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The Florida Senate

HB 4259: Postsecondary Education

GENERAL BILL by Community Colleges & Career Prep ; Sindler ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Fasano ; Wise ; Diaz de la Portilla ; Prewitt ; Futch ; Gay ; Harrington

Postsecondary Education; revises requirements for college-ready diploma program; includes study of Hispanic & Women's contributions to U.S. in required public school instruction; exempts specified students from postsecondary fees; revises provisions re Vocational Improvement Program; revises dual enrollment provisions; revises credit requirements for high school graduation; revises criteria for participating in college reach-out program, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/1998 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 6/17/1998 - Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-421; See also HB 3407 (Ch. 98-229)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/16/1998 House • Filed
    3/17/1998 House • Introduced -HJ 00237
    3/23/1998 House • Referred to Education Appropriations -HJ 00310
    3/30/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Education Appropriations, 04/02/98, 9:30 am, 102-HOB
    4/2/1998 House • Comm. Action:-Unanimously Favorable with 3 amendment(s) by Education Appropriations -HJ 00468
    4/6/1998 House • Pending Consent Calendar -HJ 00468
    4/9/1998 House • Available for Consent Calendar
    4/16/1998 House • Placed on Consent Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00665; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00665; Read third time -HJ 00666; Passed as amended; YEAS 115 NAYS 0 -HJ 00666; Immediately certified -HJ 00677
    4/16/1998 Senate • In Messages
    4/21/1998 Senate • Received, referred to Education; Ways and Means -SJ 00756
    4/30/1998 Senate • Withdrawn from Education; Ways and Means -SJ 01244; Substituted for CS/SB 2100 -SJ 01244; Read second time -SJ 01244; Amendment pending -SJ 01244, -SJ 01258; Pending amendment adopted -SJ 01355; Read third time -SJ 01365; Passed as amended; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 01365
    4/30/1998 House • In returning messages
    5/1/1998 House • Amendment(s) to Senate amendment(s) adopted -HJ 02099; Amendment(s) to Senate amendment(s) failed -HJ 02147; Concurred in Senate amendment(s) as amended -HJ 02148; Passed as amended; YEAS 113 NAYS 1 -HJ 02148
    5/1/1998 Senate • In returning messages; Was taken up -SJ 01746; Concurred -SJ 01768; Passed as amended; YEAS 38 NAYS 0 -SJ 01768
    5/1/1998 House • Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -HJ 02400
    6/1/1998 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    6/17/1998 • Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-421; See also HB 3407 (Ch. 98-229)

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  • HB 4259, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (17)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 1579 Postsecondary Education Community Colleges & Career Prep Compare Last Action: 3/4/1998 H Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1545 (Ch. 97-246), HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421), CS/CS/SB 1124 (Ch. 98-58) -HJ 00119
    H 1797 (c1) HS Graduation Credit Requirements Warner Compare Last Action: 4/14/1998 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Refer to 1998 CS/SB 706 (Vetoed by Governor); Refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421) -HJ 00591
    H 3407 (e2) Barreiro Compare Last Action: 5/26/1998 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 98-229; See also HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    H 4101 (c1) 1998 Personal Fitness Education Act Byrd Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Education, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    H 4163 (e1) Postsecondary Education Casey Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Education, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    H 4195 (e2) Postsecondary Education Casey Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    H 4371 Fla. Prepaid College Program Rayson Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Committee on Education Appropriations, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    H 4693 Student Grants Wise Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Committee on Education Appropriations, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 706 (e1) Sullivan Compare Last Action: 4/30/1999 S Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State, I/S/C Bill( s) passed refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 758 (c1) State University System Grant Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 1142 (c1) Schools/Instructional Materials Gutman Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; House Bill substituted -SJ 01784; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 3407 (Ch. 98-229); See also HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 1194 Postsecondary Education Gutman Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Education, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421), CS/CS/SB 1124 (Ch. 98-58)
    S 1840 (c1) Education Grant Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Ways and Means, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 1852 (c1) Student Grants Kirkpatrick Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Ways and Means, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 2100 (c1) Postsecondary Education Forman Compare Last Action: 4/30/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01222, -SJ 01522; House Bill substituted -SJ 01244; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 2136 (c1) Education Grant Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)
    S 2214 (c1) Fla. Prepaid College Program Clary Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; Died on Special Order Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4259 (Ch. 98-421)

    Citations - Statutes (59)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.15 Department of Education.
    216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals.
    222.22 Exemption of moneys in the Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Trust Fund from legal process.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.2466 College-ready diploma program.
    233.061 Required instruction.
    239.117 Postsecondary student fees.
    239.225 Vocational Improvement Program.
    240.1163 Joint dual enrollment and advanced placement instruction.
    240.154 Proposals for undergraduate enhancement.
    240.207 Board of Regents; appointment of members; qualifications and terms of office.
    240.209 Board of Regents; powers and duties.
    240.235 Fees.
    240.278 Required course program; Quality Assurance Fund.
    240.311 State Board of Community Colleges; powers and duties.
    240.321 Community college district board of trustees; rules for admissions of students.
    240.324 Community college accountability process.
    240.35 Student fees.
    240.36 Dr. Philip Benjamin Academic Improvement Trust Fund for Community Colleges.
    240.382 Establishment of child development training centers at community colleges.
    240.40204 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    240.409 Florida Public Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.4095 Florida Private Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.4097 Florida Postsecondary Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.521 East Central Florida; authorization for establishment of university, engineering college extension.
    240.522 Establishment of university in Southwest Florida.
    240.523 Four-year college, Dade County.
    240.525 State university or branch, Duval County.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Program.
    240.61 College reach-out program.
    246.011 Purpose.
    246.081 License, certificate of exemption, or authorization required; exceptions.
    246.085 Certificate of exemption.
    246.091 License period and renewal.
    246.111 Denial, probation, or revocation of license or certificate of exemption.
    246.201 Legislative intent.
    246.203 Definitions.
    246.205 State Board of Independent Postsecondary Vocational, Technical, Trade, and Business Schools.
    246.207 Powers and duties of board.
    246.213 Power of State Board of Education.
    246.215 License required.
    246.219 License fees.
    246.220 Surety bonds or insurance.
    246.2265 Additional regulatory powers while disciplinary proceedings are pending; cease and desist orders.
    246.227 Injunctive relief; unlicensed operation of a school; cease and desist notice; civil penalty.
    246.31 Institutional Assessment Trust Fund.
    246.50 Certified Teacher-Aide Welfare Transition Program; participation by independent postsecondary schools.
    455.2125 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    455.554 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training requirements.
    476.178 Schools of barbering; licensure.
    477.023 Schools of cosmetology; licensure.
    488.01 License to engage in business of operating a driver's school required.
    731.201 General definitions.
    732.402 Exempt property.
    735.301 Disposition without administration.

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  • HB 4259, Engrossed 2 Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Votes (4)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/16/1998 11:01 AM House 115 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/30/1998 4:28 PM Senate 39 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/1/1998 2:19 PM House 113 Yeas - 1 Nays
    5/1/1998 5:02 PM Senate 38 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (59)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.15 Department of Education.
    216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals.
    222.22 Exemption of moneys in the Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Trust Fund from legal process.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.2466 College-ready diploma program.
    233.061 Required instruction.
    239.117 Postsecondary student fees.
    239.225 Vocational Improvement Program.
    240.1163 Joint dual enrollment and advanced placement instruction.
    240.154 Proposals for undergraduate enhancement.
    240.207 Board of Regents; appointment of members; qualifications and terms of office.
    240.209 Board of Regents; powers and duties.
    240.235 Fees.
    240.278 Required course program; Quality Assurance Fund.
    240.311 State Board of Community Colleges; powers and duties.
    240.321 Community college district board of trustees; rules for admissions of students.
    240.324 Community college accountability process.
    240.35 Student fees.
    240.36 Dr. Philip Benjamin Academic Improvement Trust Fund for Community Colleges.
    240.382 Establishment of child development training centers at community colleges.
    240.40204 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    240.409 Florida Public Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.4095 Florida Private Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.4097 Florida Postsecondary Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.521 East Central Florida; authorization for establishment of university, engineering college extension.
    240.522 Establishment of university in Southwest Florida.
    240.523 Four-year college, Dade County.
    240.525 State university or branch, Duval County.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Program.
    240.61 College reach-out program.
    246.011 Purpose.
    246.081 License, certificate of exemption, or authorization required; exceptions.
    246.085 Certificate of exemption.
    246.091 License period and renewal.
    246.111 Denial, probation, or revocation of license or certificate of exemption.
    246.201 Legislative intent.
    246.203 Definitions.
    246.205 State Board of Independent Postsecondary Vocational, Technical, Trade, and Business Schools.
    246.207 Powers and duties of board.
    246.213 Power of State Board of Education.
    246.215 License required.
    246.219 License fees.
    246.220 Surety bonds or insurance.
    246.2265 Additional regulatory powers while disciplinary proceedings are pending; cease and desist orders.
    246.227 Injunctive relief; unlicensed operation of a school; cease and desist notice; civil penalty.
    246.31 Institutional Assessment Trust Fund.
    246.50 Certified Teacher-Aide Welfare Transition Program; participation by independent postsecondary schools.
    455.2125 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    455.554 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training requirements.
    476.178 Schools of barbering; licensure.
    477.023 Schools of cosmetology; licensure.
    488.01 License to engage in business of operating a driver's school required.
    731.201 General definitions.
    732.402 Exempt property.
    735.301 Disposition without administration.

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  • HB 4259, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   House Message Summary (pdf)
    House Message Summary (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (29)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    640144 - Amendment
    Forman 4/29/1998
    8:30 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 880258 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Clary 5/1/1998
    5:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 833476 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Forman 5/1/1998
    5:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 692498 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Holzendorf 5/1/1998
    5:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 601056 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    5:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 604032 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    5:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 402368 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Kirkpatrick 5/1/1998
    5:49 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 275292 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Holzendorf 5/1/1998
    5:49 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 212862 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Kirkpatrick 5/1/1998
    5:49 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 223622 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Horne 5/1/1998
    5:49 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 103960 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    5:49 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 023617 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Sublette 5/1/1998
    8:33 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 500357 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Sindler 5/1/1998
    8:38 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 734461 - Amendment to Amendment (640144)
    Bradley 5/1/1998
    8:39 PM
    Web Page
    155694 - Amendment
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    8:39 PM
    Web Page
    485126 - Amendment
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    8:40 PM
    Web Page
    932276 - Amendment
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    8:40 PM
    Web Page
    294026 - Amendment
    Forman 5/8/1998
    8:42 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 201410 - Amendment to Amendment (294026)
    Cowin 4/29/1998
    8:22 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 875328 - Amendment to Amendment (294026)
    Cowin 4/29/1998
    8:33 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 715406 - Amendment to Amendment (294026)
    Kirkpatrick 5/1/1998
    5:48 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 484774 - Amendment to Amendment (294026)
    Horne 5/11/1998
    11:39 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 514736 - Amendment to Amendment (294026)
    Kirkpatrick 5/11/1998
    11:42 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 814324 - Amendment to Amendment (294026)
    Kirkpatrick 5/12/1998
    12:28 AM
    Web Page
    114380 - Amendment
    Cowin 5/9/1998
    8:23 PM
    Web Page
    410788 - Amendment
    Cowin 5/9/1998
    8:41 PM
    Web Page
    675986 - Amendment
    Grant 5/12/1998
    12:12 AM
    Web Page
    960356 - Amendment
    Cowin 5/12/1998
    12:37 AM
    Web Page
    985796 - S Amend. to H Amend.
    Cowin 5/1/1998
    8:40 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (39)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.15 Department of Education.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.2466 College-ready diploma program.
    239.117 Postsecondary student fees.
    239.225 Vocational Improvement Program.
    240.1163 Joint dual enrollment and advanced placement instruction.
    240.235 Fees.
    240.321 Community college district board of trustees; rules for admissions of students.
    240.324 Community college accountability process.
    240.35 Student fees.
    240.36 Dr. Philip Benjamin Academic Improvement Trust Fund for Community Colleges.
    240.382 Establishment of child development training centers at community colleges.
    240.40204 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    240.4095 Florida Private Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.4097 Florida Postsecondary Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    246.011 Purpose.
    246.081 License, certificate of exemption, or authorization required; exceptions.
    246.085 Certificate of exemption.
    246.091 License period and renewal.
    246.111 Denial, probation, or revocation of license or certificate of exemption.
    246.201 Legislative intent.
    246.203 Definitions.
    246.205 State Board of Independent Postsecondary Vocational, Technical, Trade, and Business Schools.
    246.207 Powers and duties of board.
    246.213 Power of State Board of Education.
    246.215 License required.
    246.219 License fees.
    246.220 Surety bonds or insurance.
    246.2265 Additional regulatory powers while disciplinary proceedings are pending; cease and desist orders.
    246.227 Injunctive relief; unlicensed operation of a school; cease and desist notice; civil penalty.
    246.31 Institutional Assessment Trust Fund.
    246.50 Certified Teacher-Aide Welfare Transition Program; participation by independent postsecondary schools.
    455.2125 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    455.554 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training requirements.
    476.178 Schools of barbering; licensure.
    477.023 Schools of cosmetology; licensure.
    488.01 License to engage in business of operating a driver's school required.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 4259, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Community Colleges & Career Prep (Post-Meeting) 3/17/1998 (pdf)
    Community Colleges & Career Prep (Post-Meeting) 3/17/1998 (pdf)
    Community Colleges & Career Prep (Post-Meeting) 5/20/1998 (pdf)
    Education Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 3/30/1998 (pdf)
    Education Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 3/30/1998 (pdf)
    Education Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/3/1998 (pdf)
    Education Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/3/1998 (pdf)

    Committee Amendments (3)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    200947 - Amendment
    Education Appropriations 4/16/1998
    12:24 AM
    Web Page
    651571 - Amendment
    Education Appropriations 4/16/1998
    12:26 AM
    Web Page
    784915 - Amendment
    Education Appropriations 4/16/1998
    12:26 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (39)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.15 Department of Education.
    232.246 General requirements for high school graduation.
    232.2466 College-ready diploma program.
    239.117 Postsecondary student fees.
    239.225 Vocational Improvement Program.
    240.1163 Joint dual enrollment and advanced placement instruction.
    240.235 Fees.
    240.321 Community college district board of trustees; rules for admissions of students.
    240.324 Community college accountability process.
    240.35 Student fees.
    240.36 Dr. Philip Benjamin Academic Improvement Trust Fund for Community Colleges.
    240.382 Establishment of child development training centers at community colleges.
    240.40204 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    240.4095 Florida Private Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    240.4097 Florida Postsecondary Student Assistance Grant Program; eligibility for grants.
    246.011 Purpose.
    246.081 License, certificate of exemption, or authorization required; exceptions.
    246.085 Certificate of exemption.
    246.091 License period and renewal.
    246.111 Denial, probation, or revocation of license or certificate of exemption.
    246.201 Legislative intent.
    246.203 Definitions.
    246.205 State Board of Independent Postsecondary Vocational, Technical, Trade, and Business Schools.
    246.207 Powers and duties of board.
    246.213 Power of State Board of Education.
    246.215 License required.
    246.219 License fees.
    246.220 Surety bonds or insurance.
    246.2265 Additional regulatory powers while disciplinary proceedings are pending; cease and desist orders.
    246.227 Injunctive relief; unlicensed operation of a school; cease and desist notice; civil penalty.
    246.31 Institutional Assessment Trust Fund.
    246.50 Certified Teacher-Aide Welfare Transition Program; participation by independent postsecondary schools.
    455.2125 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    455.554 Consultation with postsecondary education boards prior to adoption of changes to training requirements.
    467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training requirements.
    476.178 Schools of barbering; licensure.
    477.023 Schools of cosmetology; licensure.
    488.01 License to engage in business of operating a driver's school required.

    Top of SectionTop of Page