SB 1604: Corrections
Corrections; Revising provisions relating to deferral of prepayment of court costs and fees for indigent prisoners for actions involving challenges to prison disciplinary reports; requiring exhaustion of administrative remedies before certain actions concerning confinement of prisoners may be brought; providing that prison terms for certain offenses committed in conjunction with another felony offense may be sentenced to be served consecutively; revising provisions concerning methods of execution of death sentences, etc.
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/27/2025 | Senate |
• Filed |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location | Track Bills |
H 903 | Corrections | Jacques | Similar | Last Action: 3/2/2025 H Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee |
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Committee Amendments
Floor Amendments
Bill Analyses
No Bill Analyses AvailableVote History - Committee
No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (23)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
57.085 | Deferral of prepayment of court costs and fees for indigent prisoners. | Page 4 (pdf) |
95.11 | Limitations other than for the recovery of real property. | Page 4 (pdf) |
760.701 | Page 5 (pdf) | |
775.087 | Possession or use of weapon; aggravated battery; felony reclassification; minimum sentence. | Page 6 (pdf) |
922.10 | Execution of death sentence; executioner. | Page 9 (pdf) |
922.105 | Execution of death sentence; prohibition against reduction of death sentence as a result of determination that a method of execution is unconstitutional. | Page 9 (pdf) |
934.425 | Installation or use of tracking devices or tracking applications; exceptions; penalties. | Page 10 (pdf) |
945.41 | Legislative intent of ss. 945.40-945.49. | Page 11 (pdf) |
945.42 | Definitions; ss. 945.40-945.49. | Page 14 (pdf) |
945.43 | Placement of inmate in a mental health treatment facility. | Page 20 (pdf) |
945.44 | Emergency placement of inmate in a mental health treatment facility. | Page 22 (pdf) |
945.45 | Continued placement of inmates in mental health treatment facilities. | Page 25 (pdf) |
945.46 | Initiation of involuntary placement proceedings with respect to a mentally ill inmate scheduled for release. | Page 25 (pdf) |
945.47 | Discharge of inmate from mental health treatment. | Page 27 (pdf) |
945.48 | Rights of inmates provided mental health treatment; procedure for involuntary treatment. | Page 28 (pdf) |
945.485 | Page 29 (pdf) | |
945.49 | Operation and administration. | Page 33 (pdf) |
945.6402 | Page 34 (pdf) | |
947.02 | Florida Commission on Offender Review; members, appointment. | Page 41 (pdf) |
947.021 | Florida Commission on Offender Review; expedited appointments. | Page 43 (pdf) |
947.12 | Members, employees, expenses. | Page 44 (pdf) |
957.04 | Contract requirements. | Page 44 (pdf) |
957.09 | Applicability of chapter to other provisions of law. | Page 45 (pdf) |
Citations - Constitution (0)
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Citations - Chapter Law (0)
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