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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 1337: Governmental Reorganization


Governmental Reorganization; revises & conforms provisions of Florida Statutes to amendment of provisions of State Constitution, in which functions of former positions of Comptroller & Treasurer were combined into office of Chief Financial Officer, & specified provision, which reorganized certain executive-branch duties & functions to implement such constitutional amendment; revises & conforms provisions, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/2/2003 House - Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1712 (Ch. 2003-261)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/4/2003 House • Filed
    3/6/2003 House • Introduced -HJ 00137
    3/11/2003 House • Referred to Banking & Securities (COM); Commerce; Insurance -HJ 00184
    3/13/2003 House • On Subcommittee agenda-- Banking & Securities (COM), 03/17/03, 4:30 pm, 404-H
    3/17/2003 House • Recommendation: Favorable with 2 amendment(s) by Banking & Securities (COM); YEAS 6 NAYS 0
    3/20/2003 House • Now in Commerce; On Committee agenda-- Commerce, 03/24/03, 3:00 pm, 404-H
    3/24/2003 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Commerce; YEAS 18 NAYS 0 -HJ 00255
    4/1/2003 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
    4/7/2003 House • Now in Insurance -HJ 00255; Also referred to Appropriations -HJ 00363
    4/11/2003 House • On Committee agenda-- Insurance, 04/15/03, 1:00 pm, 212-K
    4/15/2003 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Insurance; YEAS 15 NAYS 2 -HJ 00404
    4/22/2003 House • Withdrawn from- Appropriations -HJ 00428
    4/23/2003 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
    4/25/2003 House • Placed on Calendar
    4/29/2003 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Temporarily postponed, on Second Reading -HJ 00732
    5/2/2003 House • Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1712 (Ch. 2003-261)

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  • CS/CS/HB 1337, Committee Substitute 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/23/2003 at 9:34 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 1803 Governmental Reorganization State Administration Compare Last Action: 4/29/2003 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/SB 1712; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1712 (Ch. 2003-261) -HJ 00733
    S 1712 (e1) Banking and Insurance Compare Last Action: 6/26/2003 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2003-261

    Citations - Statutes (382)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    103.091 Political parties.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    287.059 Private attorney services.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.901 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; creation; membership; organization; meetings; disclosure.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.386 Individual self-insurers' insolvency; conservation; liquidation.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    440.525 Examination of carriers.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.051 Exempt securities.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.07 Registration of securities.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.081 Registration procedure.
    517.082 Notification registration.
    517.101 Consent to service.
    517.111 Revocation or denial of registration of securities.
    517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices.
    517.1201 Notice filing requirements for federal covered advisers.
    517.1203 Allocation and disbursement of assessment fees.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.121 Books and records requirements; examinations.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    517.161 Revocation, denial, or suspension of registration of dealer, investment adviser, associated person, or branch office.
    517.181 Escrow agreement.
    517.191 Injunction to restrain violations.
    517.201 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas; hearings; witnesses.
    517.2015 Confidentiality of information relating to investigations and examinations.
    517.221 Cease and desist orders.
    517.241 Remedies.
    517.301 Fraudulent transactions; falsification or concealment of facts.
    517.302 Criminal penalties; alternative fine; Anti-Fraud Trust Fund; time limitation for criminal prosecution.
    517.313 Destroying certain records; reproduction.
    517.315 Fees.
    517.32 Exemption from excise tax, certain obligations to pay.
    520.996 Investigations and complaints.
    520.9965 Confidentiality of information relating to investigations and examinations.
    537.008 Title loan agreement.
    537.009 Recordkeeping; reporting; safekeeping of property.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    537.013 Prohibited acts.
    537.016 Subpoenas; enforcement actions; rules.
    537.017 Investigations and complaints.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    560.128 Consumer disclosure.
    560.129 Confidentiality.
    560.404 Requirements for deferred presentment transactions.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.303 Seal; certified copies as evidence.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.316 Examination of insurers.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4072 Minority-owned property and casualty insurers; limited exemption for taxation and assessments.
    624.413 Application for certificate of authority.
    624.424 Annual statement and other information.
    624.476 Impaired self-insurance funds.
    624.477 Liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, and conservation.
    625.01115 Definitions.
    625.121 Standard Valuation Law; life insurance.
    625.151 Valuation of other securities.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.325 Investments in subsidiaries and related corporations.
    626.015 Definitions.
    626.025 Consumer protections.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.202 Fingerprinting requirements.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.292 Transfer of license from another state.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.361 Effective date of appointments.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.591 Penalty for violation of s. 626.581.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.7315 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of general lines insurance.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7451 Managing general agents; required contract provisions.
    626.7454 Managing general agents; duties of insurers.
    626.7491 Business transacted with producer controlled property and casualty insurer.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.752 Exchange of business.
    626.7845 Prohibition against unlicensed transaction of life insurance.
    626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8305 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of health insurance.
    626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8473 Escrow; trust fund.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.861 Insurer's officers, insurer's employees, reciprocal insurer's representatives; adjustments by.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.88 Definitions of "administrator" and "insurer".
    626.8805 Certificate of authority to act as administrator.
    626.8809 Fidelity bond.
    626.8814 Disclosure of ownership or affiliation.
    626.884 Maintenance of records by administrator; access; confidentiality.
    626.89 Annual financial statement and filing fee; notice of change of ownership.
    626.891 Grounds for suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
    626.892 Order of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; notice.
    626.894 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension or revocation.
    626.895 Definition of "service company" or "service agent".
    626.896 Servicing requirements for self-insurers and multiple-employer welfare arrangements.
    626.897 Application for authorization to act as service company; bond.
    626.898 Requirements for retaining authorization as service company; recertification.
    626.899 Withdrawal of authorization as service company.
    626.901 Representing or aiding unauthorized insurer prohibited.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.909 Jurisdiction of department; service of process on Secretary of State.
    626.910 Penalty for violation by unauthorized insurers and persons representing or aiding such insurers.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.914 Definitions.
    626.916 Eligibility for export.
    626.917 Eligibility for export; wet marine and transportation, aviation risks.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.919 Withdrawal of eligibility; surplus lines insurer.
    626.921 Florida Surplus Lines Service Office.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9545 Improper charge identification incentive program.
    626.9551 Favored agent or insurer; coercion of debtors.
    626.9561 Power of department.
    626.9571 Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books and service of process.
    626.9581 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    626.9591 Appeals from the department.
    626.9601 Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders.
    626.9611 Rules.
    626.9621 Provisions of part additional to existing law.
    626.9631 Civil liability.
    626.9641 Policyholders, bill of rights.
    626.9651 Privacy.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.99 Life insurance solicitation.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9913 Viatical settlement provider license continuance; annual report; fees; deposit.
    626.9914 Suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of viatical settlement provider license; grounds; administrative fine.
    626.9915 Effect of suspension or revocation of viatical settlement provider license; duration of suspension; reinstatement.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    626.9919 Notice of change of licensee address or name.
    626.9921 Filing of forms; required procedures; approval.
    626.9922 Examination.
    626.9925 Rules.
    626.9926 Rate regulation not authorized.
    626.9927 Unfair trade practices; cease and desist; injunctions; civil remedy.
    626.99272 Cease and desist orders and fines.
    626.99295 Grace period.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0629 Residential property insurance; rate filings.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.3111 Public records exemption.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.3511 Depopulation of Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association.
    627.3513 Standards for sale of bonds by underwriting associations.
    627.3515 Market assistance plan; property and casualty risks.
    627.357 Medical malpractice self-insurance.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    628.917 Insolvency and liquidation.
    631.021 Jurisdiction of delinquency proceeding; venue; change of venue; exclusiveness of remedy; appeal.
    631.025 Persons subject to this part.
    631.031 Commencement of delinquency proceeding.
    631.051 Grounds for rehabilitation; domestic insurers.
    631.081 Grounds for conservation; alien insurers.
    631.152 Conduct of delinquency proceeding; foreign insurers.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.231 Exemption from fees.
    631.361 Seizure under court order.
    631.371 Seizure under order of the department.
    631.391 Cooperation of officers and employees.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.398 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.55 Creation of the association.
    631.56 Board of directors.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.62 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.66 Immunity.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.722 Powers and duties of department.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.727 Immunity.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.821 Powers and duties of the department.
    631.823 Examination of the plan; annual report.
    631.825 Immunity.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.918 Immunity.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.430 Dissolution or liquidation.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    636.067 Rules.
    641.183 Statutory accounting procedures; transition provisions.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.2017 Insurance business not authorized.
    641.2018 Limited coverage for home health care authorized.
    641.21 Application for certificate.
    641.215 Conditions precedent to issuance or maintenance of certificate of authority; effect of bankruptcy proceedings.
    641.22 Issuance of certificate of authority.
    641.225 Surplus requirements.
    641.227 Rehabilitation Administrative Expense Fund.
    641.228 Florida Health Maintenance Organization Consumer Assistance Plan.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.234 Administrative, provider, and management contracts.
    641.2342 Contract providers.
    641.25 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation.
    641.255 Acquisition, merger, or consolidation.
    641.26 Annual and quarterly reports.
    641.27 Examination by the department.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.281 Injunction.
    641.284 Liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, and conservation; exclusive methods of remedy.
    641.285 Insolvency protection.
    641.29 Fees.
    641.3007 HIV infection and AIDS for contract purposes.
    641.305 Language used in contracts and advertisements; translations.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    641.3105 Validity of noncomplying contracts.
    641.3107 Delivery of contract.
    641.31074 Guaranteed renewability of coverage.
    641.315 Provider contracts.
    641.3154 Organization liability; provider billing prohibited.
    641.3155 Prompt payment of claims.
    641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.
    641.35 Assets, liabilities, and investments.
    641.36 Adoption of rules; penalty for violation.
    641.365 Dividends.
    641.385 Order to discontinue certain advertising.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    641.3905 General powers and duties of the department.
    641.3907 Defined unfair practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books, and service of process.
    641.3909 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    641.3911 Appeals from the department.
    641.3913 Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders.
    641.3917 Civil liability.
    641.3922 Conversion contracts; conditions.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.405 Application for certificate of authority to operate prepaid health clinic.
    641.406 Issuance of certificate of authority.
    641.4065 Insurance business not authorized.
    641.407 Minimum surplus.
    641.409 Insolvency protection.
    641.41 Annual report of prepaid health clinic; administrative penalty.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.418 Examination of prepaid health clinic by the department.
    641.42 Prepaid health clinic contracts.
    641.421 Language used in contracts and advertisements; translations.
    641.424 Validity of noncomplying contracts.
    641.437 Investigatory power of department.
    641.443 Temporary restraining orders.
    641.444 Injunction.
    641.445 Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books, and service of process.
    641.446 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    641.447 Appeal from departmental order.
    641.448 Penalty for violation of cease and desist order.
    641.45 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of authority to enroll new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.452 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
    641.453 Civil liability.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.457 Exemption for certain operational prepaid health clinics.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.495 Requirements for issuance and maintenance of certificate.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.512 Accreditation and external quality assurance assessment.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.54 Information disclosure.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    651.119 Assistance to persons affected by closure due to liquidation or pending liquidation.
    655.012 General supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/HB 1337, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 4/1/2003 at 5:25 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (377)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    103.091 Political parties.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.386 Individual self-insurers' insolvency; conservation; liquidation.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    440.525 Examination of carriers.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.051 Exempt securities.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.07 Registration of securities.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.081 Registration procedure.
    517.082 Notification registration.
    517.101 Consent to service.
    517.111 Revocation or denial of registration of securities.
    517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices.
    517.1201 Notice filing requirements for federal covered advisers.
    517.1203 Allocation and disbursement of assessment fees.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.121 Books and records requirements; examinations.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    517.161 Revocation, denial, or suspension of registration of dealer, investment adviser, associated person, or branch office.
    517.181 Escrow agreement.
    517.191 Injunction to restrain violations.
    517.201 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas; hearings; witnesses.
    517.2015 Confidentiality of information relating to investigations and examinations.
    517.221 Cease and desist orders.
    517.241 Remedies.
    517.301 Fraudulent transactions; falsification or concealment of facts.
    517.302 Criminal penalties; alternative fine; Anti-Fraud Trust Fund; time limitation for criminal prosecution.
    517.313 Destroying certain records; reproduction.
    517.315 Fees.
    517.32 Exemption from excise tax, certain obligations to pay.
    520.996 Investigations and complaints.
    520.9965 Confidentiality of information relating to investigations and examinations.
    537.008 Title loan agreement.
    537.009 Recordkeeping; reporting; safekeeping of property.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    537.013 Prohibited acts.
    537.016 Subpoenas; enforcement actions; rules.
    537.017 Investigations and complaints.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    560.128 Consumer disclosure.
    560.129 Confidentiality.
    560.404 Requirements for deferred presentment transactions.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.303 Seal; certified copies as evidence.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.316 Examination of insurers.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4072 Minority-owned property and casualty insurers; limited exemption for taxation and assessments.
    624.413 Application for certificate of authority.
    624.424 Annual statement and other information.
    624.476 Impaired self-insurance funds.
    624.477 Liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, and conservation.
    625.01115 Definitions.
    625.121 Standard Valuation Law; life insurance.
    625.151 Valuation of other securities.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.325 Investments in subsidiaries and related corporations.
    626.015 Definitions.
    626.025 Consumer protections.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.202 Fingerprinting requirements.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.292 Transfer of license from another state.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.361 Effective date of appointments.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.591 Penalty for violation of s. 626.581.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.7315 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of general lines insurance.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7451 Managing general agents; required contract provisions.
    626.7454 Managing general agents; duties of insurers.
    626.7491 Business transacted with producer controlled property and casualty insurer.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.752 Exchange of business.
    626.7845 Prohibition against unlicensed transaction of life insurance.
    626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8305 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of health insurance.
    626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8473 Escrow; trust fund.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.861 Insurer's officers, insurer's employees, reciprocal insurer's representatives; adjustments by.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.88 Definitions of "administrator" and "insurer".
    626.8805 Certificate of authority to act as administrator.
    626.8809 Fidelity bond.
    626.8814 Disclosure of ownership or affiliation.
    626.884 Maintenance of records by administrator; access; confidentiality.
    626.89 Annual financial statement and filing fee; notice of change of ownership.
    626.891 Grounds for suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
    626.892 Order of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; notice.
    626.894 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension or revocation.
    626.895 Definition of "service company" or "service agent".
    626.896 Servicing requirements for self-insurers and multiple-employer welfare arrangements.
    626.897 Application for authorization to act as service company; bond.
    626.898 Requirements for retaining authorization as service company; recertification.
    626.899 Withdrawal of authorization as service company.
    626.901 Representing or aiding unauthorized insurer prohibited.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.909 Jurisdiction of department; service of process on Secretary of State.
    626.910 Penalty for violation by unauthorized insurers and persons representing or aiding such insurers.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.914 Definitions.
    626.916 Eligibility for export.
    626.917 Eligibility for export; wet marine and transportation, aviation risks.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.919 Withdrawal of eligibility; surplus lines insurer.
    626.921 Florida Surplus Lines Service Office.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9545 Improper charge identification incentive program.
    626.9551 Favored agent or insurer; coercion of debtors.
    626.9561 Power of department.
    626.9571 Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books and service of process.
    626.9581 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    626.9591 Appeals from the department.
    626.9601 Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders.
    626.9611 Rules.
    626.9621 Provisions of part additional to existing law.
    626.9631 Civil liability.
    626.9641 Policyholders, bill of rights.
    626.9651 Privacy.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.99 Life insurance solicitation.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9913 Viatical settlement provider license continuance; annual report; fees; deposit.
    626.9914 Suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of viatical settlement provider license; grounds; administrative fine.
    626.9915 Effect of suspension or revocation of viatical settlement provider license; duration of suspension; reinstatement.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    626.9919 Notice of change of licensee address or name.
    626.9921 Filing of forms; required procedures; approval.
    626.9922 Examination.
    626.9925 Rules.
    626.9926 Rate regulation not authorized.
    626.9927 Unfair trade practices; cease and desist; injunctions; civil remedy.
    626.99272 Cease and desist orders and fines.
    626.99295 Grace period.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0629 Residential property insurance; rate filings.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.3111 Public records exemption.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.3511 Depopulation of Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association.
    627.3513 Standards for sale of bonds by underwriting associations.
    627.3515 Market assistance plan; property and casualty risks.
    627.357 Medical malpractice self-insurance.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    628.917 Insolvency and liquidation.
    631.021 Jurisdiction of delinquency proceeding; venue; change of venue; exclusiveness of remedy; appeal.
    631.025 Persons subject to this part.
    631.031 Commencement of delinquency proceeding.
    631.051 Grounds for rehabilitation; domestic insurers.
    631.081 Grounds for conservation; alien insurers.
    631.152 Conduct of delinquency proceeding; foreign insurers.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.231 Exemption from fees.
    631.361 Seizure under court order.
    631.371 Seizure under order of the department.
    631.391 Cooperation of officers and employees.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.398 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.55 Creation of the association.
    631.56 Board of directors.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.62 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.66 Immunity.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.722 Powers and duties of department.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.727 Immunity.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.821 Powers and duties of the department.
    631.825 Immunity.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.918 Immunity.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.430 Dissolution or liquidation.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    636.067 Rules.
    641.183 Statutory accounting procedures; transition provisions.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.2017 Insurance business not authorized.
    641.2018 Limited coverage for home health care authorized.
    641.21 Application for certificate.
    641.215 Conditions precedent to issuance or maintenance of certificate of authority; effect of bankruptcy proceedings.
    641.22 Issuance of certificate of authority.
    641.225 Surplus requirements.
    641.227 Rehabilitation Administrative Expense Fund.
    641.228 Florida Health Maintenance Organization Consumer Assistance Plan.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.234 Administrative, provider, and management contracts.
    641.2342 Contract providers.
    641.25 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation.
    641.255 Acquisition, merger, or consolidation.
    641.26 Annual and quarterly reports.
    641.27 Examination by the department.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.281 Injunction.
    641.284 Liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, and conservation; exclusive methods of remedy.
    641.285 Insolvency protection.
    641.29 Fees.
    641.3007 HIV infection and AIDS for contract purposes.
    641.305 Language used in contracts and advertisements; translations.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    641.3105 Validity of noncomplying contracts.
    641.3107 Delivery of contract.
    641.31074 Guaranteed renewability of coverage.
    641.315 Provider contracts.
    641.3154 Organization liability; provider billing prohibited.
    641.3155 Prompt payment of claims.
    641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.
    641.35 Assets, liabilities, and investments.
    641.36 Adoption of rules; penalty for violation.
    641.365 Dividends.
    641.385 Order to discontinue certain advertising.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    641.3905 General powers and duties of the department.
    641.3907 Defined unfair practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books, and service of process.
    641.3909 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    641.3911 Appeals from the department.
    641.3913 Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders.
    641.3917 Civil liability.
    641.3922 Conversion contracts; conditions.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.405 Application for certificate of authority to operate prepaid health clinic.
    641.406 Issuance of certificate of authority.
    641.4065 Insurance business not authorized.
    641.407 Minimum surplus.
    641.409 Insolvency protection.
    641.41 Annual report of prepaid health clinic; administrative penalty.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.418 Examination of prepaid health clinic by the department.
    641.42 Prepaid health clinic contracts.
    641.421 Language used in contracts and advertisements; translations.
    641.424 Validity of noncomplying contracts.
    641.437 Investigatory power of department.
    641.443 Temporary restraining orders.
    641.444 Injunction.
    641.445 Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books, and service of process.
    641.446 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    641.447 Appeal from departmental order.
    641.448 Penalty for violation of cease and desist order.
    641.45 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of authority to enroll new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.452 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
    641.453 Civil liability.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.457 Exemption for certain operational prepaid health clinics.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.495 Requirements for issuance and maintenance of certificate.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.512 Accreditation and external quality assurance assessment.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.54 Information disclosure.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    651.119 Assistance to persons affected by closure due to liquidation or pending liquidation.
    655.012 General supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.

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  • HB 1337, Original Filed Version Posted 3/6/2003 at 11:35 AM

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    Citations - Statutes (377)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    103.091 Political parties.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.386 Individual self-insurers' insolvency; conservation; liquidation.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    440.525 Examination of carriers.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.051 Exempt securities.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.07 Registration of securities.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.081 Registration procedure.
    517.082 Notification registration.
    517.101 Consent to service.
    517.111 Revocation or denial of registration of securities.
    517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices.
    517.1201 Notice filing requirements for federal covered advisers.
    517.1203 Allocation and disbursement of assessment fees.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.121 Books and records requirements; examinations.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    517.161 Revocation, denial, or suspension of registration of dealer, investment adviser, associated person, or branch office.
    517.181 Escrow agreement.
    517.191 Injunction to restrain violations.
    517.201 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas; hearings; witnesses.
    517.2015 Confidentiality of information relating to investigations and examinations.
    517.221 Cease and desist orders.
    517.241 Remedies.
    517.301 Fraudulent transactions; falsification or concealment of facts.
    517.302 Criminal penalties; alternative fine; Anti-Fraud Trust Fund; time limitation for criminal prosecution.
    517.313 Destroying certain records; reproduction.
    517.315 Fees.
    517.32 Exemption from excise tax, certain obligations to pay.
    520.996 Investigations and complaints.
    520.9965 Confidentiality of information relating to investigations and examinations.
    537.008 Title loan agreement.
    537.009 Recordkeeping; reporting; safekeeping of property.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    537.013 Prohibited acts.
    537.016 Subpoenas; enforcement actions; rules.
    537.017 Investigations and complaints.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    560.128 Consumer disclosure.
    560.129 Confidentiality.
    560.404 Requirements for deferred presentment transactions.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.303 Seal; certified copies as evidence.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.316 Examination of insurers.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4072 Minority-owned property and casualty insurers; limited exemption for taxation and assessments.
    624.413 Application for certificate of authority.
    624.424 Annual statement and other information.
    624.476 Impaired self-insurance funds.
    624.477 Liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, and conservation.
    625.01115 Definitions.
    625.121 Standard Valuation Law; life insurance.
    625.151 Valuation of other securities.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.325 Investments in subsidiaries and related corporations.
    626.015 Definitions.
    626.025 Consumer protections.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.202 Fingerprinting requirements.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.292 Transfer of license from another state.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.361 Effective date of appointments.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.591 Penalty for violation of s. 626.581.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.7315 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of general lines insurance.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7451 Managing general agents; required contract provisions.
    626.7454 Managing general agents; duties of insurers.
    626.7491 Business transacted with producer controlled property and casualty insurer.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.752 Exchange of business.
    626.7845 Prohibition against unlicensed transaction of life insurance.
    626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8305 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of health insurance.
    626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8473 Escrow; trust fund.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.861 Insurer's officers, insurer's employees, reciprocal insurer's representatives; adjustments by.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.88 Definitions of "administrator" and "insurer".
    626.8805 Certificate of authority to act as administrator.
    626.8809 Fidelity bond.
    626.8814 Disclosure of ownership or affiliation.
    626.884 Maintenance of records by administrator; access; confidentiality.
    626.89 Annual financial statement and filing fee; notice of change of ownership.
    626.891 Grounds for suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
    626.892 Order of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; notice.
    626.894 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension or revocation.
    626.895 Definition of "service company" or "service agent".
    626.896 Servicing requirements for self-insurers and multiple-employer welfare arrangements.
    626.897 Application for authorization to act as service company; bond.
    626.898 Requirements for retaining authorization as service company; recertification.
    626.899 Withdrawal of authorization as service company.
    626.901 Representing or aiding unauthorized insurer prohibited.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.909 Jurisdiction of department; service of process on Secretary of State.
    626.910 Penalty for violation by unauthorized insurers and persons representing or aiding such insurers.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.914 Definitions.
    626.916 Eligibility for export.
    626.917 Eligibility for export; wet marine and transportation, aviation risks.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.919 Withdrawal of eligibility; surplus lines insurer.
    626.921 Florida Surplus Lines Service Office.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9545 Improper charge identification incentive program.
    626.9551 Favored agent or insurer; coercion of debtors.
    626.9561 Power of department.
    626.9571 Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books and service of process.
    626.9581 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    626.9591 Appeals from the department.
    626.9601 Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders.
    626.9611 Rules.
    626.9621 Provisions of part additional to existing law.
    626.9631 Civil liability.
    626.9641 Policyholders, bill of rights.
    626.9651 Privacy.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.99 Life insurance solicitation.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9913 Viatical settlement provider license continuance; annual report; fees; deposit.
    626.9914 Suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of viatical settlement provider license; grounds; administrative fine.
    626.9915 Effect of suspension or revocation of viatical settlement provider license; duration of suspension; reinstatement.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    626.9919 Notice of change of licensee address or name.
    626.9921 Filing of forms; required procedures; approval.
    626.9922 Examination.
    626.9925 Rules.
    626.9926 Rate regulation not authorized.
    626.9927 Unfair trade practices; cease and desist; injunctions; civil remedy.
    626.99272 Cease and desist orders and fines.
    626.99295 Grace period.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0629 Residential property insurance; rate filings.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.3111 Public records exemption.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.3511 Depopulation of Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association.
    627.3513 Standards for sale of bonds by underwriting associations.
    627.3515 Market assistance plan; property and casualty risks.
    627.357 Medical malpractice self-insurance.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    628.917 Insolvency and liquidation.
    631.021 Jurisdiction of delinquency proceeding; venue; change of venue; exclusiveness of remedy; appeal.
    631.025 Persons subject to this part.
    631.031 Commencement of delinquency proceeding.
    631.051 Grounds for rehabilitation; domestic insurers.
    631.081 Grounds for conservation; alien insurers.
    631.152 Conduct of delinquency proceeding; foreign insurers.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.231 Exemption from fees.
    631.361 Seizure under court order.
    631.371 Seizure under order of the department.
    631.391 Cooperation of officers and employees.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.398 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.55 Creation of the association.
    631.56 Board of directors.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.62 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.66 Immunity.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.722 Powers and duties of department.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.727 Immunity.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.821 Powers and duties of the department.
    631.825 Immunity.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.918 Immunity.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.430 Dissolution or liquidation.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    636.067 Rules.
    641.183 Statutory accounting procedures; transition provisions.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.2017 Insurance business not authorized.
    641.2018 Limited coverage for home health care authorized.
    641.21 Application for certificate.
    641.215 Conditions precedent to issuance or maintenance of certificate of authority; effect of bankruptcy proceedings.
    641.22 Issuance of certificate of authority.
    641.225 Surplus requirements.
    641.227 Rehabilitation Administrative Expense Fund.
    641.228 Florida Health Maintenance Organization Consumer Assistance Plan.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.234 Administrative, provider, and management contracts.
    641.2342 Contract providers.
    641.25 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation.
    641.255 Acquisition, merger, or consolidation.
    641.26 Annual and quarterly reports.
    641.27 Examination by the department.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.281 Injunction.
    641.284 Liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, and conservation; exclusive methods of remedy.
    641.285 Insolvency protection.
    641.29 Fees.
    641.3007 HIV infection and AIDS for contract purposes.
    641.305 Language used in contracts and advertisements; translations.
    641.31 Health maintenance contracts.
    641.3105 Validity of noncomplying contracts.
    641.3107 Delivery of contract.
    641.31074 Guaranteed renewability of coverage.
    641.315 Provider contracts.
    641.3154 Organization liability; provider billing prohibited.
    641.3155 Prompt payment of claims.
    641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.
    641.35 Assets, liabilities, and investments.
    641.36 Adoption of rules; penalty for violation.
    641.365 Dividends.
    641.385 Order to discontinue certain advertising.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    641.3905 General powers and duties of the department.
    641.3907 Defined unfair practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books, and service of process.
    641.3909 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    641.3911 Appeals from the department.
    641.3913 Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders.
    641.3917 Civil liability.
    641.3922 Conversion contracts; conditions.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.405 Application for certificate of authority to operate prepaid health clinic.
    641.406 Issuance of certificate of authority.
    641.4065 Insurance business not authorized.
    641.407 Minimum surplus.
    641.409 Insolvency protection.
    641.41 Annual report of prepaid health clinic; administrative penalty.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.418 Examination of prepaid health clinic by the department.
    641.42 Prepaid health clinic contracts.
    641.421 Language used in contracts and advertisements; translations.
    641.424 Validity of noncomplying contracts.
    641.437 Investigatory power of department.
    641.443 Temporary restraining orders.
    641.444 Injunction.
    641.445 Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books, and service of process.
    641.446 Cease and desist and penalty orders.
    641.447 Appeal from departmental order.
    641.448 Penalty for violation of cease and desist order.
    641.45 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of authority to enroll new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.452 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
    641.453 Civil liability.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.457 Exemption for certain operational prepaid health clinics.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.495 Requirements for issuance and maintenance of certificate.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.512 Accreditation and external quality assurance assessment.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.54 Information disclosure.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    651.119 Assistance to persons affected by closure due to liquidation or pending liquidation.
    655.012 General supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.

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