work at the University of West Florida.
    1004.382 Master's in social work program at Florida Atlantic University.
    1004.383 Chiropractic medicine degree program at Florida State University.
    1004.386 Long-term care administration degree program at Florida Gulf Coast University.
    1004.64 Florida Gulf Coast University School of Engineering authorized; bachelor's degrees authorized.
    1006.54 Universities; public documents distributed to libraries.
    1006.60 Codes of conduct; disciplinary measures; rulemaking authority.
    1006.65 Safety issues in courses offered by public postsecondary educational institutions.
    1007.264 Persons with disabilities; admission to postsecondary educational institutions; substitute requirements; rules.
    1007.265 Persons with disabilities; graduation, study program admission, and upper-division entry; substitute requirements; rules.
    1009.24 State university student fees.
    1009.26 Fee waivers.
    1010.04 Purchasing.
    1010.62 Revenue bonds and debt.
    1011.43 Investment of university agency and activity funds; earnings used for scholarships.
    1011.90 State university funding.
    1013.02 Purpose; rules.
    1013.10 Use of buildings and grounds.
    1013.12 Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property.
    1013.28 Disposal of property.
    1013.30 University campus master plans and campus development agreements.
    1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding.
    1013.47 Substance of contract; contractors to give bond; penalties.
    1013.74 University authorization for fixed capital outlay projects.

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  • HB 7237, Original Filed Version Posted 4/16/2010 at 2:09 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Education Policy Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Education Policy Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    742699 - Amendment
    McKeel 4/21/2010
    9:54 AM

    Citations - Statutes (44)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.
    282.0041 Definitions.
    282.703 SUNCOM Network; exemptions from the required use.
    282.706 Use of SUNCOM Network by libraries.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of access required.
    1001.705 Responsibility for the State University System under s. 7, Art. IX of the State Constitution; legislative finding and intent.
    1001.706 Powers and duties of the Board of Governors.
    1001.72 University boards of trustees; boards to constitute a corporation.
    1001.74 Powers and duties of university boards of trustees.
    1004.03 Program approval.
    1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect.
    1004.21 State universities; general provisions.
    1004.22 Divisions of sponsored research at state universities.
    1004.38 Master of science program in speech-language pathology; Florida International University.
    1004.381 Nursing degree program at University of West Florida.
    1004.3811 Master of science degree programs in nursing and social work at the University of West Florida.
    1004.382 Master's in social work program at Florida Atlantic University.
    1004.383 Chiropractic medicine degree program at Florida State University.
    1004.386 Long-term care administration degree program at Florida Gulf Coast University.
    1004.64 Florida Gulf Coast University School of Engineering authorized; bachelor's degrees authorized.
    1006.54 Universities; public documents distributed to libraries.
    1006.60 Codes of conduct; disciplinary measures; rulemaking authority.
    1006.65 Safety issues in courses offered by public postsecondary educational institutions.
    1007.264 Persons with disabilities; admission to postsecondary educational institutions; substitute requirements; rules.
    1007.265 Persons with disabilities; graduation, study program admission, and upper-division entry; substitute requirements; rules.
    1009.24 State university student fees.
    1009.26 Fee waivers.
    1010.04 Purchasing.
    1010.62 Revenue bonds and debt.
    1011.43 Investment of university agency and activity funds; earnings used for scholarships.
    1011.90 State university funding.
    1013.02 Purpose; rules.
    1013.10 Use of buildings and grounds.
    1013.12 Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property.
    1013.28 Disposal of property.
    1013.30 University campus master plans and campus development agreements.
    1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding.
    1013.47 Substance of contract; contractors to give bond; penalties.
    1013.74 University authorization for fixed capital outlay projects.

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