CS/HB 1425: State Lands
State Lands; requires lead land managing agency of conservation & nonconservation lands to utilize inmates of DOC to assist in management or restoration activities on managed lands in certain circumstances; revises limitation on availability of certain lands for purchase through water management district surplusing process; revises provision pertaining to water management district payments for tax losses, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 4/30/2004 House - Died in Committee on Public Safety & Crime Prevention
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/26/2004 House • Prefiled
3/2/2004 House • Introduced -HJ 00109
3/4/2004 House • Referred to Natural Resources; Public Safety & Crime Prevention; Appropriations -HJ 00218
3/15/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- Natural Resources, 03/17/04, 2:45 pm, 404-H --Temporarily deferred
3/23/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- Natural Resources, 03/25/04, 8:30 am, 404-H
3/25/2004 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Natural Resources; YEAS 15 NAYS 0 -HJ 00356
3/30/2004 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
4/12/2004 House • Now in Public Safety & Crime Prevention -HJ 00356
4/13/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- Public Safety & Crime Prevention, 04/15/04, 5:30 pm, Morris Hall --Not considered
4/30/2004 House • Died in Committee on Public Safety & Crime Prevention
CS/HB 1425, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/30/2004 at 11:53 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Citations - Statutes (14)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 159.705 Powers of the authority. 253.034 State-owned lands; uses. 253.036 Forest management. 259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose. 259.036 Management review teams. 259.04 Board; powers and duties. 259.105 The Florida Forever Act. 373.089 Sale or exchange of lands, or interests or rights in lands. 373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund. 373.5905 Reinstitution of payments in lieu of taxes; duration. 944.053 Forestry Work Camps. 946.002 Requirement of labor; compensation; amount; crediting of account of prisoner; forfeiture; civil rights; prisoner not employee or entitled to compensation insurance benefits. 946.40 Use of prisoners in public works. 946.503 Definitions to be used with respect to correctional work programs. -
HB 1425, Original Filed Version Posted 2/26/2004 at 1:52 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Natural Resources (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Natural Resources (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Public Safety & Crime Prevention (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (12)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 159.705 Powers of the authority. 253.034 State-owned lands; uses. 253.036 Forest management. 259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose. 259.036 Management review teams. 259.04 Board; powers and duties. 259.105 The Florida Forever Act. 373.5905 Reinstitution of payments in lieu of taxes; duration. 944.053 Forestry Work Camps. 946.002 Requirement of labor; compensation; amount; crediting of account of prisoner; forfeiture; civil rights; prisoner not employee or entitled to compensation insurance benefits. 946.40 Use of prisoners in public works. 946.503 Definitions to be used with respect to correctional work programs.
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