HB 7011: Florida Statutes
REVISER'S/GENERAL BILL by Rules Committee ; Chaney
Florida Statutes; Deletes provisions that have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; replaces incorrect cross-references & citations; corrects grammatical, typographical, & like errors; removes inconsistencies, redundancies, & unnecessary repetition in statutes; & improves clarity of statutes & facilitates their correct interpretation.
Effective Date: on the 60th day after adjournment sine die of the session of the Legislature in which enacted
Last Action: 3/16/2023 House - Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 32 (Ch. 2023-8)
Bill Text: PDF
Last Action: 3/16/2023 House - Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 32 (Ch. 2023-8)
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/23/2023 House • Filed
2/28/2023 House • Bill referred to House Calendar
3/7/2023 House • 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
• Added to Second Reading Calendar
3/13/2023 House • Bill added to Special Order Calendar (3/16/2023)
3/16/2023 House • Substituted SB 32
• Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 32 (Ch. 2023-8)
HB 7011, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/23/2023 at 9:48 AM
Bill Text: PDF Analyses: Rules Committee (Post-Meeting) 5/23/2023 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 32 (er) Florida Statutes Mayfield Identical Last Action: 3/27/2023 Chapter No. 2023-8 Citations - Statutes (175)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 8.0001 Definitions. 10.201 Official census for apportionment; definitions. 11.45 Definitions; duties; authorities; reports; rules. 14.2019 Statewide Office for Suicide Prevention. 16.71 Florida Gaming Control Commission; creation; meetings; membership. 16.713 Florida Gaming Control Commission; appointment and employment restrictions. 16.715 Florida Gaming Control Commission standards of conduct; ex parte communications. 20.03 Definitions. 22.03 Definitions. 23.21 Definitions. 24.103 Definitions. 28.2457 Mandatory monetary assessments. 39.0016 Education of abused, neglected, and abandoned children; agency agreements; children having or suspected of having a disability. 39.101 Central abuse hotline. 44.1011 Definitions. 45.011 Definitions. 61.046 Definitions. 83.43 Definitions. 83.803 Definitions. 90.5015 Journalist’s privilege. 90.801 Hearsay; definitions; exceptions. 97.021 Definitions. 98.065 Registration list maintenance programs. 101.019 Ranked-choice voting prohibited. 101.292 Definitions; ss. 101.292-101.295. 101.69 Voting in person; return of vote-by-mail ballot. 106.08 Contributions; limitations on. 110.123 State group insurance program. 110.501 Definitions. 112.044 Public employers, employment agencies, labor organizations; discrimination based on age prohibited; exceptions; remedy. 112.0455 Drug-Free Workplace Act. 112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons; statewide travel management system. 112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits. 112.26 Definitions. 112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial interests. 112.3187 Adverse action against employee for disclosing information of specified nature prohibited; employee remedy and relief. 112.352 Definitions. 112.353 Purpose of act. 112.361 Additional and updated supplemental retirement benefits. 112.625 Definitions. 116.34 Facsimile signatures. 121.021 Definitions. 121.051 Participation in the system. 125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement. 125.488 Ordinances, regulations, and policies concerning temporary underground power panels. 159.47 Powers of the authority. 163.32051 Floating solar facilities. 166.0484 Ordinances, regulations, and policies concerning temporary underground power panels. 175.261 Annual report to Division of Retirement; actuarial valuations. 185.221 Annual report to Division of Retirement; actuarial valuations. 205.022 Definitions. 215.5551 Reinsurance to Assist Policyholders program. 216.011 Definitions. 251.001 Florida State Guard Act. 252.35 Emergency management powers; Division of Emergency Management. 282.319 Florida Cybersecurity Advisory Council. 287.012 Definitions. 287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services. 288.101 Florida Job Growth Grant Fund. 288.9625 Institute for Commercialization of Florida Technology. 290.007 State incentives available in enterprise zones. 295.0185 Children of deceased or disabled military personnel who die or become disabled in Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom; educational opportunity. 295.061 Active duty servicemembers; death benefits. 322.051 Identification cards. 322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees. 327.371 Human-powered vessels regulated. 327.4108 Anchoring of vessels in anchoring limitation areas. 331.303 Definitions. 331.3101 Space Florida; travel and entertainment expenses. 332.0075 Commercial service airports; transparency and accountability; penalty. 337.023 Sale of building; acceptance of replacement building. 348.0305 Ethics requirements. 373.0363 Southern Water Use Caution Area Recovery Strategy. 377.814 Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy Program. 379.2273 Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative; Initiative Technology Advisory Council. 381.00319 Prohibition on COVID-19 vaccination mandates for students. 381.0065 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; regulation. 383.145 Newborn and infant hearing screening. 394.4573 Coordinated system of care; annual assessment; essential elements; measures of performance; system improvement grants; reports. 394.459 Rights of patients. 394.9086 Commission on Mental Health and Substance Abuse. 395.1041 Access to and ensurance of emergency services; transfers; patient rights; diversion programs; reports of controlled substance overdoses. 395.1065 Criminal and administrative penalties; moratorium. 400.141 Administration and management of nursing home facilities. 401.23 Definitions. 409.1465 Grants to address the needs of fathers. 409.147 Children’s initiatives. 409.1664 Adoption benefits for qualifying adoptive employees of state agencies, veterans, servicemembers, and law enforcement officers. 409.2557 State agency for administering child support enforcement program. 409.2564 Actions for support. 409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care. 414.1251 Learnfare program. 415.102 Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.101-415.113. 440.02 Definitions. 440.14 Determination of pay. 440.151 Occupational diseases. 440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated. 440.525 Examination and investigation of carriers and claims-handling entities. 455.32 Management Privatization Act. 456.048 Financial responsibility requirements for certain health care practitioners. 456.076 Impaired practitioner programs. 468.603 Definitions. 471.038 Florida Engineers Management Corporation. 491.003 Definitions. 491.0045 Intern registration; requirements. 491.009 Discipline. 497.260 Cemeteries; exemption; investigation and mediation. 550.002 Definitions. 550.01215 License application; periods of operation; license fees; bond. 550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders’ and owners’ awards. 553.895 Firesafety. 560.141 License application. 624.36 Coverage of and access to behavioral health care services; complaints; reporting. 626.321 Limited licenses and registration. 626.9891 Insurer anti-fraud investigative units; reporting requirements; penalties for noncompliance. 695.031 Affidavits and acknowledgments by members of armed forces and their spouses. 705.101 Definitions. 718.501 Authority, responsibility, and duties of Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes. 719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes. 720.304 Right of owners to peaceably assemble; display of flag; SLAPP suits prohibited. 741.313 Unlawful action against employees seeking protection. 744.2111 Confidentiality. 766.105 Florida Patient’s Compensation Fund. 768.28 Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; civil liability for damages caused during a riot; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs. 796.07 Prohibiting prostitution and related acts. 815.062 Offenses against governmental entities. 907.044 Annual study of pretrial release program effectiveness and cost efficiency. 943.10 Definitions; ss. 943.085-943.255. 943.13 Officers’ minimum qualifications for employment or appointment. 946.502 Legislative intent with respect to operation of correctional work programs. 951.23 County and municipal detention facilities; definitions; administration; standards and requirements. 960.0021 Legislative intent; advisement to victims. 961.06 Compensation for wrongful incarceration. 985.26 Length of detention. 1000.21 Systemwide definitions. 1001.11 Commissioner of Education; other duties. 1001.60 Florida College System. 1002.01 Definitions. 1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights. 1002.3105 Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL) options. 1002.33 Charter schools. 1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. 1002.394 The Family Empowerment Scholarship Program. 1002.42 Private schools. 1002.43 Private tutoring programs. 1002.455 Student eligibility for K-12 virtual instruction. 1003.01 Definitions. 1003.03 Maximum class size. 1003.21 School attendance. 1003.26 Enforcement of school attendance. 1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma. 1003.485 The New Worlds Reading Initiative. 1003.52 Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs. 1003.573 Seclusion and restraint of students with disabilities in public schools. 1003.575 Assistive technology devices; findings; interagency agreements. 1004.22 Divisions of sponsored research at state universities. 1004.43 H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute. 1004.447 Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Inc. 1004.648 Florida Energy Systems Consortium. 1004.6496 Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education. 1004.65 Florida College System institutions; governance, mission, and responsibilities. 1004.79 Incubator facilities for small business concerns. 1006.0626 Care of students with epilepsy or seizure disorders. 1006.07 District school board duties relating to student discipline and school safety. 1006.1493 Florida Safe Schools Assessment Tool. 1006.28 Duties of district school board, district school superintendent; and school principal regarding K-12 instructional materials. 1006.73 Florida Postsecondary Academic Library Network. 1007.33 Site-determined baccalaureate degree access. 1008.24 Test administration and security; public records exemption. 1008.47 Postsecondary education institution accreditation. 1009.21 Determination of resident status for tuition purposes. 1009.286 Additional student payment for hours exceeding baccalaureate degree program completion requirements at state universities. 1009.89 The William L. Boyd, IV, Effective Access to Student Education grants. 1009.895 Open Door Grant Program. 1012.2315 Assignment of teachers.