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The Florida Senate

SB 1284: Florida Statutes [WPSC]

REVISER'S BILL by Villalobos

Florida Statutes [WPSC]; Amends, deletes, and reenacts provisions that have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded. Replaces incorrect cross-references and citations. Corrects grammatical, typographical, and like errors. Removes inconsistencies, redundancies, and unnecessary repetition in the statutes, etc.

Effective Date: 07/07/2009
Last Action: 3/17/2009 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2009-21 -SJ 00234
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/4/2009 Senate • Filed
    2/5/2009 Senate • Referred to Rules
    2/9/2009 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Rules, 02/17/09, 4:15 pm, 110-S
    2/17/2009 Senate • Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 17 NAYS 0
    2/18/2009 Senate • Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
    3/3/2009 Senate • Introduced, referred to Rules -SJ 00077; On Committee agenda-- Rules, 02/17/09, 4:15 pm, 110-S; Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 17 NAYS 0 -SJ 00118; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 00118; Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00005
    3/5/2009 Senate • Read 3rd time -SJ 00138; Passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 00138; Immediately certified -SJ 00138
    3/5/2009 House • In Messages; Received -HJ 00165; Read 2nd time -HJ 00165; Substituted for HB 7003 -HJ 00165; Read 3rd time -HJ 00166; Passed; YEAS 115 NAYS 0 -HJ 00166; Immediately certified -HJ 00166
    3/5/2009 Senate • Ordered enrolled -SJ 00161
    3/13/2009 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor -SJ 00234
    3/17/2009 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2009-21 -SJ 00234

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  • SB 1284, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/12/2009 at 11:24 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 7003 Florida Statutes Rules and Calendar Council Identical Last Action: 3/5/2009 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted SB 1284; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 1284 (Ch. 2009-21) -HJ 00165

    Citations - Statutes (106)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.01 Definitions.
    39.806 Grounds for termination of parental rights.
    45.035 Clerk's fees.
    61.122 Parenting plan recommendation; presumption of psychologist's good faith; prerequisite to parent's filing suit; award of fees, costs, reimbursement.
    61.13001 Parental relocation with a child.
    112.661 Investment policies.
    121.051 Participation in the system.
    121.153 Investments in institutions doing business in or with Northern Ireland.
    161.085 Rigid coastal armoring structures.
    163.3177 Required and optional elements of comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.
    193.074 Confidentiality of returns.
    193.1554 Assessment of nonhomestead residential property.
    193.1555 Assessment of certain residential and nonresidential real property.
    201.15 Distribution of taxes collected.
    211.31 Levy of tax on severance of certain solid minerals; rate, basis, and distribution of tax.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.5595 Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program.
    218.409 Administration of the trust fund; creation of advisory council.
    253.03 Board of trustees to administer state lands; lands enumerated.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.105 The Florida Forever Act.
    259.1053 Babcock Ranch Preserve; Babcock Ranch, Inc.; creation; membership; organization; meetings.
    282.201 State data center system; agency duties and limitations.
    288.1089 Innovation Incentive Program.
    288.8175 Linkage institutes between postsecondary institutions in this state and foreign countries.
    316.2128 Operation of motorized scooters and miniature motorcycles; requirements for sales.
    316.650 Traffic citations.
    319.001 Definitions.
    320.08058 Specialty license plates.
    323.001 Wrecker operator storage facilities; vehicle holds.
    336.41 Counties; employing labor and providing road equipment; accounting; when competitive bidding required.
    336.44 Counties; contracts for construction of roads; procedure; contractor's bond.
    364.051 Price regulation.
    373.118 General permits; delegation.
    373.4145 Part IV permitting program within the geographical jurisdiction of the Northwest Florida Water Management District.
    374.977 Inland navigation districts; manatee protection speed zones, responsibility for sign posting.
    378.021 Master reclamation plan.
    378.403 Definitions.
    379.2495 Florida Ships-2-Reefs Program; matching grant requirements.
    379.353 Recreational licenses and permits; exemptions from fees and requirements.
    379.407 Administration; rules, publications, records; penalties; injunctions.
    380.061 The Florida Quality Developments program.
    380.510 Conditions of grants and loans.
    381.0063 Drinking water funds.
    403.087 Permits; general issuance; denial; revocation; prohibition; penalty.
    403.0871 Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund.
    403.511 Effect of certification.
    403.5115 Public notice.
    403.531 Effect of certification.
    403.7264 Amnesty days for purging small quantities of hazardous wastes.
    403.813 Permits issued at district centers; exceptions.
    403.862 Department of Health; public water supply duties and responsibilities; coordinated budget requests with department.
    403.890 Water Protection and Sustainability Program; intent; goals; purposes.
    403.9416 Effect of certification.
    409.2563 Administrative establishment of child support obligations.
    409.2598 License suspension proceeding to enforce support order.
    468.432 Licensure of community association managers and community association management firms; exceptions.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contracting.
    499.003 Definitions of terms used in this part.
    499.012 Permit application requirements.
    499.0121 Storage and handling of prescription drugs; recordkeeping.
    499.015 Registration of drugs, devices, and cosmetics; issuance of certificates of free sale.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    553.885 Carbon monoxide alarm required.
    553.975 Report to the Governor and Legislature.
    560.111 Prohibited acts.
    560.124 Sharing of information.
    560.141 License application.
    560.142 License renewal.
    560.143 Fees.
    560.209 Net worth; corporate surety bond; collateral deposit in lieu of bond.
    560.404 Requirements for deferred presentment transactions.
    560.406 Worthless checks.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    597.004 Aquaculture certificate of registration.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    624.4213 Trade secret documents.
    626.8541 Public adjuster apprentice.
    626.8796 Public adjuster contracts; fraud statement.
    626.8797 Proof of loss; fraud statement.
    627.0621 Transparency in rate regulation.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology; public records exemption; public meetings exemption.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.35193 Consumer reporting agency request for claims data from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters; display of religious decorations.
    718.501 Authority, responsibility, and duties of Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes.
    718.503 Developer disclosure prior to sale; nondeveloper unit owner disclosure prior to sale; voidability.
    828.25 Administration; rules; inspection; fees.
    937.021 Missing child and missing adult reports.
    1000.36 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
    1001.395 District school board members; compensation.
    1002.36 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
    1006.035 Dropout reentry and mentor project.
    1006.59 The Historically Black College and University Library Improvement Program.
    1008.22 Student assessment program for public schools.
    1008.34 School grading system; school report cards; district grade.
    1008.341 School improvement rating for alternative schools.
    1008.345 Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability.
    1009.73 Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship Program.
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements.
    1012.795 Education Practices Commission; authority to discipline.
    1013.12 Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property.

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  • SB 1284, Original Filed Version Posted 3/3/2009 at 3:55 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules (Post-Meeting) 2/5/2009 (pdf)

    Committee Votes (1)

    Date Committee Result
    2/17/2009 4:15 PM Rules 17 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/5/2009 10:36 AM Senate 40 Yeas - 0 Nays
    3/5/2009 11:02 AM House 115 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (106)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.01 Definitions.
    39.806 Grounds for termination of parental rights.
    45.035 Clerk's fees.
    61.122 Parenting plan recommendation; presumption of psychologist's good faith; prerequisite to parent's filing suit; award of fees, costs, reimbursement.
    61.13001 Parental relocation with a child.
    112.661 Investment policies.
    121.051 Participation in the system.
    121.153 Investments in institutions doing business in or with Northern Ireland.
    161.085 Rigid coastal armoring structures.
    163.3177 Required and optional elements of comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.
    193.074 Confidentiality of returns.
    193.1554 Assessment of nonhomestead residential property.
    193.1555 Assessment of certain residential and nonresidential real property.
    201.15 Distribution of taxes collected.
    211.31 Levy of tax on severance of certain solid minerals; rate, basis, and distribution of tax.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.5595 Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program.
    218.409 Administration of the trust fund; creation of advisory council.
    253.03 Board of trustees to administer state lands; lands enumerated.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.105 The Florida Forever Act.
    259.1053 Babcock Ranch Preserve; Babcock Ranch, Inc.; creation; membership; organization; meetings.
    282.201 State data center system; agency duties and limitations.
    288.1089 Innovation Incentive Program.
    288.8175 Linkage institutes between postsecondary institutions in this state and foreign countries.
    316.2128 Operation of motorized scooters and miniature motorcycles; requirements for sales.
    316.650 Traffic citations.
    319.001 Definitions.
    320.08058 Specialty license plates.
    323.001 Wrecker operator storage facilities; vehicle holds.
    336.41 Counties; employing labor and providing road equipment; accounting; when competitive bidding required.
    336.44 Counties; contracts for construction of roads; procedure; contractor's bond.
    364.051 Price regulation.
    373.118 General permits; delegation.
    373.4145 Part IV permitting program within the geographical jurisdiction of the Northwest Florida Water Management District.
    374.977 Inland navigation districts; manatee protection speed zones, responsibility for sign posting.
    378.021 Master reclamation plan.
    378.403 Definitions.
    379.2495 Florida Ships-2-Reefs Program; matching grant requirements.
    379.353 Recreational licenses and permits; exemptions from fees and requirements.
    379.407 Administration; rules, publications, records; penalties; injunctions.
    380.061 The Florida Quality Developments program.
    380.510 Conditions of grants and loans.
    381.0063 Drinking water funds.
    403.087 Permits; general issuance; denial; revocation; prohibition; penalty.
    403.0871 Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund.
    403.511 Effect of certification.
    403.5115 Public notice.
    403.531 Effect of certification.
    403.7264 Amnesty days for purging small quantities of hazardous wastes.
    403.813 Permits issued at district centers; exceptions.
    403.862 Department of Health; public water supply duties and responsibilities; coordinated budget requests with department.
    403.890 Water Protection and Sustainability Program; intent; goals; purposes.
    403.9416 Effect of certification.
    409.2563 Administrative establishment of child support obligations.
    409.2598 License suspension proceeding to enforce support order.
    468.432 Licensure of community association managers and community association management firms; exceptions.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contracting.
    499.003 Definitions of terms used in this part.
    499.012 Permit application requirements.
    499.0121 Storage and handling of prescription drugs; recordkeeping.
    499.015 Registration of drugs, devices, and cosmetics; issuance of certificates of free sale.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    553.885 Carbon monoxide alarm required.
    553.975 Report to the Governor and Legislature.
    560.111 Prohibited acts.
    560.124 Sharing of information.
    560.141 License application.
    560.142 License renewal.
    560.143 Fees.
    560.209 Net worth; corporate surety bond; collateral deposit in lieu of bond.
    560.404 Requirements for deferred presentment transactions.
    560.406 Worthless checks.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    597.004 Aquaculture certificate of registration.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    624.4213 Trade secret documents.
    626.8541 Public adjuster apprentice.
    626.8796 Public adjuster contracts; fraud statement.
    626.8797 Proof of loss; fraud statement.
    627.0621 Transparency in rate regulation.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology; public records exemption; public meetings exemption.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.35193 Consumer reporting agency request for claims data from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters; display of religious decorations.
    718.501 Authority, responsibility, and duties of Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes.
    718.503 Developer disclosure prior to sale; nondeveloper unit owner disclosure prior to sale; voidability.
    828.25 Administration; rules; inspection; fees.
    937.021 Missing child and missing adult reports.
    1000.36 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
    1001.395 District school board members; compensation.
    1002.36 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
    1006.035 Dropout reentry and mentor project.
    1006.59 The Historically Black College and University Library Improvement Program.
    1008.22 Student assessment program for public schools.
    1008.34 School grading system; school report cards; district grade.
    1008.341 School improvement rating for alternative schools.
    1008.345 Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability.
    1009.73 Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship Program.
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements.
    1012.795 Education Practices Commission; authority to discipline.
    1013.12 Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property.

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