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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 1921: Voting Systems

GENERAL BILL by Rules, Ethics & Elections ; Goodlette ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Murman

Voting Systems; revises certain definitions applicable to Florida Election Code to remove provisions re voting systems that use voting machines or paper ballots & to restrict such definitions to electronic or electromechanical voting systems; requires Dept. of State to adopt rules prescribing uniform primary & general election ballots for each certified voting system; provides procedures to be followed after vote tabulation device rejects ballot, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 09/02/2002 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/4/2001 Senate - Died in Committee on Ethics and Elections, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1118 (Ch. 2001-40)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/10/2001 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00497
    4/11/2001 House • Referred to Procedural & Redistricting Council -HJ 00512
    4/17/2001 House • On Council agenda-- Procedural & Redistricting Council, 04/19/01, 11:00 am, 404-H
    4/19/2001 House • CS by- Procedural & Redistricting Council; YEAS 16 NAYS 1 -HJ 00549
    4/23/2001 House • CS read first time on 04/23/01 -HJ 00546; Pending review of CS under Rule 6 -HJ 00549; Placed on Calendar, on second reading -HJ 00549
    4/24/2001 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00582; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00582; Amendment(s) failed -HJ 00582, -HJ 00631
    4/25/2001 House • Read third time -HJ 00667; CS passed as amended; YEAS 114 NAYS 3 -HJ 00668
    4/25/2001 Senate • In Messages
    4/27/2001 Senate • Received, referred to Ethics and Elections; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 00572
    5/4/2001 Senate • Died in Committee on Ethics and Elections, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1118 (Ch. 2001-40)

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  • CS/HB 1921, Engrossed 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/27/2001 at 7:19 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (5)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 1583 Elections Frankel, Smith, Gelber Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died in Committee on Rules, Ethics & Elections (PRC), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1118 (Ch. 2001-40)
    H 1987 Elections Goodlette Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1118 (Ch. 2001-40)
    S 1118 (e2) Ethics and Elections Compare Last Action: 5/10/2001 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor; Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-40
    S 1120 (c1) Voting Systems Ethics and Elections Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1118 (Ch. 2001-40)
    S 1374 (c2) Elections Carlton Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1118 (Ch. 2001-40), CS/SB 1872 (Ch. 2001-220)

    Citations - Statutes (54)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    97.021 Definitions.
    98.471 Use of precinct register at polls.
    100.071 Grouping of candidates on primary ballots.
    100.361 Municipal recall.
    101.011 Voting by paper ballot.
    101.141 Specifications for primary election ballot.
    101.151 Specifications for general election ballot.
    101.181 Form of primary ballot.
    101.191 Form of general election ballot.
    101.21 Official ballots; number; printing; payment.
    101.24 Ballot boxes and ballots.
    101.27 Voting machine ballots.
    101.28 Requirements for voting machines.
    101.29 Providing machines; payment for same.
    101.292 Definitions; ss. 101.292-101.295.
    101.32 Adoption of voting machines; powers incident to adoption.
    101.33 Number of electors for each machine.
    101.34 Custody of voting machines.
    101.341 Prohibited activities by voting machine custodians and deputy custodians.
    101.35 Preparation of voting machines; notice of sealing and preelection test.
    101.36 Voting machines or electronic or electromechanical voting; when used.
    101.37 Location of voting machines.
    101.38 Disposition of voting machine keys immediately following an election.
    101.39 Voting machines, sealing curtains.
    101.40 Voting machine out of order.
    101.43 Substitute ballot.
    101.445 Write-in ballots.
    101.45 Election board opening polls.
    101.46 Instruction to electors before election.
    101.47 Requirements before elector enters voting machine booth.
    101.49 Procedure of election officers where signatures differ.
    101.54 Tabulation of vote and proclamation of results, where voting machine used.
    101.55 Certificate of results.
    101.56 Locking machine; returning write-in ballots.
    101.5603 Definitions relating to Electronic Voting Systems Act.
    101.5604 Adoption of system; procurement of equipment; commercial tabulations.
    101.5606 Requirements for approval of systems.
    101.5607 Department of State to maintain voting system information; prepare software.
    101.5608 Voting by electronic or electromechanical method; procedures.
    101.5609 Ballot requirements.
    101.5612 Testing of tabulating equipment.
    101.5614 Canvass of returns.
    101.58 Supervising and observing registration and election processes.
    101.64 Delivery of absentee ballots; envelopes; form.
    101.71 Polling place.
    101.75 Municipal elections; change of dates for cause.
    102.012 Inspectors and clerks to conduct elections.
    102.021 Compensation of inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs.
    102.141 County canvassing board; duties.
    102.166 Protest of election returns; procedure.
    103.101 Presidential preference primary.
    104.30 Voting machine; unlawful possession; tampering.
    138.05 Form of ballot.

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  • CS/HB 1921, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 4/27/2001 at 7:34 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Procedural & Redistricting Council (Group A) (Post-Meeting) 4/20/2001 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (3)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    173025 - Amendment
    Smith 4/23/2001
    2:08 PM
    Web Page
    781917 - Amendment
    Smith 4/23/2001
    2:08 PM
    Web Page
    130935 - Amendment
    Lacasa 4/23/2001
    2:33 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (54)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    97.021 Definitions.
    98.471 Use of precinct register at polls.
    100.071 Grouping of candidates on primary ballots.
    100.361 Municipal recall.
    101.011 Voting by paper ballot.
    101.141 Specifications for primary election ballot.
    101.151 Specifications for general election ballot.
    101.181 Form of primary ballot.
    101.191 Form of general election ballot.
    101.21 Official ballots; number; printing; payment.
    101.24 Ballot boxes and ballots.
    101.27 Voting machine ballots.
    101.28 Requirements for voting machines.
    101.29 Providing machines; payment for same.
    101.292 Definitions; ss. 101.292-101.295.
    101.32 Adoption of voting machines; powers incident to adoption.
    101.33 Number of electors for each machine.
    101.34 Custody of voting machines.
    101.341 Prohibited activities by voting machine custodians and deputy custodians.
    101.35 Preparation of voting machines; notice of sealing and preelection test.
    101.36 Voting machines or electronic or electromechanical voting; when used.
    101.37 Location of voting machines.
    101.38 Disposition of voting machine keys immediately following an election.
    101.39 Voting machines, sealing curtains.
    101.40 Voting machine out of order.
    101.43 Substitute ballot.
    101.445 Write-in ballots.
    101.45 Election board opening polls.
    101.46 Instruction to electors before election.
    101.47 Requirements before elector enters voting machine booth.
    101.49 Procedure of election officers where signatures differ.
    101.54 Tabulation of vote and proclamation of results, where voting machine used.
    101.55 Certificate of results.
    101.56 Locking machine; returning write-in ballots.
    101.5603 Definitions relating to Electronic Voting Systems Act.
    101.5604 Adoption of system; procurement of equipment; commercial tabulations.
    101.5606 Requirements for approval of systems.
    101.5607 Department of State to maintain voting system information; prepare software.
    101.5608 Voting by electronic or electromechanical method; procedures.
    101.5609 Ballot requirements.
    101.5612 Testing of tabulating equipment.
    101.5614 Canvass of returns.
    101.58 Supervising and observing registration and election processes.
    101.64 Delivery of absentee ballots; envelopes; form.
    101.71 Polling place.
    101.75 Municipal elections; change of dates for cause.
    102.012 Inspectors and clerks to conduct elections.
    102.021 Compensation of inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs.
    102.141 County canvassing board; duties.
    102.166 Protest of election returns; procedure.
    103.101 Presidential preference primary.
    104.30 Voting machine; unlawful possession; tampering.
    138.05 Form of ballot.

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  • HB 1921, Original Filed Version Posted 4/11/2001 at 8:17 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules, Ethics & Elections (Post-Meeting) 4/10/2001 (pdf)

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/24/2001 4:56 PM House - Amendment 781917 44 Yeas - 72 Nays
    4/25/2001 12:14 PM House 114 Yeas - 3 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (53)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    97.021 Definitions.
    98.471 Use of precinct register at polls.
    100.071 Grouping of candidates on primary ballots.
    100.361 Municipal recall.
    101.011 Voting by paper ballot.
    101.141 Specifications for primary election ballot.
    101.151 Specifications for general election ballot.
    101.181 Form of primary ballot.
    101.191 Form of general election ballot.
    101.21 Official ballots; number; printing; payment.
    101.24 Ballot boxes and ballots.
    101.27 Voting machine ballots.
    101.28 Requirements for voting machines.
    101.29 Providing machines; payment for same.
    101.292 Definitions; ss. 101.292-101.295.
    101.32 Adoption of voting machines; powers incident to adoption.
    101.33 Number of electors for each machine.
    101.34 Custody of voting machines.
    101.341 Prohibited activities by voting machine custodians and deputy custodians.
    101.35 Preparation of voting machines; notice of sealing and preelection test.
    101.36 Voting machines or electronic or electromechanical voting; when used.
    101.37 Location of voting machines.
    101.38 Disposition of voting machine keys immediately following an election.
    101.39 Voting machines, sealing curtains.
    101.40 Voting machine out of order.
    101.43 Substitute ballot.
    101.445 Write-in ballots.
    101.45 Election board opening polls.
    101.46 Instruction to electors before election.
    101.47 Requirements before elector enters voting machine booth.
    101.49 Procedure of election officers where signatures differ.
    101.54 Tabulation of vote and proclamation of results, where voting machine used.
    101.55 Certificate of results.
    101.56 Locking machine; returning write-in ballots.
    101.5603 Definitions relating to Electronic Voting Systems Act.
    101.5604 Adoption of system; procurement of equipment; commercial tabulations.
    101.5606 Requirements for approval of systems.
    101.5607 Department of State to maintain voting system information; prepare software.
    101.5609 Ballot requirements.
    101.5612 Testing of tabulating equipment.
    101.5614 Canvass of returns.
    101.58 Supervising and observing registration and election processes.
    101.64 Delivery of absentee ballots; envelopes; form.
    101.71 Polling place.
    101.75 Municipal elections; change of dates for cause.
    102.012 Inspectors and clerks to conduct elections.
    102.021 Compensation of inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs.
    102.141 County canvassing board; duties.
    102.166 Protest of election returns; procedure.
    103.101 Presidential preference primary.
    104.30 Voting machine; unlawful possession; tampering.
    138.05 Form of ballot.

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