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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 2088: Ethics

GENERAL BILL by Rules ; Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections ; Rules ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz

Ethics; Provides for qualified blind trusts. Prohibits the trustee from disclosing certain information to the public officer or other persons having a beneficial interest in the trust. Requires the public officer to provide notice and specified information to the Commission on Ethics. Prohibits a member of the Legislature from voting upon any legislation inuring to his or her special private gain or loss, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2011
Last Action: 5/7/2011 Senate - Died in Budget, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1355 (Ch. 2011-40)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE)
  2. Rules (RC)
  3. Budget (BC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/30/2011 Senate SPB 7224 submitted as a committee bill (SB 2088) by Rules
• Filed
• Referred to Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections; Rules; Budget -SJ 312
• Introduced -SJ 312
• On Committee agenda-- Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections, 04/04/11, 8:30 am, 412 Knott Building
4/4/2011 Senate • CS by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -SJ 324
4/5/2011 Senate • Now in Rules -SJ 324
• CS by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections read 1st time -SJ 354
4/12/2011 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Rules, 04/15/11, 9:15 am, 110 Senate Office Building --Temporarily Postponed
4/21/2011 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Rules, 04/26/11, 1:00 pm, 110 Senate Office Building
4/26/2011 Senate • CS/CS by Rules; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -SJ 541
4/27/2011 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
• Now in Budget -SJ 541
• CS/CS by Rules read 1st time -SJ 543
5/7/2011 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Budget, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1355 (Ch. 2011-40)