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The Florida Senate

HB 5001: General Appropriations Act

GENERAL BILL by Appropriations Committee ; Leek ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Botana ; Fabricio ; Trabulsy

General Appropriations Act; Provides moneys for annual period beginning July 1, 2024, & ending June 30, 2025, & supplemental appropriations for period ending June 30, 2024, to pay salaries & other expenses, capital outlay—buildings & other improvements, & for other specified purposes of various agencies of state government. APPROPRIATION: $117,463,274,374

Effective Date: Except as otherwise provided herein, this act shall take effect July 1, 2024, or upon becoming law, whichever occurs later; however, if this act becomes law after July 1, 2024, then it shall operate retroactively to July 1, 2024.
Last Action: 1/27/2025 Senate - Line Item Veto (2803) overridden; YEAS 36 NAYS 1 -SJ 4
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/1/2024 House • Filed
    • Bill referred to House Calendar
    • Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/7/2024)
    • 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
    2/7/2024 House • Read 2nd time
    • Amendment 990004 Failed
    • Amendment 990005 Failed
    • Placed on 3rd reading
    • Added to Third Reading Calendar
    2/8/2024 House • Read 3rd time
    • Passed; YEAS 112, NAYS 2
    • Requests that the Senate pass the bill as passed by the House or agree to include the bill in the Budget Conference
    2/8/2024 Senate • In Messages
    • Received -SJ 322
    • Referred to Appropriations
    • Withdrawn from Appropriations -SJ 322
    • Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
    • Substituted for SB 2500 -SJ 322
    • Read 2nd time -SJ 322
    • Amendment(s) adopted (404304) -SJ 322
    • Read 3rd time -SJ 322
    • Passed as amended; YEAS 38 NAYS 0 -SJ 322
    • The Senate having refused to pass the bill as passed by the House, acceded to the request for a conference -SJ 323
    • Immediately certified -SJ 323
    2/8/2024 House • In Messages
    2/26/2024 House • Bill placed in Conference (Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations)
    • Conference Committee appointed
    2/26/2024 Senate • Bill placed in Conference (Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations)
    • Conference Committee appointed: Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations: Broxson (Chair), Albritton (At Large), Baxley (At Large), Book (At Large), Hutson (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Perry (At Large), Rouson (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Agriculture, Environment, And General Government/Agriculture and Natural Resources: Brodeur (Chair), Berman, Boyd, Garcia, Grall, Mayfield, Osgood, Polsky, Rodriguez, Trumbull, Albritton (At Large), Baxley (At Large), Book (At Large), Hutson (At Large), Perry (At Large), Rouson (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Agriculture, Environment, And General Government/State Administration and Technology: Brodeur (Chair), Berman, Boyd, Garcia, Grall, Mayfield, Osgood, Polsky, Rodriguez, Trumbull, Albritton (At Large), Baxley (At Large), Book (At Large), Hutson (At Large), Perry (At Large), Rouson (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Criminal And Civil Justice/Justice: Bradley (Chair), Baxley, Burgess, Hooper, Martin, Pizzo, Powell, Rouson, Torres, Yarborough, Albritton (At Large), Book (At Large), Hutson (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Perry (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Education/Higher Education: Perry (Chair), Calatayud, Collins, Davis, Harrell, Hutson, Jones, Simon, Albritton (At Large), Baxley (At Large), Book (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Rouson (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Education/PreK-12: Perry (Chair), Calatayud, Collins, Davis, Harrell, Hutson, Jones, Simon, Albritton (At Large), Baxley (At Large), Book (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Rouson (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Health And Human Services/Health Care: Harrell (Chair), Avila, Baxley, Book, Brodeur, Burgess, Burton, Davis, Garcia, Gruters, Rouson, Simon, Albritton (At Large), Hutson (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Perry (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee On Transportation, Tourism, And Economic Development/Infrastructure and Tourism: Hooper (Chair), DiCeglie, Stewart, Thompson, Trumbull, Wright, Yarborough, Albritton (At Large), Baxley (At Large), Book (At Large), Hutson (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Perry (At Large), Rouson (At Large);
    3/8/2024 House • Added to Conference Report Calendar
    • Conference Committee Report considered
    • Amendment 128545 adopted
    • Conference Committee Report adopted
    • Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 105, NAYS 3
    3/8/2024 Senate • In returning messages
    • Conference Committee Report received -SJ 1033
    • Conference Committee Report adopted (128545) -SJ 1292
    • Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 1292
    3/8/2024 House • Ordered enrolled
    • In Messages
    6/12/2024 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    • Governor vetoed specific Line Item(s)
    • Approved by Governor
    6/14/2024 • Chapter No. 2024-231; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), SB 2518 (Ch. 2024-227)
    7/10/2024 House • Line Item Veto Message received
    1/27/2025 House • Recommended override veto of special appropriation 2802
    • Veto overridden; YEAS 111, NAYS 0
    • Recommended override veto of special appropriation 2803
    • Veto overridden; YEAS 111, NAYS 0
    1/27/2025 Senate • In Messages
    • Veto Message referred to Rules -SJ 3
    • Withdrawn from- Rules -SJ 3
    • Line Item Veto (2802) overridden; YEAS 35 NAYS 1 -SJ 3
    • Line Item Veto (2803) overridden; YEAS 36 NAYS 1 -SJ 4

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  • HB 5001, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/11/2024 at 4:04 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations 1/27/2025 (pdf)
    Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations 1/27/2025 (pdf)

    Related Bills (22)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 2500 (e1) Appropriations Appropriations Similar Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), SB 2518 (Ch. 2024-227) -SJ 322
    H 83 (er) Trust Funds/Re-creation/State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund/DOC Lopez Compare Last Action: 3/22/2024 Chapter No. 2024-26; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 151 (er) Florida Retirement System Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 4/16/2024 Chapter No. 2024-92; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5003 (er) Implementing the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-228; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5005 (er) Collective Bargaining Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-229; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5007 Compensation of Elected Officers and Judges Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 H Died in Conference Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5101 (er) Education PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-230; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5201 (er) Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/FGCC State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/22/2024 Chapter No. 2024-37; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5203 (er) Property Seized by the Florida Gaming Control Commission State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 4/3/2024 Chapter No. 2024-55; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5301 Medicaid Supplemental Payment Programs Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 H Died in Conference Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5401 (er) Judges Justice Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 5/17/2024 Chapter No. 2024-194; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 520 State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund Bradley Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 349
    S 2502 Implementing the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), SB 364 (Ch. 2024-166) -SJ 328
    S 2504 State Employees Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229) -SJ 346
    S 2506 Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/Florida Gaming Control Commission Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 348
    S 2508 Seized Property Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 348
    S 2510 Trust Funds/Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Trust Fund/Department of Corrections Appropriations Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 2512 Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Appropriations Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 2514 Judges Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 350
    S 2516 Education Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), CS/SB 7032 (Ch. 2024-161) -SJ 352
    S 2518 (er) Health and Human Services Appropriations Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-227, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), CS/SB 7016 (Ch. 2024-15)
    S 7024 Employer Contributions to Fund Retiree Benefits Governmental Oversight and Accountability Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 347

    Floor Votes (4)

    Date Chamber Result
    1/27/2025 11:01 AM House 111 Yeas - 0 Nays
    1/27/2025 11:03 AM House 111 Yeas - 0 Nays
    1/27/2025 11:23 AM Senate 35 Yeas - 1 Nays
    1/27/2025 11:25 AM Senate 36 Yeas - 1 Nays

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  • HB 5001, Engrossed 1 Posted 3/11/2024 at 1:29 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (22)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 2500 (e1) Appropriations Appropriations Similar Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), SB 2518 (Ch. 2024-227) -SJ 322
    H 83 (er) Trust Funds/Re-creation/State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund/DOC Lopez Compare Last Action: 3/22/2024 Chapter No. 2024-26; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 151 (c1) Florida Retirement System Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 4/16/2024 Chapter No. 2024-92; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5003 Implementing the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-228; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5005 Collective Bargaining Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-229; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5007 Compensation of Elected Officers and Judges Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 H Died in Conference Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5101 Education PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-230; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5201 (er) Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/FGCC State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/22/2024 Chapter No. 2024-37; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5203 (er) Property Seized by the Florida Gaming Control Commission State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 4/3/2024 Chapter No. 2024-55; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5301 Medicaid Supplemental Payment Programs Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 H Died in Conference Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5401 Judges Justice Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 5/17/2024 Chapter No. 2024-194; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 520 State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund Bradley Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 349
    S 2502 Implementing the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), SB 364 (Ch. 2024-166) -SJ 328
    S 2504 State Employees Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229) -SJ 346
    S 2506 Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/Florida Gaming Control Commission Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 348
    S 2508 Seized Property Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 348
    S 2510 Trust Funds/Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Trust Fund/Department of Corrections Appropriations Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 2512 Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Appropriations Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 2514 Judges Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 350
    S 2516 Education Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), CS/SB 7032 (Ch. 2024-161) -SJ 352
    S 2518 (er) Health and Human Services Appropriations Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-227, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), CS/SB 7016 (Ch. 2024-15)
    S 7024 Employer Contributions to Fund Retiree Benefits Governmental Oversight and Accountability Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 347

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 5001, Original Filed Version Posted 2/1/2024 at 9:46 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations 3/5/2024 (pdf)

    Related Bills (22)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 2500 (e1) Appropriations Appropriations Similar Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), SB 2518 (Ch. 2024-227) -SJ 322
    H 83 (er) Trust Funds/Re-creation/State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund/DOC Lopez Compare Last Action: 3/22/2024 Chapter No. 2024-26; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 151 (c1) Florida Retirement System Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 4/16/2024 Chapter No. 2024-92; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5003 Implementing the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-228; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5005 Collective Bargaining Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-229; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5007 Compensation of Elected Officers and Judges Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 H Died in Conference Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5101 Education PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-230; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5201 (er) Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/FGCC State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/22/2024 Chapter No. 2024-37; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5203 (er) Property Seized by the Florida Gaming Control Commission State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 4/3/2024 Chapter No. 2024-55; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5301 Medicaid Supplemental Payment Programs Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 H Died in Conference Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    H 5401 Judges Justice Appropriations Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 5/17/2024 Chapter No. 2024-194; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 520 State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund Bradley Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 83 (Ch. 2024-26), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 349
    S 2502 Implementing the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5003 (Ch. 2024-228), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), SB 364 (Ch. 2024-166) -SJ 328
    S 2504 State Employees Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5005 (Ch. 2024-229) -SJ 346
    S 2506 Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/Florida Gaming Control Commission Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5201 (Ch. 2024-37), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 348
    S 2508 Seized Property Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5203 (Ch. 2024-55), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 348
    S 2510 Trust Funds/Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Trust Fund/Department of Corrections Appropriations Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 2512 Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Appropriations Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231)
    S 2514 Judges Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5401 (Ch. 2024-194), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 350
    S 2516 Education Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), HB 5101 (Ch. 2024-230), CS/SB 7032 (Ch. 2024-161) -SJ 352
    S 2518 (er) Health and Human Services Appropriations Compare Last Action: 6/13/2024 Chapter No. 2024-227, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231), CS/SB 7016 (Ch. 2024-15)
    S 7024 Employer Contributions to Fund Retiree Benefits Governmental Oversight and Accountability Compare Last Action: 2/8/2024 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 151 (Ch. 2024-92), HB 5001 (Ch. 2024-231) -SJ 347

    Floor Amendments (4)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    404304 - Amendment (Delete All)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Broxson 2/8/2024
    3:16 PM
    Senate: Receded
    Web Page
    990004 - Amendment
    Joseph 2/6/2024
    9:48 AM
    House: Failed
    Web Page
    990005 - Amendment
    Joseph 2/6/2024
    9:48 AM
    House: Failed
    Web Page
    128545 - Conference Committee Amendment
    Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Leek 3/5/2024
    11:43 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (4)

    Date Chamber Result
    2/8/2024 2:23 PM House 112 Yeas - 2 Nays
    2/8/2024 4:16 PM Senate 38 Yeas - 0 Nays
    3/8/2024 1:45 PM House 105 Yeas - 3 Nays
    3/8/2024 2:14 PM Senate 39 Yeas - 0 Nays

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