SB 1382: Gender Identity Employment Practices
Gender Identity Employment Practices; Specifying an employment policy of the state relating to a person’s sex; prohibiting employees and contractors of certain employers from being required to use, from providing, and from being asked to provide preferred personal titles or pronouns; providing that it is an unlawful employment practice for certain employers to take adverse personnel action against employees and contractors on the basis of deeply held religious or biology-based beliefs; providing that it is an unlawful employment practice for nonprofit organizations and certain employers to require certain training, instruction, or activity as a condition of employment, etc.
Last Action: 3/8/2024 Senate - Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
- Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
- Appropriations (AP)
- Fiscal Policy (FP)
- Rules (RC)
Bill History
SB 1382, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 1/4/2024 at 4:01 PM