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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1970: Education/High-performing Teachers [WPSC]

GENERAL BILL by Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations ; Detert

Education/High-performing Teachers [WPSC]; Cites this act as the "High-Performing Teacher Bonuses Act." Requires that each school district allocate 100 percent of the funds received for instruction for the International Baccalaureate Program, Advanced International Certificate of Education, and the Advanced Placement Program. Requires that such funds be expended solely for administrative costs associated with such programs and teachers' bonuses, etc.

Effective Date: 07/01/2010
Last Action: 4/30/2010 Senate - Died pending review, Rule 4.7(2), companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 5101 (Ch. 2010-154)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/12/2010 Senate • Filed
2/17/2010 Senate • Referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means
3/2/2010 Senate • Introduced, referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means -SJ 00133
4/1/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Education Pre-K - 12, 04/06/10, 1:00 pm, 301-S
4/6/2010 Senate • CS by Education Pre-K - 12; YEAS 7 NAYS 1 -SJ 00551; CS read 1st time on 04/14/10 -SJ 00564
4/9/2010 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
4/30/2010 Senate • Died pending review, Rule 4.7(2), companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 5101 (Ch. 2010-154)