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The Florida Senate

HB 1927: Public Health

GENERAL BILL by Health Care ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Farkas ; Homan

Public Health; authorizes Financial Services Dept. to disburse funds into Biomedical Research TF in DOH; revises names of certain divisions of DOH; creates Disability Determinations Div. & Minority Health Office; authorizes each county to expend funds to conduct elevated blood lead level investigations; requires dept. to establish comprehensive tobacco prevention program; revises health care clinic licensing requirements, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 4/30/2004 House - Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 1278 (Ch. 2004-282), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/13/2004 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00499
    4/15/2004 House • Referred to Appropriations -HJ 00518
    4/27/2004 House • Withdrawn from Appropriations -HJ 00838; Placed on Calendar -HJ 00838; Placed on Special Order Calendar
    4/28/2004 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 00863
    4/30/2004 House • Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 1278 (Ch. 2004-282), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)

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  • HB 1927, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/13/2004 at 2:15 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Health Care (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Related Bills (17)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 651 Bowen Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Health Appropriations (AP), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    H 1837 (e2) Appropriations Compare Last Action: 5/28/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-269; See also HB 293 (Ch. 2004-381), HB 1823 (Ch. 2004-267), HB 1835 (Ch. 2004-268), HB 1847 (Ch. 2004-240), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), HB 1867 (Ch. 2004-271), CS/SB 1250 (Ch. 2004-347), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350), CS/SB 2646 (Ch. 2004-235)
    H 1863 (e1) Appropriations Compare Last Action: 5/25/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-245; See also HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 368 (c2) Portable Restroom Contractors Constantine Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Health Appropriations (AP), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 560 (e2) Health Care Bennett Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 476 (Ch. 2004-299), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 1062 (e3) Bennett Compare Last Action: 6/15/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-298; See also HB 329 (Ch. 2004-383), CS/SB 1226 (Ch. 2004-386), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 1248 (c1) State Financial Matters Management Pruitt Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Rules and Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1823 (Ch. 2004-267), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350), CS/SB 2644 (Ch. 2004-234)
    S 1276 (e1) Health Care Peaden Compare Last Action: 4/2/2004 S Read third time -SJ 00520; Amendment pending -SJ 00520; Pending amendment withdrawn -SJ 00539; Substituted HB 1843 -SJ 00540; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1843 (Ch. 2004-270), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), HB 1865 (Ch. 2004-246), CS/CS/SB 1064 (Ch. 2004-344), CS/SB 2000 (Ch. 2004-1), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 1278 (e1) Peaden Compare Last Action: 6/10/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-282; See also CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 1680 (e2) Health Care Licensing Procedures Act Saunders Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 329 (Ch. 2004-383), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 2170 (e2) Human Health Peaden Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 329 (Ch. 2004-383), CS/SB 476 (Ch. 2004-299), CS/SB 490 (Ch. 2004-300), CS/SB 626 (Ch. 2004-303), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/CS/SB 1294 (Ch. 2004-25), CS/CS/CS/CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 2004-387), CS/CS/SB 1604 (Ch. 2004-230), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 2216 (c2) Public Health Care Jones Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 2448 (e2) Saunders Compare Last Action: 6/23/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-350; See also HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 1278 (Ch. 2004-282)
    S 2490 Health Care Clinics Alexander Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 2502 (e1) Appropriations Implementing Bill Appropriations Compare Last Action: 4/2/2004 S Substituted HB 1837 -SJ 00505; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1835 (Ch. 2004-268), HB 1837 (Ch. 2004-269), HB 1847 (Ch. 2004-240), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 1250 (Ch. 2004-347), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)
    S 2722 (c2) State Financial Matters Management Atwater Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01392; Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1823 (Ch. 2004-267), HB 1863 (Ch. 2004-245), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350), CS/SB 2644 (Ch. 2004-234)
    S 2842 (e1) Trauma Care Center Care Services Atwater Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H In Messages; Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1762 (Ch. 2004-259), CS/SB 2448 (Ch. 2004-350)

    Floor Amendments (2)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    432837 - Amendment
    Farkas 4/27/2004
    9:17 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 351679 - Amendment to Amendment (432837)
    Farkas 4/27/2004
    4:44 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (55)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.41 Department of Financial Services Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
    20.43 Department of Health.
    216.341 Disbursement of county health department trust funds.
    381.0011 Duties and powers of the Department of Health.
    381.006 Environmental health.
    381.0065 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; regulation.
    381.0066 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; fees.
    381.0072 Food service protection.
    381.0098 Biomedical waste.
    381.7353 Reducing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
    381.7355 Project requirements; review criteria.
    381.85 Biomedical and social research.
    381.89 Regulation of tanning facilities.
    381.90 Health Information Systems Council; legislative intent; creation, appointment, duties.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    383.402 Child abuse death review; State Child Abuse Death Review Committee; local child abuse death review committees.
    385.103 Community intervention programs.
    385.205 Care and assistance of persons suffering from chronic renal diseases; establishment of programs in kidney disease control.
    385.209 Dissemination of information on cholesterol health risks.
    391.021 Definitions.
    391.025 Applicability and scope.
    391.029 Program eligibility.
    391.035 Provider qualifications.
    391.055 Service delivery systems.
    391.301 Developmental evaluation and intervention programs; legislative findings and intent.
    391.302 Definitions.
    391.303 Program requirements.
    391.305 Program standards; rules.
    393.064 Prevention.
    395.1027 Regional poison control centers.
    395.404 Review of trauma registry data; confidentiality and limited release.
    400.9905 Definitions.
    400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions.
    400.9935 Clinic responsibilities.
    400.995 Agency administrative penalties.
    401.211 Legislative intent.
    404.056 Environmental radiation standards and projects; certification of persons performing measurement or mitigation services; mandatory testing; notification on real estate documents; rules.
    445.033 Evaluation.
    468.302 Use of radiation; identification of certified persons; limitations; exceptions.
    468.304 Certification examination; admission.
    468.306 Examinations.
    468.3065 Certification by endorsement.
    468.307 Certificate; issuance; display.
    468.309 Certificate; duration; renewal; reversion to inactive status; members of Armed Forces and spouses.
    468.3095 Inactive status; reactivation; automatic suspension; reinstatement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    489.553 Administration of part; registration qualifications; examination.
    489.554 Registration renewal.
    784.081 Assault or battery on specified officials or employees; reclassification of offenses.

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