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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 769: Career Education

GENERAL BILL by Jennings ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Allen ; Barreiro ; Baxley ; Bendross-Mindingall ; Bullard ; Cusack ; Fiorentino ; Gibson ; Gottlieb ; Harper ; Kilmer ; Rich ; Richardson ; Seiler ; Sobel

Career Education; allows charter technical career center sponsors to submit full-time enrollment membership data as defined in charter agreement; provides for career education certification on high school diploma; allows incentive funding to school districts for students receiving certification; redesignates adult technical education programs as workforce education programs, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2004
Last Action: 6/23/2004 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-357
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/2/2004 House • Prefiled
    2/8/2004 House • Referred to Commerce; General Education (EDK); Education K-20; Education Appropriations (AP); Appropriations
    3/2/2004 House • Introduced, referred to Commerce; General Education (EDK); Education K-20; Education Appropriations (AP); Appropriations -HJ 00064
    3/18/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- Commerce, 03/22/04, 10:00 am, 404-H
    3/22/2004 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Commerce; YEAS 15 NAYS 0 -HJ 00325
    3/25/2004 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b); Now in General Education (EDK) -HJ 00325
    4/8/2004 House • On Subcommittee agenda-- General Education (EDK), 04/13/04, 9:15 am, 12-H
    4/13/2004 House • Recommendation: Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by General Education (EDK); YEAS 5 NAYS 0; Now in Education K-20; On Committee agenda-- Education K-20, 04/14/04, 3:15 pm, Morris Hall
    4/14/2004 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Education K-20; YEAS 24 NAYS 0 -HJ 00605
    4/19/2004 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
    4/22/2004 House • Original reference(s) removed: Education Appropriations (AP); Appropriations -HJ 00685; Referred to Calendar -HJ 00685
    4/26/2004 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00793; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00793, -HJ 00794; Ordered engrossed -HJ 00794
    4/28/2004 House • Read third time -HJ 00904; Passed as amended; YEAS 117 NAYS 0 -HJ 00904
    4/28/2004 Senate • In Messages
    4/29/2004 Senate • Received, referred to Education; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; Appropriations -SJ 01393; Withdrawn from Education; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; Appropriations -SJ 01386; Substituted for CS/SB 1452 -SJ 01387; Read second time -SJ 01386
    4/30/2004 Senate • Read third time -SJ 01400; Passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 01401
    4/30/2004 House • Ordered enrolled -HJ 01542
    6/15/2004 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    6/23/2004 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-357

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  • CS/CS/HB 769, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/3/2004 at 11:07 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (3)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1452 (c1) Career Education Bennett Identical Last Action: 4/29/2004 S Withdrawn from Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; Appropriations -SJ 01378; Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01378; Substituted HB 769 -SJ 01387; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 769 (Ch. 2004-357)
    S 1258 (e1) Carlton Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 S Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State
    S 2858 Workforce Development Funding Bennett Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Education, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 769 (Ch. 2004-357)

    Citations - Statutes (133)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.18 Department of Community Affairs.
    110.1099 Education and training opportunities for state employees.
    112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.1915 Teachers and school administrators; death benefits.
    238.01 Definitions.
    250.10 Appointment and duties of the Adjutant General.
    250.482 Troops ordered into state active service; not to be penalized by employers and postsecondary institutions.
    288.047 Quick-response training for economic development.
    288.9511 Definitions.
    292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    292.10 Local governing bodies authorized to assist war veterans; powers.
    295.02 Use of funds; age, etc.
    295.125 Preference for admission to vocational training.
    339.0805 Funds to be expended with certified disadvantaged business enterprises; specified percentage to be expended; construction management development program; bond guarantee program.
    364.508 Definitions.
    376.0705 Development of training programs and educational materials.
    380.0651 Statewide guidelines and standards.
    402.305 Licensing standards; child care facilities.
    402.3051 Child care market rate reimbursement; child care grants.
    403.716 Training of operators of solid waste management and other facilities.
    414.0252 Definitions.
    420.0004 Definitions.
    420.524 Definitions relating to Predevelopment Loan Program Act.
    420.602 Definitions.
    440.16 Compensation for death.
    443.171 Agency for Workforce Innovation and commission; powers and duties; records and reports; proceedings; state-federal cooperation.
    445.003 Implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    445.009 One-stop delivery system.
    445.012 Careers for Florida's Future Incentive Grant Program.
    445.0123 Eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    445.024 Work requirements.
    445.049 Digital Divide Council.
    446.011 Legislative intent regarding apprenticeship training.
    446.052 Preapprenticeship program.
    446.22 Definitions.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.617 Education and experience requirements.
    475.6175 Registered trainee appraiser; postlicensure education required.
    475.618 Renewal of registration, license, certification, or instructor permit; continuing education.
    475.627 Appraisal course instructors.
    494.0029 Mortgage business schools.
    509.302 Director of education, personnel, employment duties, compensation.
    553.841 Building code training program; participant competency requirements.
    790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.
    790.115 Possessing or discharging weapons or firearms at a school-sponsored event or on school property prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
    810.095 Trespass on school property with firearm or other weapon prohibited.
    943.14 Commission-certified criminal justice training schools; certificates and diplomas; exemptions; injunctive relief; fines.
    948.015 Presentence investigation reports.
    948.09 Payment for cost of supervision and rehabilitation.
    958.12 Participation in certain activities required.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.315 Educational
    1000.04 Components for the delivery of public education within the Florida K-20 education system.
    1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of access required.
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1001.44 Technical centers.
    1001.452 District and school advisory councils.
    1001.453 Direct-support organization; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    1001.64 Community college boards of trustees; powers and duties.
    1002.01 Definitions.
    1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights.
    1002.22 Student records and reports; rights of parents and students; notification; penalty.
    1002.34 Charter technical career centers.
    1002.38 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    1002.42 Private schools.
    1003.01 Definitions.
    1003.02 District school board operation and control of public K-12 education within the school district.
    1003.43 General requirements for high school graduation.
    1003.47 Biological experiments on living subjects.
    1003.491 Career and technical education.
    1003.51 Other public educational services.
    1003.52 Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs.
    1004.02 Definitions.
    1004.04 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.
    1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect.
    1004.54 Learning Development and Evaluation Center.
    1004.65 Community colleges; definition, mission, and responsibilities.
    1004.73 St. Petersburg College.
    1004.91 Vocational-preparatory instruction.
    1004.92 Purpose and responsibilities for career and technical education.
    1004.93 Adult general education.
    1004.98 Workforce literacy programs.
    1005.02 Definitions.
    1005.06 Institutions not under the jurisdiction or purview of the commission.
    1005.21 Commission for Independent Education.
    1006.035 Dropout reentry and mentor project.
    1006.051 Sunshine Workforce Solutions Grant Program.
    1006.21 Duties of district school superintendent and district school board regarding transportation.
    1006.31 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    1007.21 Readiness for postsecondary education and the workplace.
    1007.23 Statewide articulation agreement.
    1007.24 Statewide course numbering system.
    1007.25 General education courses; common prerequisites; and other degree requirements.
    1007.27 Articulated acceleration mechanisms.
    1007.271 Dual enrollment programs.
    1008.37 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    1008.385 Educational planning and information systems.
    1008.405 Adult student information.
    1008.41 Workforce Development Education; management information system.
    1008.42 Public information on career and technical education programs.
    1008.43 Career and technical program reporting requirements.
    1008.45 Community college accountability process.
    1009.22 Workforce development postsecondary student fees.
    1009.23 Community college student fees.
    1009.25 Fee exemptions.
    1009.40 General requirements for student eligibility for state financial aid.
    1009.532 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; student eligibility requirements for renewal awards.
    1009.533 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    1009.536 Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award.
    1009.55 Rosewood Family Scholarship Program.
    1009.61 Teacher
    1009.64 Certified Education Paraprofessional Welfare Transition Program.
    1009.98 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    1010.20 Cost accounting and reporting for school districts.
    1010.58 Procedure for determining number of instruction units for community colleges.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1011.68 Funds for student transportation.
    1011.80 Funds for operation of adult technical education programs.
    1011.83 Financial support of community colleges.
    1012.01 Definitions.
    1012.39 Employment of substitute teachers, teachers of adult education, nondegreed teachers of career education, and career specialists; students performing clinical field experience.
    1012.43 Career and technical teachers.
    1013.03 Functions of the department.
    1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding.
    1013.64 Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs; construction cost maximums for school district capital projects.
    1013.75 Cooperative funding of career and technical educational facilities.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/HB 769, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/26/2004 at 6:36 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/28/2004 4:29 PM House 117 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/30/2004 2:19 PM Senate 40 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (133)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.18 Department of Community Affairs.
    110.1099 Education and training opportunities for state employees.
    112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.1915 Teachers and school administrators; death benefits.
    238.01 Definitions.
    250.10 Appointment and duties of the Adjutant General.
    250.482 Troops ordered into state active service; not to be penalized by employers and postsecondary institutions.
    288.047 Quick-response training for economic development.
    288.9511 Definitions.
    292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    292.10 Local governing bodies authorized to assist war veterans; powers.
    295.02 Use of funds; age, etc.
    295.125 Preference for admission to vocational training.
    339.0805 Funds to be expended with certified disadvantaged business enterprises; specified percentage to be expended; construction management development program; bond guarantee program.
    364.508 Definitions.
    376.0705 Development of training programs and educational materials.
    380.0651 Statewide guidelines and standards.
    402.305 Licensing standards; child care facilities.
    402.3051 Child care market rate reimbursement; child care grants.
    403.716 Training of operators of solid waste management and other facilities.
    414.0252 Definitions.
    420.0004 Definitions.
    420.524 Definitions relating to Predevelopment Loan Program Act.
    420.602 Definitions.
    440.16 Compensation for death.
    443.171 Agency for Workforce Innovation and commission; powers and duties; records and reports; proceedings; state-federal cooperation.
    445.003 Implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    445.009 One-stop delivery system.
    445.012 Careers for Florida's Future Incentive Grant Program.
    445.0123 Eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    445.024 Work requirements.
    445.049 Digital Divide Council.
    446.011 Legislative intent regarding apprenticeship training.
    446.052 Preapprenticeship program.
    446.22 Definitions.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.617 Education and experience requirements.
    475.6175 Registered trainee appraiser; postlicensure education required.
    475.618 Renewal of registration, license, certification, or instructor permit; continuing education.
    475.627 Appraisal course instructors.
    494.0029 Mortgage business schools.
    509.302 Director of education, personnel, employment duties, compensation.
    553.841 Building code training program; participant competency requirements.
    790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.
    790.115 Possessing or discharging weapons or firearms at a school-sponsored event or on school property prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
    810.095 Trespass on school property with firearm or other weapon prohibited.
    943.14 Commission-certified criminal justice training schools; certificates and diplomas; exemptions; injunctive relief; fines.
    948.015 Presentence investigation reports.
    948.09 Payment for cost of supervision and rehabilitation.
    958.12 Participation in certain activities required.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.315 Educational
    1000.04 Components for the delivery of public education within the Florida K-20 education system.
    1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of access required.
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1001.44 Technical centers.
    1001.452 District and school advisory councils.
    1001.453 Direct-support organization; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    1001.64 Community college boards of trustees; powers and duties.
    1002.01 Definitions.
    1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights.
    1002.22 Student records and reports; rights of parents and students; notification; penalty.
    1002.34 Charter technical career centers.
    1002.38 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    1002.42 Private schools.
    1003.01 Definitions.
    1003.02 District school board operation and control of public K-12 education within the school district.
    1003.43 General requirements for high school graduation.
    1003.47 Biological experiments on living subjects.
    1003.491 Career and technical education.
    1003.51 Other public educational services.
    1003.52 Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs.
    1004.02 Definitions.
    1004.04 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.
    1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect.
    1004.54 Learning Development and Evaluation Center.
    1004.65 Community colleges; definition, mission, and responsibilities.
    1004.73 St. Petersburg College.
    1004.91 Vocational-preparatory instruction.
    1004.92 Purpose and responsibilities for career and technical education.
    1004.93 Adult general education.
    1004.98 Workforce literacy programs.
    1005.02 Definitions.
    1005.06 Institutions not under the jurisdiction or purview of the commission.
    1005.21 Commission for Independent Education.
    1006.035 Dropout reentry and mentor project.
    1006.051 Sunshine Workforce Solutions Grant Program.
    1006.21 Duties of district school superintendent and district school board regarding transportation.
    1006.31 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    1007.21 Readiness for postsecondary education and the workplace.
    1007.23 Statewide articulation agreement.
    1007.24 Statewide course numbering system.
    1007.25 General education courses; common prerequisites; and other degree requirements.
    1007.27 Articulated acceleration mechanisms.
    1007.271 Dual enrollment programs.
    1008.37 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    1008.385 Educational planning and information systems.
    1008.405 Adult student information.
    1008.41 Workforce Development Education; management information system.
    1008.42 Public information on career and technical education programs.
    1008.43 Career and technical program reporting requirements.
    1008.45 Community college accountability process.
    1009.22 Workforce development postsecondary student fees.
    1009.23 Community college student fees.
    1009.25 Fee exemptions.
    1009.40 General requirements for student eligibility for state financial aid.
    1009.532 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; student eligibility requirements for renewal awards.
    1009.533 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    1009.536 Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award.
    1009.55 Rosewood Family Scholarship Program.
    1009.61 Teacher
    1009.64 Certified Education Paraprofessional Welfare Transition Program.
    1009.98 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    1010.20 Cost accounting and reporting for school districts.
    1010.58 Procedure for determining number of instruction units for community colleges.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1011.68 Funds for student transportation.
    1011.80 Funds for operation of adult technical education programs.
    1011.83 Financial support of community colleges.
    1012.01 Definitions.
    1012.39 Employment of substitute teachers, teachers of adult education, nondegreed teachers of career education, and career specialists; students performing clinical field experience.
    1012.43 Career and technical teachers.
    1013.03 Functions of the department.
    1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding.
    1013.64 Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs; construction cost maximums for school district capital projects.
    1013.75 Cooperative funding of career and technical educational facilities.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/HB 769, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 4/19/2004 at 8:35 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (5)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    134417 - Amendment
    Jennings 4/26/2004
    8:54 AM
    Web Page
    754099 - Amendment
    Jennings 4/26/2004
    8:55 AM
    Web Page
    846859 - Amendment
    Jennings 4/26/2004
    8:58 AM
    Web Page
    425371 - Amendment
    Jennings 4/26/2004
    8:59 AM
    Web Page
    186255 - Amendment
    Sansom 4/26/2004
    10:05 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (133)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.18 Department of Community Affairs.
    110.1099 Education and training opportunities for state employees.
    112.19 Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.1915 Teachers and school administrators; death benefits.
    238.01 Definitions.
    250.10 Appointment and duties of the Adjutant General.
    250.482 Troops ordered into state active service; not to be penalized by employers and postsecondary institutions.
    288.047 Quick-response training for economic development.
    288.9511 Definitions.
    292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    292.10 Local governing bodies authorized to assist war veterans; powers.
    295.02 Use of funds; age, etc.
    295.125 Preference for admission to vocational training.
    339.0805 Funds to be expended with certified disadvantaged business enterprises; specified percentage to be expended; construction management development program; bond guarantee program.
    364.508 Definitions.
    376.0705 Development of training programs and educational materials.
    380.0651 Statewide guidelines and standards.
    402.305 Licensing standards; child care facilities.
    402.3051 Child care market rate reimbursement; child care grants.
    403.716 Training of operators of solid waste management and other facilities.
    414.0252 Definitions.
    420.0004 Definitions.
    420.524 Definitions relating to Predevelopment Loan Program Act.
    420.602 Definitions.
    440.16 Compensation for death.
    443.171 Agency for Workforce Innovation and commission; powers and duties; records and reports; proceedings; state-federal cooperation.
    445.003 Implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    445.009 One-stop delivery system.
    445.012 Careers for Florida's Future Incentive Grant Program.
    445.0123 Eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    445.024 Work requirements.
    445.049 Digital Divide Council.
    446.011 Legislative intent regarding apprenticeship training.
    446.052 Preapprenticeship program.
    446.22 Definitions.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.617 Education and experience requirements.
    475.6175 Registered trainee appraiser; postlicensure education required.
    475.618 Renewal of registration, license, certification, or instructor permit; continuing education.
    475.627 Appraisal course instructors.
    494.0029 Mortgage business schools.
    509.302 Director of education, personnel, employment duties, compensation.
    553.841 Building code training program; participant competency requirements.
    790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.
    790.115 Possessing or discharging weapons or firearms at a school-sponsored event or on school property prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
    810.095 Trespass on school property with firearm or other weapon prohibited.
    943.14 Commission-certified criminal justice training schools; certificates and diplomas; exemptions; injunctive relief; fines.
    948.015 Presentence investigation reports.
    948.09 Payment for cost of supervision and rehabilitation.
    958.12 Participation in certain activities required.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.315 Educational
    1000.04 Components for the delivery of public education within the Florida K-20 education system.
    1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of access required.
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1001.44 Technical centers.
    1001.452 District and school advisory councils.
    1001.453 Direct-support organization; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    1001.64 Community college boards of trustees; powers and duties.
    1002.01 Definitions.
    1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights.
    1002.22 Student records and reports; rights of parents and students; notification; penalty.
    1002.34 Charter technical career centers.
    1002.38 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    1002.42 Private schools.
    1003.01 Definitions.
    1003.02 District school board operation and control of public K-12 education within the school district.
    1003.43 General requirements for high school graduation.
    1003.47 Biological experiments on living subjects.
    1003.491 Career and technical education.
    1003.51 Other public educational services.
    1003.52 Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs.
    1004.02 Definitions.
    1004.04 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.
    1004.07 Student withdrawal from courses due to military service; effect.
    1004.54 Learning Development and Evaluation Center.
    1004.65 Community colleges; definition, mission, and responsibilities.
    1004.73 St. Petersburg College.
    1004.91 Vocational-preparatory instruction.
    1004.92 Purpose and responsibilities for career and technical education.
    1004.93 Adult general education.
    1004.98 Workforce literacy programs.
    1005.02 Definitions.
    1005.06 Institutions not under the jurisdiction or purview of the commission.
    1005.21 Commission for Independent Education.
    1006.035 Dropout reentry and mentor project.
    1006.051 Sunshine Workforce Solutions Grant Program.
    1006.21 Duties of district school superintendent and district school board regarding transportation.
    1006.31 Duties of each state instructional materials committee.
    1007.21 Readiness for postsecondary education and the workplace.
    1007.23 Statewide articulation agreement.
    1007.24 Statewide course numbering system.
    1007.25 General education courses; common prerequisites; and other degree requirements.
    1007.27 Articulated acceleration mechanisms.
    1007.271 Dual enrollment programs.
    1008.37 Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools.
    1008.385 Educational planning and information systems.
    1008.405 Adult student information.
    1008.41 Workforce Development Education; management information system.
    1008.42 Public information on career and technical education programs.
    1008.43 Career and technical program reporting requirements.
    1008.45 Community college accountability process.
    1009.22 Workforce development postsecondary student fees.
    1009.23 Community college student fees.
    1009.25 Fee exemptions.
    1009.40 General requirements for student eligibility for state financial aid.
    1009.532 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; student eligibility requirements for renewal awards.
    1009.533 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; eligible postsecondary education institutions.
    1009.536 Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award.
    1009.55 Rosewood Family Scholarship Program.
    1009.61 Teacher
    1009.64 Certified Education Paraprofessional Welfare Transition Program.
    1009.98 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    1010.20 Cost accounting and reporting for school districts.
    1010.58 Procedure for determining number of instruction units for community colleges.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1011.68 Funds for student transportation.
    1011.80 Funds for operation of adult technical education programs.
    1011.83 Financial support of community colleges.
    1012.01 Definitions.
    1012.39 Employment of substitute teachers, teachers of adult education, nondegreed teachers of career education, and career specialists; students performing clinical field experience.
    1012.43 Career and technical teachers.
    1013.03 Functions of the department.
    1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need assessment; PECO project funding.
    1013.64 Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs; construction cost maximums for school district capital projects.
    1013.75 Cooperative funding of career and technical educational facilities.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/HB 769, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/25/2004 at 8:43 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (6)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1002.34 Charter technical career centers.
    1003.43 General requirements for high school graduation.
    1003.491 Career and technical education.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1012.01 Definitions.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 769, Original Filed Version Posted 2/2/2004 at 2:31 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Commerce (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Commerce (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Education K-20 (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Education K-20 (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Education K-20 (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Education K-20 (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Education K-20 (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (6)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1002.34 Charter technical career centers.
    1003.43 General requirements for high school graduation.
    1003.491 Career and technical education.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1012.01 Definitions.

    Top of SectionTop of Page