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The Florida Senate

SB 1380: Florida Election Code


Florida Election Code; Removing an exception to contribution or expenditure restrictions that authorizes an affiliated party committee or political party to make an expenditure to jointly endorse three or more candidates; prohibiting the transfer of funds or contributions between electioneering communications organizations, political committees, and political parties; authorizing the Florida Elections Commission to conduct audits of reports and statements required under ch. 106, F.S., etc.

Effective Date: 10/1/2015
Last Action: 5/1/2015 Senate - Died in Ethics and Elections
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Ethics and Elections (EE)
  2. Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government (AGG)
  3. Appropriations (AP)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/25/2015 Senate • Filed
3/2/2015 Senate • Referred to Ethics and Elections; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 130
3/3/2015 Senate • Introduced -SJ 130
5/1/2015 Senate • Died in Ethics and Elections