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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 388: Education Funding

GENERAL BILL by Education Appropriations ; Alexander

Education Funding; amends provisions re school capital outlay surtax to provide that required freeze on certain taxes does not apply to taxes authorized in General Appropriations Act; authorizes certain specified counties or school districts to operate early learning coalitions, notwithstanding other provisions of law; repeals provisions re performanced-based funding & BEST Florida Teaching salary career ladder program, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2005
Last Action: 5/26/2005 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2005-56
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/3/2004 Senate • Filed
12/17/2004 Senate • Referred to Education Appropriations; Ways and Means
3/8/2005 Senate • Introduced, referred to Education Appropriations; Ways and Means -SJ 00029
3/18/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Education Appropriations, 03/23/05, 9:00 am, 412-K
3/23/2005 Senate • CS by Education Appropriations; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00266; CS read first time on 03/23/05 -SJ 00285; Now in Ways and Means -SJ 00266
3/28/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Ways and Means, 03/31/05, 12:30 pm, 412-K
3/31/2005 Senate • Favorable by- Ways and Means; YEAS 15 NAYS 0 -SJ 00324; Placed on Calendar, on second reading -SJ 00324
4/7/2005 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00377; Read second time -SJ 00371; Read third time -SJ 00372; CS passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 00372; Immediately certified -SJ 00372
4/7/2005 House • In Messages; Received -HJ 00435; Read second time -HJ 00435; Substituted for HB 1891 -HJ 00435; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00435; Read third time -HJ 00439; CS passed as amended; YEAS 112 NAYS 0 -HJ 00439; Requested Senate to concur or failing to concur, appoint conference committee -HJ 00454
4/12/2005 Senate • In returning messages
4/13/2005 Senate • Was taken up -SJ 00391; Refused to concur and acceded to the request for a conference committee -SJ 00396
4/20/2005 House • Conference Committee appointed: Reps Negron-Ch; Mahon-V-Ch; Gardiner, Waters, Rubio, Goodlette, Bowen, Simmons, Brummer, Greenstein, Jennings, Ryan; Mayfield, Evers, Brown, Kendrick, Stansel, Poppell, Littlefield, Machek; Pickens, Arza, Rivera, Attkisson, Baxley, Flores, Sansom, Mealor, Richardson, Vana, Bendross-Mindingall, Justice, Altman; Bean, Benson, Murzin, Cannon, Galvano, Garcia, Farkas, Roberson, Gannon, Bilirakis, Sobel, Hays; Barreiro, Needelman, Kottkamp, Planas, Adams, Hasner, Seiler, Joyner, Clarke, Gelber; Berfield, Troutman, Carroll, Quinones, Sands, Reagan, Gibson, Patterson; D Davis, Llorente, Bogdanoff, M Davis, Traviesa, Kravitz, Cusack, Ausley, McInvale, Allen -HJ 00593
4/20/2005 Senate • Conference Committee appointed: Senators Carlton, Chair; Ways and Means; Education Appropriations: Alexander, Chair; Bullard, Constantine, King, Klein, Lynn, Miller, Wise; General Government Appropriations: Clary, Chair; Baker, Garcia, Lawson; Health and Human Services Appropriations: Saunders, Chair; Bennett, Dawson, Jones, Peaden, Pruitt, Rich, Wilson; Justice Appropriations: Crist, Chair; Argenziano, Aronberg, Siplin, Smith, Villalobos; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations: Fasano, Chair; Dockery, Hill, Margolis, Sebesta, Webster -SJ 00534
5/6/2005 Senate • Conference Committee Report received -SJ 01260; Conference Committee Report adopted -SJ 01264; Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 01264
5/6/2005 House • In returning messages; Conference Committee Report received -HJ 01629; Conference Committee Report adopted -HJ 01630; Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 116 NAYS 0 -HJ 01633
5/6/2005 Senate • Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 01661
5/24/2005 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
5/26/2005 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2005-56