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The Florida Senate

HB 471: Insurance


Insurance; Defines "authorized inspection agency"; revises & provides provisions relating to the state boiler inspection program; revises original appointment & renewal fees related to certain insurance representatives; revises specified time period applicable to certified examination that must be filed by foreign or alien insurer applying for certificate of authority; prohibits an insurance agency from conducting insurance business at location without designated agent in charge; provides agency license requirements; revises qualifications for approval as mediator by DFS; provides grounds for department to deny an application, or suspend or revoke approval of mediator or certification of neutral evaluator; authorizes department to adopt rules; revises date by which title insurance agencies & certain insurers must annually submit specified information to OIR; requirements relating to contractual liability policies that insure warranty associations.

Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 1/8/2014 House - Withdrawn prior to introduction, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 291 (Ch. 2014-111), CS/CS/HB 321 (Ch. 2014-112), CS/CS/HB 633 (Ch. 2014-123), CS/HB 785 (Ch. 2014-131), CS/CS/CS/SB 542 (Ch. 2014-80), CS/CS/SB 708 (Ch. 2014-86), CS/CS/SB 1308 (Ch. 2014-101), CS/CS/SB 1344 (Ch. 2014-103), CS/CS/SB 1672 (Ch. 2014-104) -HJ 40
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/3/2014 House • Filed
1/8/2014 House • Withdrawn prior to introduction, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 291 (Ch. 2014-111), CS/CS/HB 321 (Ch. 2014-112), CS/CS/HB 633 (Ch. 2014-123), CS/HB 785 (Ch. 2014-131), CS/CS/CS/SB 542 (Ch. 2014-80), CS/CS/SB 708 (Ch. 2014-86), CS/CS/SB 1308 (Ch. 2014-101), CS/CS/SB 1344 (Ch. 2014-103), CS/CS/SB 1672 (Ch. 2014-104) -HJ 40