HB 1523: Utility Services
Utility Services; Requires certain public meetings as condition precedent to effectiveness of new or extended agreement under which municipality will provide specified utility services in other municipalities or unincorporated areas; limits portion of certain utility revenues that municipality may use to fund or finance general government functions; requires excess revenues to be reinvested into municipal utility or returned to customers; requires municipalities that provide specified utility services to report certain information by specified date to PSC on annual basis; requires PSC to compile certain information & submit report containing such information to Governor & Legislature by specified date; revises provisions relating to permissible rates, fees, & charges imposed by municipal water & sewer utilities on customers located outside municipal boundaries; prohibits boards, agencies, commissions, & authorities of any county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision from restricting or prohibiting fuel sources & appliances used to provide energy to consumers.
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/28/2025 House • Filed
HB 1523, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/28/2025 at 3:31 PM
Bill Text: PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (5)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 1704 Utility Services Calatayud Identical Last Action: 2/28/2025 S Filed H 11 Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates Robinson Compare Last Action: 3/3/2025 H Added to Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee agenda H 1137 Preemption Over Utility Service Restrictions Shoaf Compare Last Action: 2/26/2025 H Filed S 202 Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates Jones Compare Last Action: 1/29/2025 S Referred to Regulated Industries; Community Affairs; Rules S 1002 Utility Service Restrictions Truenow Compare Last Action: 2/28/2025 S Referred to Community Affairs; Regulated Industries; Rules Citations - Statutes (3)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 180.19 Use by other municipalities and by individuals outside corporate limits. Page 2 (pdf) 180.191 Limitation on rates charged consumer outside city limits. Page 6 (pdf) 366.032 Preemption over utility service restrictions. Page 8 (pdf)