CS/HB 1837: Workers' Compensation
GENERAL BILL by Insurance ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Allen ; Berfield ; Clarke ; Detert ; Harrell ; Jordan ; Sansom
Workers' Compensation; revises authorization to claim exemptions & requirements re submitting notice of election of exemption; provides that corporate officer electing to be exempt may not receive benefits; specifies effect of criminal acts; provides for compensability of mental & nervous injuries; revises provisions re contractors & subcontractors re liability for compensation; provides conditions for applying for building permits, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 5/2/2003 Senate - In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
4/11/2003 | House |
• Filed; Introduced, referred to State Administration -HJ 00388; On Committee agenda-- State Administration, 04/14/03, 8:30 am, Reed Hall |
4/14/2003 | House |
• Favorable with CS amendment by- State Administration; YEAS 4 NAYS 0 -HJ 00393 |
4/21/2003 | House |
• Pending review of CS -under Rule 6.3(b); Placed on Calendar -HJ 00393 |
4/25/2003 | House |
• Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00628; Amendment(s) failed -HJ 00629; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00629; Amendment(s) reconsidered, withdrawn -HJ 00631, -HJ 00644; Ordered engrossed -HJ 00648 |
4/28/2003 | House |
• Read third time -HJ 00701; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00702; Ordered engrossed -HJ 00703 |
5/1/2003 | House |
• Passed as amended; YEAS 104 NAYS 10 -HJ 00975 |
5/1/2003 | Senate |
• In Messages; Received, referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations; Rules and Calendar -SJ 01056; Immediately withdrawn from Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations; Rules and Calendar -SJ 01035; Substituted for CS/CS/SB 1132 -SJ 01035; Read second time -SJ 01035; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 01047; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 01047; Read third time -SJ 01053; Passed as amended; YEAS 35 NAYS 5 -SJ 01053 |
5/1/2003 | House |
• In returning messages |
5/2/2003 | House |
• Was taken up -HJ 01043; Refused to concur, requested Senate to recede -HJ 01044 |
5/2/2003 | Senate |
• In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location |
H 163 | Workers' Compensation | Mack | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died, reference deferred, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
H 927 | Workers' Compensation | Troutman | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died in Committee on Insurance Regulation (IN), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
H 1179 | Workers' Compensation | Ross | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died in Committee on Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
H 1247 | Workers' Compensation | Clarke | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died in Committee on Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
H 1409 | Workers' Compensation | Antone | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died in Committee on Insurance Regulation (IN), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
H 1539 | Workers' Compensation | Fields | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died in Committee on Health Access & Financing (IN), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
H 1655 | Workers' Compensation | Berfield | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Died in Committee on Health Access & Financing (IN), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
S 1132 (c2) | Workers' Compensation | Clary | Compare | Last Action: 5/1/2003 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00856; Substituted HB 1837 (Died in Senate Returning Messages) -SJ 01035; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412), CS/SB 2-D (Ch. 2003-416) |
S 1946 | Workers' Compensation | Clary | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
S 2282 | Workers' Compensation | Aronberg | Compare | Last Action: 5/2/2003 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 50-A (Ch. 2003-412) |
Bill Text
Version | Posted | Format |
H 1837 Filed | 4/11/2003 10:01 PM | Web Page | PDF |
H 1837 c1 | 4/21/2003 5:12 PM | Web Page | PDF |
H 1837 e1 | 4/28/2003 3:47 PM | Web Page | PDF |
H 1837 e2 | 4/28/2003 11:00 PM | Web Page | PDF |
Committee Amendments
Floor Amendments
Amendments | Sponsor | Filed | Last Floor Action | Format |
801101 - Amendment |
Ritter |
4/23/2003 10:15 AM |
Web Page
793999 - Amendment |
Ritter |
4/23/2003 10:15 AM |
Web Page
464499 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 10:24 AM |
Web Page
![]() |
Brown |
4/23/2003 6:52 PM |
Web Page
125027 - Amendment |
Joyner |
4/23/2003 10:25 AM |
Web Page
176065 - Amendment |
Goodlette |
4/23/2003 10:27 AM |
Web Page
![]() |
Brown |
4/23/2003 6:45 PM |
Web Page
743665 - Amendment |
Wishner |
4/23/2003 10:42 AM |
Web Page
944443 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 10:44 AM |
Web Page
764785 - Amendment |
Brown |
4/23/2003 10:45 AM |
Web Page
916361 - Amendment |
Brown |
4/23/2003 10:48 AM |
Web Page
099411 - Amendment |
Brown |
4/23/2003 10:50 AM |
Web Page
044503 - Amendment |
Wishner |
4/23/2003 11:00 AM |
Web Page
982341 - Amendment |
Joyner |
4/23/2003 11:27 AM |
Web Page
![]() |
Joyner |
4/23/2003 5:06 PM |
Web Page
![]() |
Farkas |
4/23/2003 7:01 PM |
Web Page
![]() |
Farkas |
4/23/2003 7:08 PM |
Web Page
![]() |
Farkas |
4/23/2003 7:13 PM |
Web Page
037689 - Amendment |
Goodlette |
4/23/2003 11:38 AM |
Web Page
748357 - Amendment |
Seiler |
4/23/2003 11:46 AM |
Web Page
924599 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 12:56 PM |
Web Page
667057 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 12:57 PM |
Web Page
875559 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 1:00 PM |
Web Page
326647 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 1:02 PM |
Web Page
402763 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 1:05 PM |
Web Page
564619 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 1:06 PM |
Web Page
830025 - Amendment |
Ross |
4/23/2003 1:09 PM |
Web Page
393523 - Amendment |
Gelber |
4/23/2003 1:11 PM |
Web Page
237913 - Amendment |
Ritter |
4/23/2003 5:10 PM |
Web Page
![]() |
Seiler |
4/28/2003 6:28 PM |
Web Page
717525 - Amendment |
Wishner |
4/28/2003 5:33 PM |
Web Page
Amendments | Sponsor | Filed | Last Floor Action | Format |
875290 - Amendment |
Margolis |
5/1/2003 11:55 AM |
Web Page
811027 - Amendment |
Seiler |
4/28/2003 5:30 PM |
Web Page
278423 - Amendment |
Seiler |
4/28/2003 5:31 PM |
Web Page
010227 - Amendment |
Seiler |
4/28/2003 5:32 PM |
Web Page
664715 - Amendment |
Goodlette |
4/28/2003 5:34 PM |
Web Page
321699 - Amendment |
Wishner |
4/28/2003 6:18 PM |
Web Page
Amendments | Sponsor | Filed | Last Floor Action | Format |
952954 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:55 AM |
Web Page
965798 - Amendment |
Bennett |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
101070 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
160332 - Amendment |
Posey |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
630942 - Amendment |
Posey |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
924104 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
034534 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
215182 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
055694 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
752318 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:56 AM |
Web Page
275892 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
984518 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
613690 - Amendment |
Posey |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
722550 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
282772 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
272482 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
974620 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
540074 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
921224 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 11:57 AM |
Web Page
231732 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
280370 - Amendment |
Atwater |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
293290 - Amendment |
Atwater |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
870956 - Amendment |
Atwater |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
285434 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
571720 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
603400 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
622860 - Amendment |
Atwater |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
935692 - Amendment |
Smith |
5/1/2003 11:58 AM |
Web Page
902180 - Amendment |
Atwater |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
481864 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
470810 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
813084 - Amendment |
Atwater |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
295616 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
675574 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
740876 - Amendment |
Posey |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
200272 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 11:59 AM |
Web Page
251026 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 12:00 PM |
Web Page
474026 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 12:00 PM |
Web Page
500346 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 12:00 PM |
Web Page
772542 - Amendment |
Clary |
5/1/2003 12:00 PM |
Web Page
110830 - Amendment |
Wasserman Schultz |
5/1/2003 12:00 PM |
Web Page
980180 - Amendment |
Margolis |
5/1/2003 12:34 PM |
Web Page
183778 - Amendment |
Campbell |
5/1/2003 2:06 PM |
Web Page
780294 - Amendment |
Alexander |
5/1/2003 3:10 PM |
Web Page
552278 - Amendment |
Alexander |
5/1/2003 3:58 PM |
Web Page
110756 - Amendment |
Alexander |
5/1/2003 4:33 PM |
Web Page
315534 - Amendment |
Alexander |
5/1/2003 5:27 PM |
Web Page
Bill Analyses
Type | Analysis | Author | Posted | Format |
Bill Analysis | H 1837 | Insurance (Post-Meeting) | ||
Bill Analysis | H 1837 | State Administration (Post-Meeting) | ||
Bill Analysis | H 1837 | State Administration (Post-Meeting) |
Vote History - Committee
No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
Vote | Date | Chamber | Result |
H 1837 e2 | 5/1/2003 11:16 AM | House | 104 Yeas - 10 Nays |
H 1837 e2 | 5/1/2003 7:40 PM | Senate | 35 Yeas - 5 Nays |
Citations - Statutes (37)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
440.02 | Definitions. | |
440.05 | Election of exemption; revocation of election; notice; certification. | |
440.06 | Failure to secure compensation; effect. | |
440.077 | When a sole proprietor, partner, or officer rejects chapter, effect. | |
440.09 | Coverage. | |
440.093 | ||
440.10 | Liability for compensation. | |
440.1025 | Consideration of public employer workplace safety program in rate-setting; program requirements; rulemaking. | |
440.103 | Building permits; identification of minimum premium policy. | |
440.105 | Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations. | |
440.1051 | Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal penalties. | |
440.107 | Department powers to enforce employer compliance with coverage requirements. | |
440.11 | Exclusiveness of liability. | |
440.13 | Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations. | |
440.134 | Workers' compensation managed care arrangement. | |
440.14 | Determination of pay. | |
440.15 | Compensation for disability. | |
440.151 | Occupational diseases. | |
440.16 | Compensation for death. | |
440.185 | Notice of injury or death; reports; penalties for violations. | |
440.192 | Procedure for resolving benefit disputes. | |
440.1925 | Procedure for resolving maximum medical improvement or permanent impairment disputes. | |
440.1926 | ||
440.20 | Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment. | |
440.25 | Procedures for mediation and hearings. | |
440.34 | Attorney's fees; costs. | |
440.38 | Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers. | |
440.381 | Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties. | |
440.42 | Insurance policies; liability. | |
440.49 | Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund. | |
440.491 | Reemployment of injured workers; rehabilitation. | |
440.525 | Examination of carriers. | |
627.162 | Requirements for premium installments; delinquency, collection, and check return charges; attorney's fees. | |
627.311 | Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers. | |
921.0022 | Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. | |
946.523 | Prison industry enhancement | |
985.315 | Educational |
Citations - Constitution (0)
No Constitutional citations.
Citations - Chapter Law (0)
No Chapter Law citations.
Identical bill
Companion bills that are identical word-for-word, not including titles. However, Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions are considered identical if the only difference is the word "House" or "Senate."
Similar bill
Companion bills that are substantially similar in text or have substantial portions of text that are largely the same.
Compare bill
Bills that have selected provisions that are similar in text.
Linked bill
A bill that is contingent upon passage of another bill within the same chamber, e.g., a trust fund bill, a bill providing a public record exemption, or an implementing bill.
The page numbers, when listed, for citations are constantly under review. The journals or printed bills of the respective chambers should be consulted as the official documents of the Legislature.
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