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The Florida Senate

SB 840: Prosecuting Children as Adults


Prosecuting Children as Adults; Prohibiting a jail or other facility intended or used for the detention of adults from holding a child who has been transferred to adult court for criminal prosecution before a specified hearing to determine if the child should be prosecuted as an adult, unless the child waives his or her right to such hearing; deleting provisions requiring a state attorney to request a court to transfer and certify a child for prosecution as an adult or to provide written reasons to the court for not making such request, or to proceed under specified provision; requiring that the child or the child’s parent or guardian receive a due process evidentiary hearing; requiring the judge to conduct the hearing within a certain timeframe, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2023
Last Action: 5/5/2023 Senate - Died in Criminal Justice
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Criminal Justice (CJ)
  2. Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice (ACJ)
  3. Fiscal Policy (FP)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/15/2023 Senate • Filed
2/23/2023 Senate • Referred to Criminal Justice; Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Fiscal Policy
3/7/2023 Senate • Introduced
5/5/2023 Senate • Died in Criminal Justice