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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1682: Governmental Reorganization

GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Productivity ; Governmental Oversight and Productivity

Governmental Reorganization; establishes Chief Financial Officer Office; creates Financial Services Dept.; abolishes Banking & Finance Dept. & Insurance Dept.; creates Insurance Rating Comm.; transfers to State Fire Marshal Div., Insurance Dept., all powers, duties, & responsibilities of Occupational Safety & Health chapter, excluding certain provisions, which relate to firefighter employers, employees, & places of employment, from Safety Div., LES Dept., etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $334,125.

Effective Date: 01/01/2001 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/2/2000 Senate - House Bill substituted -SJ 00754; Laid on Table, refer to HB 739 (Died in House Returning Messages)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/24/2000 Senate • Prefiled
    3/7/2000 Senate • Introduced, referred to Governmental Oversight and Productivity -SJ 00100
    4/7/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Productivity, 04/12/00, 10:00 am, 37-S
    4/12/2000 Senate • Comm. Action:-CS by Governmental Oversight and Productivity; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 00464; CS read first time on 04/18/00 -SJ 00473
    4/14/2000 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00464
    4/27/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00520; Read second time -SJ 00573; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00574; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00574; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00574
    5/2/2000 Senate • House Bill substituted -SJ 00754; Laid on Table, refer to HB 739 (Died in House Returning Messages)

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  • CS/SB 1682, Engrossed 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 739 (e1) Governmental Reorganization Sembler Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in returning Messages
    H 1151 Firefighter Occupational Health Waters Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in Committee on General Government Appropriations (FRC)

    Citations - Statutes (113)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.165 Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    175.141 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    185.12 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    350.061 Public Counsel; appointment; oath; restrictions on Public Counsel and his or her employees.
    350.0611 Public Counsel; duties and powers.
    350.0613 Public Counsel; employees; receipt of pleadings.
    408.701 Community health purchasing; definitions.
    624.19 Existing forms and filings.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9926 Rate regulation not authorized.
    627.031 Purposes of this part; interpretation.
    627.0612 Administrative proceedings in rating determinations.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.062 Rate standards.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0645 Annual filings.
    627.06501 Insurance discounts for certain persons completing driver improvement course.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0653 Insurance discounts for specified motor vehicle equipment.
    627.06535 Electric vehicles; restrictions on imposing surcharges.
    627.0654 Insurance discounts for buildings with fire sprinklers.
    627.066 Excessive profits for motor vehicle insurance prohibited.
    627.072 Making and use of rates.
    627.091 Rate filings; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.101 When filing becomes effective; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.111 Effective date of filing.
    627.141 Subsequent disapproval of filing; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.151 Basis of approval or disapproval of workers' compensation or employer's liability insurance filing; scope of disapproval power.
    627.192 Workers' compensation insurance; employee leasing arrangements.
    627.211 Deviations; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.212 Workplace safety program surcharge.
    627.215 Excessive profits for workers' compensation, employer's liability, commercial property, and commercial casualty insurance prohibited.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.231 Subscribers to rating organizations.
    627.241 Notice of changes.
    627.281 Appeal from rating organization; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance filings.
    627.291 Information to be furnished insureds; appeal by insureds; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.301 Advisory organizations.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.314 Concerted action by two or more insurers.
    627.331 Recording and reporting of loss, expense, and claims experience; rating information.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.3512 Recoupment of residual market deficit assessments.
    627.357 Medical malpractice self-insurance.
    627.361 False or misleading information.
    627.410 Filing, approval of forms.
    627.411 Grounds for disapproval.
    627.6475 Individual reinsurance pool.
    627.6498 Minimum benefits coverage; exclusions; premiums; deductibles.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.6745 Loss ratio standards; public rate hearings.
    627.678 Rules.
    627.6785 Filing of rates with department.
    627.682 Filing, approval of forms.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.780 Illegal dealings in risk premium.
    627.782 Adoption of rates.
    627.7825 Alternative rate adoption.
    627.783 Rate deviation.
    627.793 Rulemaking authority.
    627.9407 Disclosure, advertising, and performance standards for long-term care insurance.
    636.017 Rates and charges.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    641.3922 Conversion contracts; conditions.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.42 Prepaid health clinic contracts.
    642.027 Premium rates.
    648.33 Bail bond rates.
    651.018 Administrative supervision.

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  • CS/SB 1682, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Governmental Oversight and Productivity (Post-Meeting) 4/12/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (8)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    090324 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    3:51 AM
    Web Page
    094100 - Amendment
    Geller 4/28/2000
    3:51 AM
    Web Page
    111270 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    3:52 AM
    Web Page
    411150 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    3:58 AM
    Web Page
    502190 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    4:00 AM
    Web Page
    515376 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    4:00 AM
    Web Page
    665114 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    4:01 AM
    Web Page
    700656 - Amendment
    Latvala 4/28/2000
    4:02 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (113)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.165 Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    175.141 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    185.12 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    350.061 Public Counsel; appointment; oath; restrictions on Public Counsel and his or her employees.
    350.0611 Public Counsel; duties and powers.
    350.0613 Public Counsel; employees; receipt of pleadings.
    408.701 Community health purchasing; definitions.
    624.19 Existing forms and filings.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9926 Rate regulation not authorized.
    627.031 Purposes of this part; interpretation.
    627.0612 Administrative proceedings in rating determinations.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.062 Rate standards.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0645 Annual filings.
    627.06501 Insurance discounts for certain persons completing driver improvement course.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0653 Insurance discounts for specified motor vehicle equipment.
    627.06535 Electric vehicles; restrictions on imposing surcharges.
    627.0654 Insurance discounts for buildings with fire sprinklers.
    627.066 Excessive profits for motor vehicle insurance prohibited.
    627.072 Making and use of rates.
    627.091 Rate filings; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.101 When filing becomes effective; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.111 Effective date of filing.
    627.141 Subsequent disapproval of filing; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.151 Basis of approval or disapproval of workers' compensation or employer's liability insurance filing; scope of disapproval power.
    627.192 Workers' compensation insurance; employee leasing arrangements.
    627.211 Deviations; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.212 Workplace safety program surcharge.
    627.215 Excessive profits for workers' compensation, employer's liability, commercial property, and commercial casualty insurance prohibited.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.231 Subscribers to rating organizations.
    627.241 Notice of changes.
    627.281 Appeal from rating organization; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance filings.
    627.291 Information to be furnished insureds; appeal by insureds; workers' compensation and employer's liability insurances.
    627.301 Advisory organizations.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.314 Concerted action by two or more insurers.
    627.331 Recording and reporting of loss, expense, and claims experience; rating information.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.3512 Recoupment of residual market deficit assessments.
    627.357 Medical malpractice self-insurance.
    627.361 False or misleading information.
    627.410 Filing, approval of forms.
    627.411 Grounds for disapproval.
    627.6475 Individual reinsurance pool.
    627.6498 Minimum benefits coverage; exclusions; premiums; deductibles.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.6745 Loss ratio standards; public rate hearings.
    627.678 Rules.
    627.6785 Filing of rates with department.
    627.682 Filing, approval of forms.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.780 Illegal dealings in risk premium.
    627.782 Adoption of rates.
    627.7825 Alternative rate adoption.
    627.783 Rate deviation.
    627.793 Rulemaking authority.
    627.9407 Disclosure, advertising, and performance standards for long-term care insurance.
    636.017 Rates and charges.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    641.3922 Conversion contracts; conditions.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.42 Prepaid health clinic contracts.
    642.027 Premium rates.
    648.33 Bail bond rates.
    651.018 Administrative supervision.

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  • SB 1682, Original Filed Version Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

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