HB 189: Geriatric Specialty Nursing
GENERAL BILL by Farkas ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Harrell ; Sobel
Geriatric Specialty Nursing; cites act as "Clara Ramsey Care of the Elderly Act"; requires Agency for Workforce Innovation to establish pilot program for delivery of geriatric nursing education; specifies eligibility requirements for certified nursing assistants to receive said education; authorizes certified geriatric specialists to supervise activities of certain others in nursing home facilities according to rules by Board of Nursing, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $157,017.
Last Action: 4/29/2004 House - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/SB 492 (Died on House Calendar) -HJ 01098; Laid on Table -HJ 01098
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 11/18/2003 House • Prefiled
1/8/2004 House • Referred to Health Care; The Future of Florida's Families; Appropriations
1/23/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- Health Care, 02/04/04, 2:15 pm, Morris Hall
2/4/2004 House • Favorable by Health Care; YEAS 21 NAYS 1
2/9/2004 House • Now in The Future of Florida's Families
3/2/2004 House • Introduced, referred to Health Care; The Future of Florida's Families; Appropriations -HJ 00025; On Committee agenda-- Health Care, 02/04/04, 2:15 pm, Morris Hall; Favorable by Health Care; YEAS 21 NAYS 1 -HJ 00134; Now in The Future of Florida's Families -HJ 00134
3/11/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- The Future of Florida's Families, 03/15/04, 10:20 am, Reed Hall
3/15/2004 House • Favorable by The Future of Florida's Families; YEAS 15 NAYS 1 -HJ 00284
3/19/2004 House • Now in Appropriations -HJ 00284
4/28/2004 House • Withdrawn from Appropriations -HJ 00910; Placed on Calendar -HJ 00910
4/29/2004 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/SB 492 (Died on House Calendar) -HJ 01098; Laid on Table -HJ 01098
HB 189, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 11/18/2003 at 11:45 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: The Future of Florida's Families (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
The Future of Florida's Families (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Health Care (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Health Care (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Related Bills (4)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 492 (c1) Geriatric Specialty Nursing Carlton Similar Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died on Calendar
Location:H 1921 Health Professions Regulation Health Care Compare Last Action: 4/28/2004 H Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 00863; Substituted CS/CS/SB 2170 (Died on House Calendar) -HJ 01004; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 476 (Ch. 2004-299), CS/CS/CS/CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 2004-387) -HJ 01004
Location:S 1680 (e2) Health Care Licensing Procedures Act Saunders Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 329 (Ch. 2004-383), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
Location:S 2170 (e2) Human Health Peaden Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 329 (Ch. 2004-383), CS/SB 476 (Ch. 2004-299), CS/SB 490 (Ch. 2004-300), CS/SB 626 (Ch. 2004-303), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/CS/SB 1294 (Ch. 2004-25), CS/CS/CS/CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 2004-387), CS/CS/SB 1604 (Ch. 2004-230), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
Location:Floor Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 041195 - Amendment
Littlefield 4/28/2004
7:40 AMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (10)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 400.021 Definitions. 400.211 Persons employed as nursing assistants; certification requirement. 400.23 Rules; evaluation and deficiencies; licensure status. 409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers. 458.303 Provisions not applicable to other practitioners; exceptions, etc. 464.0125 464.201 Definitions. 464.202 Duties and powers of the board. 1009.65 Medical Education Reimbursement and Loan Repayment Program. 1009.66 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
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