SB 456: Bail Bonds
Bail Bonds; Requiring that, upon a court’s entry of an order to revoke pretrial release and order pretrial detention, the clerk of the court discharge any bond previously posted as a condition of pretrial release without further order of the court; deleting the requirement that a surety own certain real estate as a qualification for the release of a person on bail; requiring sureties, other than bail bond agents, to justify their suretyship by attaching to the bond United States currency, a United States postal money order, or a cashier’s check in the amount of the bond; providing that such currency, money order, or cashier’s check may not be used to secure more than one bond; reducing the number of days within which the clerk must furnish specified information to the Department of Financial Services and the Office of Insurance Regulation of the Financial Services Commission and the surety company at its home office, etc.
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Judiciary (JU)
- Rules (RC)
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/4/2025 Senate • Filed
2/10/2025 Senate • Referred to Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Rules
3/4/2025 Senate • Introduced
SB 456, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/4/2025 at 8:54 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills H 323 Bail Bonds Maney Similar Last Action: 3/4/2025 H 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) Citations - Statutes (21)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 903.011 Pretrial release; general terms; statewide uniform bond schedule. Page 5 (pdf) 903.045 Nature of criminal surety bail bonds. Page 8 (pdf) 903.046 Purpose of and criteria for bail determination. Page 8 (pdf) 903.047 Conditions of pretrial release. Page 30 (pdf) 903.0471 Violation of condition of pretrial release. Page 9 (pdf) 903.05 Qualification of sureties. Page 9 (pdf) 903.08 Sufficiency of sureties. Page 9 (pdf) 903.09 Justification of sureties. Page 9 (pdf) 903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access. Page 10 (pdf) 903.16 Deposit of money or bonds as bail. Page 10 (pdf) 903.17 Substitution of cash bail for other bail. Page 11 (pdf) 903.21 Method of surrender; exoneration of obligors. Page 11 (pdf) 903.26 Forfeiture of the bond; when and how directed; discharge; how and when made; effect of payment. Page 12 (pdf) 903.27 Forfeiture to judgment. Page 17 (pdf) 903.28 Remission of forfeiture; conditions. Page 21 (pdf) 903.286 Return of cash bond; requirement to withhold unpaid fines, fees, court costs; cash bond forms. Page 35 (pdf) 903.31 Canceling the bond. Page 26 (pdf) 907.041 Pretrial detention and release. Page 32 (pdf) 924.065 Denial of motion for new trial or arrest of judgment; appeal bond; supersedeas. Page 27 (pdf) 924.14 Stay of execution when defendant appeals. Page 35 (pdf) 951.26 Public safety coordinating councils. Page 28 (pdf)