CS/HB 1397: Transportation
GENERAL BILL by Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee ; Abbott ; Bankson ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Conerly ; Partington
Transportation; Authorizes Secretary of Transportation to appoint certain officers; revises provisions relating to FTC; creates Florida Transportation Research Institute & Florida Transportation Academy & provides functions & requirements for each; revises provisions relating to project funding & funding prioritization, DOT responsibilities, Florida Seaport Transportation & Economic Development Council, commercial service airports, private airports of public interest, reporting requirements, advanced air mobility, performance & productivity measures, & permitting; removes provisions relating to social & economically disadvantaged business enterprises; authorizes DOT to require amount of certain bonds be less than certain amount; revises budgetary procedures for DOT; requires EOG to modify approved operating budget for fixed capital outlay expenditures; repeals provisions relating to high-occupancy-vehicle lanes, socially & economically disadvantaged business enterprises, penalties for false representation of such enterprises, contract awards to such enterprises, & electric vehicle charging stations & infrastructure plan development.
Last Action: 3/27/2025 House - Now in Transportation & Economic Development Budget Subcommittee
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/27/2025 | House |
• Filed |
3/4/2025 | House |
• 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) |
3/5/2025 | House |
• Referred to Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee • Referred to Transportation & Economic Development Budget Subcommittee • Referred to Commerce Committee • Now in Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee |
3/21/2025 | House |
• PCS added to Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee agenda |
3/25/2025 | House |
• Favorable with CS by Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee |
3/26/2025 | House |
• Reported out of Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee • Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) • CS Filed • 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) |
3/27/2025 | House |
• Referred to Transportation & Economic Development Budget Subcommittee • Referred to Commerce Committee • Now in Transportation & Economic Development Budget Subcommittee |