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The Florida Senate

SB 232: Windstorm Insurance

GENERAL BILL by Banking and Insurance

Windstorm Insurance; continues prohibition on extending eligibility for coverage from Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association to any area that was not eligible on March 1, 1997; deletes scheduled repeal of this prohibition. Amends 627.351.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1108 (Ch. 98-173)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
10/9/1997 Senate • Prefiled
10/23/1997 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance
10/28/1997 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 11/05/97, 2:15 pm, Room-EL --Temporarily postponed
11/20/1997 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 12/02/97, 2:00 pm, Room-EL --Not considered
12/29/1997 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/06/98, 12:30 pm, Room-EL
1/6/1998 Senate • Comm. Action:-Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Banking and Insurance; Placed on Calendar
3/3/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance -SJ 00021; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 11/05/97, 2:15 pm, Room-EL --Temporarily postponed; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 12/02/97, 2:00 pm, Room-EL --Not considered; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/06/98, 12:30 pm, Room-EL; Comm. Action:-Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Banking and Insurance -SJ 00007; Placed on Calendar -SJ 00008
5/1/1998 Senate • Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1108 (Ch. 98-173)