HB 2425: Economic Development
GENERAL BILL by Business Development & International Trade ; Bradley
Economic Development; eliminates administrative responsibility of Tourism, Trade, & Economic Development Office for Fla. Enterprise Zone Act, community contribution tax credit program, sports franchise facility program, professional golf hall of fame facility program, Regional Rural Development Grants Program, Certified Capital Company Act, & Fla. State Rural Dev. Council; revises criteria for specified rural communities under enterprise zone program, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 5/5/2000 House - Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1604 (Ch. 2000-351)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 4/20/2000 House • Filed; Introduced, referred to Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00588
5/5/2000 House • Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1604 (Ch. 2000-351)
HB 2425, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:15 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Business Development & International Trade (Post-Meeting) 4/20/2000 (pdf)
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Location:Citations - Statutes (51)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties. 159.8083 Florida First Business allocation pool. 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions. 212.097 Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit Program. 212.098 Rural Job Tax Credit Program. 220.183 Community contribution tax credit. 220.1895 Rural Job Tax Credit and Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit. 288.012 State of Florida foreign offices. 288.017 Cooperative advertising matching grants program. 288.018 Regional Rural Development Grants Program. 288.039 Employing and Training our Youths 288.0656 Rural Economic Development Initiative. 288.1088 Quick Action Closing Fund. 288.1162 Professional sports franchises; spring training franchises; duties. 288.1168 Professional golf hall of fame facility; duties. 288.1169 International Game Fish Association World Center facility; department duties. 288.1185 Recycling Markets Advisory Committee. 288.1251 Promotion and development of entertainment industry; Office of the Film Commissioner; creation; purpose; powers and duties. 288.1252 Florida Film Advisory Council; creation; purpose; membership; powers and duties. 288.1253 Travel and entertainment expenses. 288.8155 International Trade Data Resource and Research Center. 288.901 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; creation; membership; organization; meetings; disclosure. 288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties. 288.980 Military base retention; legislative intent; grants program. 288.99 Certified Capital Company Act. 290.004 Definitions. 290.0055 Local nominating procedure. 290.0056 Enterprise zone development agency. 290.0058 Tests of pervasive poverty, unemployment, and general distress. 290.0065 State designation of enterprise zones. 290.0066 Revocation of enterprise zone designation. 290.00675 Amendment of certain enterprise zone boundaries. 290.00689 Designation of enterprise zone pilot project area. 290.007 State incentives available in enterprise zones. 290.009 Enterprise Zone Interagency Coordinating Council. 290.014 Annual reports on enterprise zones. 290.33 290.331 290.332 290.333 290.334 290.335 290.336 290.337 290.338 290.339 373.4149 Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Plan. 403.7155 414.026 WAGES Program State Board of Directors. 414.224 624.5105 Community contribution tax credit; legislative findings; policy and purpose; authorization; limitations; eligibility and application requirements; administration; definitions; expiration.
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