CS/SB 2744: Financial Entities & Transactions
GENERAL BILL by Banking and Insurance ; Atwater ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Crist
Financial Entities & Transactions; defines term "control person"; authorizes Financial Services Commission to require electronic submission of forms, documents, or fees; requires electronic notification to office of persons who have successfully completed certain education requirements; revises requirements & procedures for issuing licenses; provides duties of FDLE; revises mortgage broker licensee requirements, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $700,515.
Last Action: 5/3/2006 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00966; Substituted HB 7153 -SJ 00897; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213), HB 521 (Ch. 2006-134), HB 1443 (Ch. 2006-187)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 3/7/2006 Senate • Filed
3/22/2006 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Criminal Justice; Judiciary; General Government Appropriations -SJ 00301
4/13/2006 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 04/20/06, 1:45 pm, 412-K
4/20/2006 Senate • CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 00579; CS read first time on 04/26/06 -SJ 00600
4/21/2006 Senate • Now in Criminal Justice -SJ 00579; On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 04/25/06, 1:45 pm, 37-S
4/25/2006 Senate • Favorable by Criminal Justice; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 00578
4/26/2006 Senate • Now in Judiciary -SJ 00578
5/1/2006 Senate • Withdrawn from Judiciary; General Government Appropriations -SJ 00738; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
5/3/2006 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00966; Substituted HB 7153 -SJ 00897; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213), HB 521 (Ch. 2006-134), HB 1443 (Ch. 2006-187)
CS/SB 2744, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/21/2006 at 5:12 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Banking and Insurance (Post-Meeting) 4/21/2006 (pdf)
Criminal Justice (Post-Meeting) 4/24/2006 (pdf)
Related Bills (6)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location H 7153 (e2) Detert Similar Last Action: 6/13/2006 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2006-213; See also HB 521 (Ch. 2006-134), HB 1443 (Ch. 2006-187)
Location:H 521 (e1) Hukill Compare Last Action: 6/9/2006 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2006-134; See also HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213)
Location:H 1437 Seiler Compare Last Action: 5/5/2006 H Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FC), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1443 (Ch. 2006-187), HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213)
Location:H 1443 (e1) Russell Compare Last Action: 6/12/2006 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2006-187; See also HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213)
Location:S 588 (c1) Liens Constantine Compare Last Action: 5/3/2006 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00966; Substituted HB 1443 -SJ 00850; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1443 (Ch. 2006-187), HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213)
Location:S 1824 Probate Aronberg Compare Last Action: 4/19/2006 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00446; Substituted HB 521 -SJ 00442; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 521 (Ch. 2006-134), HB 7153 (Ch. 2006-213)
Location:Committee Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 424072 - Amendment
Criminal Justice
11:56 AMWithdrawn
4/25/2006Web Page
PDFCommittee Votes (1)
Date Committee Result 4/25/2006 1:45 PM Criminal Justice 8 Yeas - 0 Nays Citations - Statutes (71)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 494.001 Definitions. 494.0011 Powers and duties of the commission and office. 494.0016 Books, accounts, and records; maintenance; examinations by the office. 494.0029 Mortgage business schools. 494.00295 Professional education. 494.003 Exemptions. 494.0031 Licensure as a mortgage brokerage business. 494.0032 Renewal of mortgage brokerage business license or branch office license. 494.0033 Mortgage broker's license. 494.0036 Mortgage brokerage business branch offices. 494.0039 Principal place of business requirements. 494.004 Requirements of licensees. 494.0041 Administrative penalties and fines; license violations. 494.006 Exemptions. 494.0061 Mortgage lender's license requirements. 494.0062 Correspondent mortgage lender's license requirements. 494.0064 Renewal of mortgage lender's license; branch office license renewal. 494.0065 Saving clause. 494.0066 Branch offices. 494.0067 Requirements of licensees under ss. 494.006-494.0077. 494.0072 Administrative penalties and fines; license violations. 494.00721 Net worth. 501.137 Mortgage lenders; tax and insurance payments from escrow accounts; duties. 516.01 Definitions. 516.03 Application for license; fees; etc. 516.031 Finance charge; maximum rates. 516.05 License. 516.07 Grounds for denial of license or for disciplinary action. 516.08 License to be posted. 516.12 Records to be kept by licensee. 516.19 Penalties. 517.021 Definitions. 517.051 Exempt securities. 517.061 Exempt transactions. 517.081 Registration procedure. 517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices. 517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund. 517.141 Payment from the fund. 517.161 Revocation, denial, or suspension of registration of dealer, investment adviser, associated person, or branch office. 520.02 Definitions. 520.03 Licenses. 520.31 Definitions. 520.32 Licenses. 520.52 Licensees. 520.61 Definitions. 520.63 Licensees. 520.994 Powers of office. 520.995 Grounds for disciplinary action. 520.997 Books, accounts, and records. 520.999 537.009 Recordkeeping; reporting; safekeeping of property. 559.9232 Definitions; exclusion of rental-purchase agreements from certain regulations. 560.105 Supervisory powers; rulemaking. 560.114 Disciplinary actions. 560.121 Records; limited restrictions upon public access. 560.126 Significant events; notice required. 560.127 Control of a money transmitter. 560.205 Qualifications of applicant for registration; contents. 560.207 Renewal of registration; registration fee. 560.210 Permissible investments. 560.211 Records. 560.305 Application. 560.306 Standards. 560.308 Registration terms; renewal; renewal fees. 560.310 Records of check cashers and foreign currency exchangers. 560.403 Requirements of registration; declaration of intent. 655.935 Search procedure on death of lessee. 655.936 Delivery of safe-deposit box contents or property held in safekeeping to personal representative. 655.937 Access to safe-deposit boxes leased in two or more names. 679.705 Effectiveness of action taken before effective date. 733.6065 Opening safe-deposit box. -
SB 2744, Original Filed Version Posted 3/7/2006 at 11:25 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Committee Amendments (2)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 220114 - Amendment to Amendment (604946)
Banking and Insurance
5:47 PMReplaced by Committee Substitute
4/23/2006Web Page
PDF203458 - Amendment to Amendment (604946)
Banking and Insurance
5:47 PMReplaced by Committee Substitute
4/23/2006Web Page
PDFFloor Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 604946 - Amendment
5:47 PMWeb Page
PDFCommittee Votes (1)
Date Committee Result 4/20/2006 1:45 PM Banking and Insurance 10 Yeas - 0 Nays Citations - Statutes (68)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 494.001 Definitions. 494.0011 Powers and duties of the commission and office. 494.0016 Books, accounts, and records; maintenance; examinations by the office. 494.0029 Mortgage business schools. 494.00295 Professional education. 494.003 Exemptions. 494.0031 Licensure as a mortgage brokerage business. 494.0032 Renewal of mortgage brokerage business license or branch office license. 494.0033 Mortgage broker's license. 494.0036 Mortgage brokerage business branch offices. 494.0039 Principal place of business requirements. 494.004 Requirements of licensees. 494.0041 Administrative penalties and fines; license violations. 494.006 Exemptions. 494.0061 Mortgage lender's license requirements. 494.0062 Correspondent mortgage lender's license requirements. 494.0064 Renewal of mortgage lender's license; branch office license renewal. 494.0065 Saving clause. 494.0066 Branch offices. 494.0067 Requirements of licensees under ss. 494.006-494.0077. 494.0072 Administrative penalties and fines; license violations. 494.00721 Net worth. 501.137 Mortgage lenders; tax and insurance payments from escrow accounts; duties. 516.01 Definitions. 516.03 Application for license; fees; etc. 516.031 Finance charge; maximum rates. 516.05 License. 516.07 Grounds for denial of license or for disciplinary action. 516.08 License to be posted. 516.12 Records to be kept by licensee. 517.021 Definitions. 517.051 Exempt securities. 517.061 Exempt transactions. 517.081 Registration procedure. 517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices. 517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund. 517.141 Payment from the fund. 517.161 Revocation, denial, or suspension of registration of dealer, investment adviser, associated person, or branch office. 520.02 Definitions. 520.03 Licenses. 520.31 Definitions. 520.32 Licenses. 520.52 Licensees. 520.61 Definitions. 520.63 Licensees. 520.994 Powers of office. 520.995 Grounds for disciplinary action. 520.997 Books, accounts, and records. 520.999 537.009 Recordkeeping; reporting; safekeeping of property. 560.105 Supervisory powers; rulemaking. 560.114 Disciplinary actions. 560.121 Records; limited restrictions upon public access. 560.126 Significant events; notice required. 560.127 Control of a money transmitter. 560.205 Qualifications of applicant for registration; contents. 560.207 Renewal of registration; registration fee. 560.210 Permissible investments. 560.211 Records. 560.305 Application. 560.306 Standards. 560.308 Registration terms; renewal; renewal fees. 560.310 Records of check cashers and foreign currency exchangers. 560.403 Requirements of registration; declaration of intent. 655.935 Search procedure on death of lessee. 655.936 Delivery of safe-deposit box contents or property held in safekeeping to personal representative. 655.937 Access to safe-deposit boxes leased in two or more names. 733.6065 Opening safe-deposit box.