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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 1206: Labor & Employment Security Dept.

GENERAL BILL by Fiscal Policy ; Commerce and Economic Opportunities ; Kirkpatrick

Labor & Employment Security Dept.; repeals provision re authority & organizational structure of LES Dept.; provides for transfer of Workers' Compensation Div., Judges of Compensation Claims Office & certain functions of Workforce & Employment Opportunities Div. to DOI, & Unemployment Compensation Div. to Agency for Workforce Innovation; creates Fla. Task Force on Workplace Safety; provides for transfer of Blind Services Div. to DMS rather than DOE, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Contingent
Last Action: 5/5/2000 House - Received -HJ 02261; Read second time -HJ 02263; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 02263; Motion to go to third reading failed -HJ 02295; Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 2050 (Ch. 2000-165)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/7/2000 Senate • Prefiled
    2/11/2000 Senate • Referred to Commerce and Economic Opportunities; Fiscal Policy
    3/7/2000 Senate • Introduced, referred to Commerce and Economic Opportunities; Fiscal Policy -SJ 00073
    4/6/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Economic Opportunities, 04/11/00, 10:00 am, 110-S
    4/11/2000 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Commerce and Economic Opportunities; YEAS 5 NAYS 2 -SJ 00463; CS read first time on 04/18/00 -SJ 00470
    4/17/2000 Senate • Now in Fiscal Policy -SJ 00463
    4/20/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Fiscal Policy, 04/25/00, 3:30 pm, 412-K
    4/25/2000 Senate • Comm. Action:-CS/CS by Fiscal Policy; YEAS 4 NAYS 1 -SJ 00582; CS read first time on 04/27/00 -SJ 00584
    4/27/2000 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00582
    4/28/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00581
    5/1/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00628; Read second time -SJ 00631; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00632; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00632; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00635
    5/2/2000 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00812; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00813; CS passed as amended; YEAS 24 NAYS 13 -SJ 00818
    5/4/2000 House • In Messages
    5/5/2000 House • Received -HJ 02261; Read second time -HJ 02263; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 02263; Motion to go to third reading failed -HJ 02295; Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 2050 (Ch. 2000-165)

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  • CS/CS/SB 1206, Engrossed 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (7)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 2357 (c1) Labor & Employment Security Dept. Gay Similar Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died pending review of CS under Rule 113
    H 1135 (c1) Workforce Innovation Murman Compare Last Action: 4/28/2000 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 2050 (Ch. 2000-165); See also CS/SB 212 (Ch. 2000-253) -HJ 00984
    H 2407 LES Dept. Reorganization Business Development & International Trade Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC)
    S 2050 (e2) King Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Line Item(s) Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State
    S 2302 Public Employees Relations Hargrett Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity
    S 2374 (c2) Vocational Rehabilitation Kirkpatrick Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Ethics and Elections
    S 2548 (e2) Economic Development Kirkpatrick Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/CS/SB 406 (Ch. 2000-290), CS/SB 772 (Ch. 2000-266), CS/CS/SB 1334 (Ch. 2000-164), CS/SB 1604 (Ch. 2000-351), CS/SB 2050 (Ch. 2000-165), CS/CS/SB 2578 (Ch. 2000-353)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    650087 - Amendment
    Gay 5/6/2000
    6:41 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/2/2000 4:16 PM Senate 24 Yeas - 13 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (80)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.15 Department of Education.
    20.171 Department of Labor and Employment Security.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    215.311 State funds; exceptions.
    287.012 Definitions.
    287.09451 Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.0947 Florida Council on Small and Minority Business Development; creation; membership; duties.
    413.011 Division of Blind Services, internal organizational structure; Advisory Council for the Blind.
    413.014 Community-based rehabilitation programs.
    413.034 Commission established; membership.
    413.051 Eligible blind persons; operation of vending stands.
    413.064 Rules.
    413.066 Revocation of permit.
    413.067 Penalty.
    413.091 Identification cards.
    413.395 Florida Independent Living Council.
    413.82 Definitions.
    413.83 Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; creation; purpose; membership.
    413.84 Powers and duties.
    413.85 Occupational Access and Opportunity Corporation; use of property; board of directors; duties; audit.
    413.86 Public-private partnerships.
    413.87 Annual audit.
    413.88 Annual report of the Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; audits.
    413.89 State vocational rehabilitation plan; preparation and submittal; administration.
    413.90 Designation of administrative entity.
    413.91 Service providers; quality assurance and fitness for responsibilities.
    413.92 Conflict of laws.
    413.93 Designated state agency.
    440.02 Definitions.
    440.102 Drug-free workplace program requirements.
    440.125 Medical records and reports; identifying information in employee medical bills; confidentiality.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.15 Compensation for disability.
    440.207 Workers' compensation system guide.
    440.25 Procedures for mediation and hearings.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.45 Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.491 Reemployment of injured workers; rehabilitation.
    440.525 Examination of carriers.
    440.59 Reporting requirements.
    443.012 Unemployment Appeals Commission.
    443.036 Definitions.
    443.151 Procedure concerning claims.
    443.171 Division and commission; powers and duties; rules; advisory council; records and reports.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.02 Definitions.
    447.04 Business agents; licenses, permits.
    447.041 Hearings.
    447.045 Information confidential.
    447.06 Registration of labor organizations required.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    447.16 Applicability of chapter when effective.
    447.203 Definitions.
    447.205 Public Employees Relations Commission.
    447.208 Procedure with respect to certain appeals under s. 447.207.
    447.305 Registration of employee organization.
    447.307 Certification of employee organization.
    447.503 Charges of unfair labor practices.
    447.504 Judicial review.
    450.012 Definitions.
    450.061 Hazardous occupations prohibited; exemptions.
    450.081 Hours of work in certain occupations.
    450.095 Waivers.
    450.121 Enforcement of Child Labor Law.
    450.132 Employment of children by the entertainment industry; rules; procedures.
    450.141 Employing minor children in violation of law; penalties.
    450.191 Executive Office of the Governor; powers and duties.
    450.28 Definitions.
    450.30 Requirement of certificate of registration; education and examination program.
    450.31 Issuance, revocation, and suspension of, and refusal to issue or renew, certificate of registration.
    450.33 Duties of farm labor contractor.
    450.35 Certain contracts prohibited.
    450.36 Rules and regulations.
    450.37 Cooperation with federal agencies.
    450.38 Enforcement of farm labor contractor laws.

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  • CS/CS/SB 1206, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (3)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    131554 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    5:01 AM
    Web Page
    421158 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    5:14 AM
    Web Page
    630322 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    5:24 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (78)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.15 Department of Education.
    20.171 Department of Labor and Employment Security.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    215.311 State funds; exceptions.
    287.012 Definitions.
    287.09451 Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.0947 Florida Council on Small and Minority Business Development; creation; membership; duties.
    413.011 Division of Blind Services, internal organizational structure; Advisory Council for the Blind.
    413.014 Community-based rehabilitation programs.
    413.034 Commission established; membership.
    413.051 Eligible blind persons; operation of vending stands.
    413.064 Rules.
    413.066 Revocation of permit.
    413.067 Penalty.
    413.091 Identification cards.
    413.395 Florida Independent Living Council.
    413.82 Definitions.
    413.83 Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; creation; purpose; membership.
    413.84 Powers and duties.
    413.85 Occupational Access and Opportunity Corporation; use of property; board of directors; duties; audit.
    413.86 Public-private partnerships.
    413.87 Annual audit.
    413.88 Annual report of the Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; audits.
    413.89 State vocational rehabilitation plan; preparation and submittal; administration.
    413.90 Designation of administrative entity.
    413.91 Service providers; quality assurance and fitness for responsibilities.
    413.92 Conflict of laws.
    413.93 Designated state agency.
    440.02 Definitions.
    440.102 Drug-free workplace program requirements.
    440.125 Medical records and reports; identifying information in employee medical bills; confidentiality.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.207 Workers' compensation system guide.
    440.25 Procedures for mediation and hearings.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.45 Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.525 Examination of carriers.
    440.59 Reporting requirements.
    443.012 Unemployment Appeals Commission.
    443.036 Definitions.
    443.151 Procedure concerning claims.
    443.171 Division and commission; powers and duties; rules; advisory council; records and reports.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.02 Definitions.
    447.04 Business agents; licenses, permits.
    447.041 Hearings.
    447.045 Information confidential.
    447.06 Registration of labor organizations required.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    447.16 Applicability of chapter when effective.
    447.203 Definitions.
    447.205 Public Employees Relations Commission.
    447.208 Procedure with respect to certain appeals under s. 447.207.
    447.305 Registration of employee organization.
    447.307 Certification of employee organization.
    447.503 Charges of unfair labor practices.
    447.504 Judicial review.
    450.012 Definitions.
    450.061 Hazardous occupations prohibited; exemptions.
    450.081 Hours of work in certain occupations.
    450.095 Waivers.
    450.121 Enforcement of Child Labor Law.
    450.132 Employment of children by the entertainment industry; rules; procedures.
    450.141 Employing minor children in violation of law; penalties.
    450.191 Executive Office of the Governor; powers and duties.
    450.28 Definitions.
    450.30 Requirement of certificate of registration; education and examination program.
    450.31 Issuance, revocation, and suspension of, and refusal to issue or renew, certificate of registration.
    450.33 Duties of farm labor contractor.
    450.35 Certain contracts prohibited.
    450.36 Rules and regulations.
    450.37 Cooperation with federal agencies.
    450.38 Enforcement of farm labor contractor laws.

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  • CS/CS/SB 1206, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Fiscal Policy (Post-Meeting) 4/26/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (13)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    090450 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    3:53 AM
    Web Page
    225938 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:02 AM
    Web Page
    301266 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:05 AM
    Web Page
    314344 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:06 AM
    Web Page
    320164 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:06 AM
    Web Page
    470386 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:11 AM
    Web Page
    475568 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:11 AM
    Web Page
    594156 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:18 AM
    Web Page
    730200 - Amendment
    Holzendorf 5/3/2000
    4:21 AM
    Web Page
    810972 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:23 AM
    Web Page
    812796 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:24 AM
    Web Page
    844474 - Amendment
    Kirkpatrick 5/3/2000
    4:24 AM
    Web Page
    941192 - Amendment
    Hargrett 5/3/2000
    4:27 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (70)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.15 Department of Education.
    20.171 Department of Labor and Employment Security.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    287.012 Definitions.
    287.09451 Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.0947 Florida Council on Small and Minority Business Development; creation; membership; duties.
    413.011 Division of Blind Services, internal organizational structure; Advisory Council for the Blind.
    413.014 Community-based rehabilitation programs.
    413.034 Commission established; membership.
    413.051 Eligible blind persons; operation of vending stands.
    413.064 Rules.
    413.066 Revocation of permit.
    413.067 Penalty.
    413.395 Florida Independent Living Council.
    413.82 Definitions.
    413.83 Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; creation; purpose; membership.
    413.84 Powers and duties.
    413.85 Occupational Access and Opportunity Corporation; use of property; board of directors; duties; audit.
    413.86 Public-private partnerships.
    413.87 Annual audit.
    413.88 Annual report of the Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; audits.
    413.89 State vocational rehabilitation plan; preparation and submittal; administration.
    413.90 Designation of administrative entity.
    413.91 Service providers; quality assurance and fitness for responsibilities.
    413.92 Conflict of laws.
    413.93 Designated state agency.
    440.02 Definitions.
    440.207 Workers' compensation system guide.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.45 Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    443.012 Unemployment Appeals Commission.
    443.036 Definitions.
    443.151 Procedure concerning claims.
    443.171 Division and commission; powers and duties; rules; advisory council; records and reports.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.02 Definitions.
    447.04 Business agents; licenses, permits.
    447.041 Hearings.
    447.045 Information confidential.
    447.06 Registration of labor organizations required.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    447.16 Applicability of chapter when effective.
    447.203 Definitions.
    447.205 Public Employees Relations Commission.
    447.208 Procedure with respect to certain appeals under s. 447.207.
    447.305 Registration of employee organization.
    447.307 Certification of employee organization.
    447.503 Charges of unfair labor practices.
    447.504 Judicial review.
    450.012 Definitions.
    450.061 Hazardous occupations prohibited; exemptions.
    450.081 Hours of work in certain occupations.
    450.095 Waivers.
    450.121 Enforcement of Child Labor Law.
    450.132 Employment of children by the entertainment industry; rules; procedures.
    450.141 Employing minor children in violation of law; penalties.
    450.191 Executive Office of the Governor; powers and duties.
    450.28 Definitions.
    450.30 Requirement of certificate of registration; education and examination program.
    450.31 Issuance, revocation, and suspension of, and refusal to issue or renew, certificate of registration.
    450.33 Duties of farm labor contractor.
    450.35 Certain contracts prohibited.
    450.36 Rules and regulations.
    450.37 Cooperation with federal agencies.
    450.38 Enforcement of farm labor contractor laws.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1206, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Commerce and Economic Opportunities (Post-Meeting) 4/14/2000 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (66)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.15 Department of Education.
    20.171 Department of Labor and Employment Security.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    287.09451 Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office; powers, duties, and functions.
    413.011 Division of Blind Services, internal organizational structure; Advisory Council for the Blind.
    413.014 Community-based rehabilitation programs.
    413.034 Commission established; membership.
    413.051 Eligible blind persons; operation of vending stands.
    413.064 Rules.
    413.066 Revocation of permit.
    413.067 Penalty.
    413.82 Definitions.
    413.83 Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; creation; purpose; membership.
    413.84 Powers and duties.
    413.85 Occupational Access and Opportunity Corporation; use of property; board of directors; duties; audit.
    413.86 Public-private partnerships.
    413.87 Annual audit.
    413.88 Annual report of the Occupational Access and Opportunity Commission; audits.
    413.89 State vocational rehabilitation plan; preparation and submittal; administration.
    413.90 Designation of administrative entity.
    413.91 Service providers; quality assurance and fitness for responsibilities.
    413.92 Conflict of laws.
    413.93 Designated state agency.
    440.02 Definitions.
    440.207 Workers' compensation system guide.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.45 Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    443.012 Unemployment Appeals Commission.
    443.036 Definitions.
    443.151 Procedure concerning claims.
    443.171 Division and commission; powers and duties; rules; advisory council; records and reports.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.02 Definitions.
    447.04 Business agents; licenses, permits.
    447.041 Hearings.
    447.045 Information confidential.
    447.06 Registration of labor organizations required.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    447.16 Applicability of chapter when effective.
    447.203 Definitions.
    447.205 Public Employees Relations Commission.
    447.208 Procedure with respect to certain appeals under s. 447.207.
    447.305 Registration of employee organization.
    447.307 Certification of employee organization.
    447.503 Charges of unfair labor practices.
    447.504 Judicial review.
    450.012 Definitions.
    450.061 Hazardous occupations prohibited; exemptions.
    450.081 Hours of work in certain occupations.
    450.095 Waivers.
    450.121 Enforcement of Child Labor Law.
    450.132 Employment of children by the entertainment industry; rules; procedures.
    450.141 Employing minor children in violation of law; penalties.
    450.191 Executive Office of the Governor; powers and duties.
    450.28 Definitions.
    450.30 Requirement of certificate of registration; education and examination program.
    450.31 Issuance, revocation, and suspension of, and refusal to issue or renew, certificate of registration.
    450.33 Duties of farm labor contractor.
    450.35 Certain contracts prohibited.
    450.36 Rules and regulations.
    450.37 Cooperation with federal agencies.
    450.38 Enforcement of farm labor contractor laws.

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  • SB 1206, Original Filed Version Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

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