HB 3757: Controlled Substances
GENERAL BILL by Trovillion ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Byrd ; Tamargo
Controlled Substances; provides that person commits offense of DUI when any amount of harmful chemical substance or controlled substance specified under certain provisions, is present in person's blood or urine, regardless of presence of alcohol in person's breath or blood; provides penalties; provides for inclusion in Schedule I list of controlled substances of all mushroom species in genera psilocybe & conocybe, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 5/1/1998 House - Died in Committee on Crime & Punishment (JC)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/23/1998 | House |
• Prefiled |
3/3/1998 | House |
• Introduced -HJ 00054 |
3/10/1998 | House |
• Referred to Crime & Punishment (JC); Criminal Justice Appropriations -HJ 00160 |
4/1/1998 | House |
• On Committee agenda-- Crime & Punishment (JC), 04/08/98, 2:45 pm, 21-HOB --Meeting cancelled |
4/8/1998 | House |
• On Committee agenda-- Crime & Punishment (JC), 04/14/98, 1:30 pm, 21-HOB --Temporarily deferred |
5/1/1998 | House |
• Died in Committee on Crime & Punishment (JC) |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location |
S 692 | DUI & Controlled Substances | Grant | Compare | Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice |
S 778 | Controlled Substances | Gutman | Compare | Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice |
Committee Amendments
Floor Amendments
Bill Analyses
Type | Analysis | Author | Posted | Format |
Bill Analysis | H 3757 | Crime & Punishment (Post-Meeting) | 4/2/1998 12:00 AM | |
Bill Analysis | H 3757 | Crime & Punishment (Post-Meeting) | 4/2/1998 12:00 AM |
Vote History - Committee
No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (47)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
316.193 | Driving under the influence; penalties. | |
318.143 | Sanctions for infractions by minors. | |
318.17 | Offenses excepted. | |
322.03 | Drivers must be licensed; penalties. | |
322.0602 | Youthful Drunk Driver Visitation Program. | |
322.12 | Examination of applicants. | |
322.25 | When court to forward license to department and report convictions; temporary reinstatement of driving privileges. | |
322.2615 | Suspension of license; right to review. | |
322.2616 | Suspension of license; persons under 21 years of age; right to review. | |
322.264 | "Habitual traffic offender" defined. | |
322.271 | Authority to modify revocation, cancellation, or suspension order. | |
322.282 | Procedure when court revokes or suspends license or driving privilege and orders reinstatement. | |
322.291 | Driver improvement schools; required in certain suspension and revocation cases. | |
322.44 | Driver License Compact. | |
322.62 | Driving under the influence; commercial motor vehicle operators. | |
322.63 | Alcohol or drug testing; commercial motor vehicle operators. | |
322.64 | Holder of commercial driver's license; driving with unlawful blood-alcohol level; refusal to submit to breath, urine, or blood test. | |
327.35 | Boating under the influence; penalties. | |
397.405 | Exemptions from licensure. | |
397.451 | Background checks of service provider personnel who have direct contact with unmarried minor clients or clients who are developmentally disabled. | |
414.095 | Determining eligibility for the WAGES Program. | |
440.09 | Coverage. | |
493.6106 | License requirements; posting. | |
627.758 | Surety on auto club traffic arrest bond; conditions, limit; bail bond. | |
772.12 | Drug Dealer Liability Act. | |
782.04 | Murder. | |
790.06 | License to carry concealed weapon or firearm. | |
817.563 | Controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03; sale of substance in lieu thereof. | |
831.31 | Counterfeit controlled substance; sale, manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver. | |
893.03 | Standards and schedules. | |
893.12 | Contraband; seizure, forfeiture, sale. | |
893.13 | Prohibited acts; penalties. | |
893.133 | ||
893.135 | Trafficking; mandatory sentences; suspension or reduction of sentences; conspiracy to engage in trafficking. | |
893.1351 | Lease or rent for the purpose of trafficking in a controlled substance. | |
903.133 | Bail on appeal; prohibited for certain felony convictions. | |
903.36 | Guaranteed arrest bond certificates as cash bail. | |
907.041 | Pretrial detention and release. | |
921.0022 | Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. | |
921.0024 | Criminal Punishment Code; worksheet computations; scoresheets. | |
921.142 | Sentence of death or life imprisonment for capital drug trafficking felonies; further proceedings to determine sentence. | |
938.07 | Driving under the influence. | |
938.21 | Alcohol and drug abuse programs. | |
938.23 | Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs. | |
943.0585 | Court-ordered expunction of criminal history records. | |
943.059 | Court-ordered sealing of criminal history records. | |
960.03 | Definitions. |
Citations - Constitution (0)
No Constitutional citations.
Citations - Chapter Law (0)
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