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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 2994: Financial Services Department

GENERAL BILL by Appropriations ; Banking and Insurance ; Posey ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Clary

Financial Services Department; authorizes Chief Financial Officer to provide certain services on a fee basis under certain circumstances; provides that regulation of certain viatical settlement agreements & providers is within exclusive jurisdiction of Insurance Regulation Office under specified provisions; requires Consumer Services Div. of Financial Services Dept. to designate employee as primary contact for consumers on issues involving sinkholes, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2004 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 7/1/2004 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-390; See also CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/SB 2960 (Ch. 2004-340)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/2/2004 Senate • Filed
    3/31/2004 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 00441
    4/8/2004 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 04/13/04, 12:30 pm, 110-S
    4/13/2004 Senate • CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -SJ 00646; CS read first time on 04/15/04 -SJ 00654
    4/15/2004 Senate • Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government -SJ 00646; Withdrawn from Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government -SJ 00607; Now in Appropriations; On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 04/20/04, 3:30 pm, 412-K
    4/20/2004 Senate • CS/CS by- Appropriations; YEAS 15 NAYS 0 -SJ 00699; CS read first time on 04/21/04 -SJ 00717
    4/21/2004 Senate • Placed on Calendar, on second reading -SJ 00699
    4/24/2004 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00921
    4/26/2004 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00921, -SJ 01028; Read second time -SJ 00949; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00949, -SJ 00973; Amendment pending -SJ 00967; Pending amendment withdrawn -SJ 00973; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00973
    4/27/2004 Senate • Read third time -SJ 01042; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 01044, -SJ 01057; Amendment pending -SJ 01051; Pending amendment withdrawn -SJ 01057; CS passed as amended; YEAS 37 NAYS 1 -SJ 01059
    4/27/2004 House • In Messages
    4/29/2004 House • Substituted for HB 1695 -HJ 01119; Received -HJ 01119; Read second and third times -HJ 01121; CS passed; YEAS 111 NAYS 1 -HJ 01121
    4/30/2004 Senate • Ordered enrolled -SJ 01740
    6/16/2004 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    7/1/2004 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-390; See also CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/SB 2960 (Ch. 2004-340)

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  • CS/CS/SB 2994, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/1/2004 at 9:59 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (26)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 2290 (c2) Financial Services Dept./Pub. Rec. Clary Linked Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 557 Rivera Compare Last Action: 4/28/2004 H Withdrawn from Appropriations -HJ 00879; Placed on Calendar -HJ 00879; Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 00863; Substituted CS/CS/SB 2038; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390) -HJ 00976
    H 965 Murzin Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Commerce, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 1039 Kendrick Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Finance & Tax, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 1041 Kendrick Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on State Administration, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 1181 Ross Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Finance & Tax, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 1265 Insurance Regulation Llorente Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Insurance Regulation (IN), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 1297 Ritter Compare Last Action: 4/28/2004 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/SB 2196 (Died on House Calendar) -HJ 00930; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390) -HJ 00930
    H 1687 Bogdanoff Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Judiciary, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    H 1695 Negron Compare Last Action: 4/29/2004 H Withdrawn from Appropriations -HJ 01114; Placed on Calendar -HJ 01114; Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 01119; Substituted CS/CS/SB 2994; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390) -HJ 01119
    H 1825 (e1) Banking Commerce Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Substituted CS/SB 2960; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 2960 (Ch. 2004-340), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390) -HJ 01160
    H 1965 Descent of Intestate Estate Judiciary Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2038 (e2) Fasano Compare Last Action: 6/24/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-370; See also CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2196 (c1) Insurance Payments/Escrow Accounts Geller Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2270 (e2) Workers' Compensation Banking and Insurance Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S In returning messages; Reconsidered -SJ 01446; Substituted HB 1251 -SJ 01447; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1251 (Ch. 2004-266), HB 1307 (Ch. 2004-64), CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2280 (c1) Annuity Investments by Seniors Atwater Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Committee on Commerce, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2288 (e1) Unclaimed Property Clary Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 H Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2404 Deceptive & Unfair Trade Practices Bennett Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Judiciary, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2442 (c2) Life Insurance & Annuity Contracts Margolis Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2454 (c1) Auto Insurance Jt. Underwriting Plan Margolis Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Judiciary, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2588 (e2) Diaz de la Portilla Compare Last Action: 6/24/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-374; See also HB 639 (Ch. 2004-89), CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2670 Descent of Intestate Estate Aronberg Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Judiciary, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2800 (c2) Insurance Agents & Agencies Argenziano Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2960 (e1) Alexander Compare Last Action: 6/18/2004 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2004-340; See also CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 2972 Insurance Alexander Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)
    S 3024 (c1) Insurers Smith Compare Last Action: 4/30/2004 S Died in Committee on Judiciary, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1062 (Ch. 2004-298), CS/CS/SB 2038 (Ch. 2004-370), CS/SB 2588 (Ch. 2004-374), CS/CS/SB 2994 (Ch. 2004-390)

    Citations - Statutes (159)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.16 Seal.
    17.57 Deposits and investments of state money.
    17.59 Safekeeping services.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    212.02 Definitions.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    440.107 Department powers to enforce employer compliance with coverage requirements.
    494.0025 Prohibited practices.
    501.137 Mortgage lenders; tax and insurance payments from escrow accounts; duties.
    501.212 Application.
    516.07 Grounds for denial of license or for disciplinary action.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    520.995 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.4622 Local government self-insurance funds.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    625.081 Reserve for health insurance.
    625.121 Standard Valuation Law; life insurance.
    625.131 Credit life and disability policies, special reserve bases.
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers; public records and public meetings exemptions.
    627.4091 Specific reasons for denial, cancellation, or nonrenewal.
    627.4133 Notice of cancellation, nonrenewal, or renewal premium.
    627.476 Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Life Insurance.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.838 Filing and approval of forms; service charges.
    627.848 Cancellation of insurance contract upon default.
    627.849 Fees.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.0322 Prohibited acts and practices; criminal penalties.
    655.0385 Disapproval of directors and executive officers.
    655.045 Examinations, reports, and internal audits; penalty.
    655.059 Access to books and records; confidentiality; penalty for disclosure.
    655.921 Transaction of business by out-of-state financial institutions; exempt transactions in the financial institutions codes.
    655.922 Banking business by unauthorized persons; use of name.
    655.94 Special remedies for nonpayment of rent.
    658.16 Creation of banking or trust corporation.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.26 Places of transacting business; branches; facilities.
    658.33 Directors, number, qualifications; officers.
    658.37 Dividends and surplus.
    658.48 Loans.
    658.67 Investment powers and limitations.
    658.68 Liquidity.
    658.73 Fees and assessments.
    663.16 Definitions; ss. 663.17-663.181.
    663.304 Application for authority to organize an international development bank.
    665.034 Acquisition of assets of or control over an association.
    674.406 Customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature or alteration.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations.
    717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies.
    717.109 Refunds held by business associations.
    717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository.
    717.117 Report of unclaimed property.
    717.118 Notice and publication of lists of unclaimed property.
    717.119 Payment or delivery of unclaimed property.
    717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges.
    717.122 Public sale of unclaimed property.
    717.123 Deposit of funds.
    717.124 Filing of claim with department.
    717.1241 Conflicting claims.
    717.1242 Restatement of jurisdiction of the circuit court sitting in probate and the department.
    717.126 Administrative hearing; burden of proof.
    717.1301 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas.
    717.1315 Retention of records by owner's representative.
    717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines.
    717.134 Penalties and interest.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    732.103 Share of other heirs.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/SB 2994, Engrossed 2 Posted 4/27/2004 at 2:58 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (13)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    376443 - Amendment
    Benson 4/28/2004
    7:53 AM
    Web Page
    877095 - Amendment
    Negron 4/28/2004
    11:33 AM
    Web Page
    170985 - Amendment
    Berfield 4/28/2004
    2:28 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 790671 - Amendment to Amendment (170985)
    Berfield 4/28/2004
    6:55 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 225601 - Amendment to Amendment (170985)
    Bean 4/28/2004
    9:44 PM
    Web Page
    934079 - Amendment
    Stargel 4/28/2004
    6:16 PM
    Web Page
    486485 - Amendment
    Ritter 4/28/2004
    8:14 PM
    Web Page
    457099 - Amendment
    Stargel 4/28/2004
    9:43 PM
    Web Page
    229115 - Amendment
    Negron 4/28/2004
    10:53 PM
    Web Page
    472059 - Amendment
    Rivera 4/28/2004
    11:16 PM
    Web Page
    085383 - Amendment
    Detert 4/28/2004
    11:59 PM
    Web Page
    578289 - Amendment
    Brown 4/29/2004
    11:15 AM
    Web Page
    099985 - Amendment
    Detert 4/29/2004
    11:16 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/29/2004 3:51 PM House 111 Yeas - 1 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (159)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.16 Seal.
    17.57 Deposits and investments of state money.
    17.59 Safekeeping services.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    212.02 Definitions.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    440.107 Department powers to enforce employer compliance with coverage requirements.
    494.0025 Prohibited practices.
    501.137 Mortgage lenders; tax and insurance payments from escrow accounts; duties.
    501.212 Application.
    516.07 Grounds for denial of license or for disciplinary action.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    520.995 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.4622 Local government self-insurance funds.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    625.081 Reserve for health insurance.
    625.121 Standard Valuation Law; life insurance.
    625.131 Credit life and disability policies, special reserve bases.
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers; public records and public meetings exemptions.
    627.4091 Specific reasons for denial, cancellation, or nonrenewal.
    627.4133 Notice of cancellation, nonrenewal, or renewal premium.
    627.476 Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Life Insurance.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.838 Filing and approval of forms; service charges.
    627.848 Cancellation of insurance contract upon default.
    627.849 Fees.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.0322 Prohibited acts and practices; criminal penalties.
    655.0385 Disapproval of directors and executive officers.
    655.045 Examinations, reports, and internal audits; penalty.
    655.059 Access to books and records; confidentiality; penalty for disclosure.
    655.921 Transaction of business by out-of-state financial institutions; exempt transactions in the financial institutions codes.
    655.922 Banking business by unauthorized persons; use of name.
    655.94 Special remedies for nonpayment of rent.
    658.16 Creation of banking or trust corporation.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.26 Places of transacting business; branches; facilities.
    658.33 Directors, number, qualifications; officers.
    658.37 Dividends and surplus.
    658.48 Loans.
    658.67 Investment powers and limitations.
    658.68 Liquidity.
    658.73 Fees and assessments.
    663.16 Definitions; ss. 663.17-663.181.
    663.304 Application for authority to organize an international development bank.
    665.034 Acquisition of assets of or control over an association.
    674.406 Customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature or alteration.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations.
    717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies.
    717.109 Refunds held by business associations.
    717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository.
    717.117 Report of unclaimed property.
    717.118 Notice and publication of lists of unclaimed property.
    717.119 Payment or delivery of unclaimed property.
    717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges.
    717.122 Public sale of unclaimed property.
    717.123 Deposit of funds.
    717.124 Filing of claim with department.
    717.1241 Conflicting claims.
    717.1242 Restatement of jurisdiction of the circuit court sitting in probate and the department.
    717.126 Administrative hearing; burden of proof.
    717.1301 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas.
    717.1315 Retention of records by owner's representative.
    717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines.
    717.134 Penalties and interest.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    732.103 Share of other heirs.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/SB 2994, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/26/2004 at 6:04 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (8)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    754486 - Amendment
    Fasano 4/26/2004
    7:15 PM
    Web Page
    341308 - Amendment
    Fasano 4/26/2004
    7:15 PM
    Web Page
    350914 - Amendment
    Alexander 4/27/2004
    8:45 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 600444 - Amendment to Amendment (350914)
    Smith 4/27/2004
    12:11 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 171544 - Substitute Amendment (600444)
    Campbell 4/27/2004
    12:18 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 703640 - Amendment to Amendment (350914)
    Miller 4/27/2004
    12:21 PM
    Web Page
    372192 - Amendment
    Alexander 4/27/2004
    8:46 AM
    Web Page
    835440 - Amendment
    Atwater 4/27/2004
    10:36 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/27/2004 1:13 PM Senate 37 Yeas - 1 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (142)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.16 Seal.
    17.57 Deposits and investments of state money.
    17.59 Safekeeping services.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    212.02 Definitions.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    494.0025 Prohibited practices.
    501.212 Application.
    516.07 Grounds for denial of license or for disciplinary action.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    520.995 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.4622 Local government self-insurance funds.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.4133 Notice of cancellation, nonrenewal, or renewal premium.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.0322 Prohibited acts and practices; criminal penalties.
    655.0385 Disapproval of directors and executive officers.
    655.045 Examinations, reports, and internal audits; penalty.
    655.059 Access to books and records; confidentiality; penalty for disclosure.
    655.921 Transaction of business by out-of-state financial institutions; exempt transactions in the financial institutions codes.
    655.922 Banking business by unauthorized persons; use of name.
    655.94 Special remedies for nonpayment of rent.
    658.16 Creation of banking or trust corporation.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.26 Places of transacting business; branches; facilities.
    658.33 Directors, number, qualifications; officers.
    658.37 Dividends and surplus.
    658.48 Loans.
    658.67 Investment powers and limitations.
    658.68 Liquidity.
    658.73 Fees and assessments.
    663.16 Definitions; ss. 663.17-663.181.
    663.304 Application for authority to organize an international development bank.
    665.034 Acquisition of assets of or control over an association.
    674.406 Customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature or alteration.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.106 Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations.
    717.107 Funds owing under life insurance policies.
    717.109 Refunds held by business associations.
    717.116 Contents of safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository.
    717.117 Report of unclaimed property.
    717.118 Notice and publication of lists of unclaimed property.
    717.119 Payment or delivery of unclaimed property.
    717.1201 Custody by state; holder relieved from liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for owner; defense of holder; payment of safe-deposit box or repository charges.
    717.122 Public sale of unclaimed property.
    717.123 Deposit of funds.
    717.124 Filing of claim with department.
    717.1241 Conflicting claims.
    717.1242 Restatement of jurisdiction of the circuit court sitting in probate and the department.
    717.126 Administrative hearing; burden of proof.
    717.1301 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas.
    717.1315 Retention of records by owner's representative.
    717.132 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; administrative fines.
    717.134 Penalties and interest.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    732.103 Share of other heirs.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/SB 2994, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 4/21/2004 at 3:56 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/20/2004 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (11)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    945942 - Amendment
    Clary 4/23/2004
    4:40 PM
    Web Page
    861492 - Amendment
    Aronberg 4/23/2004
    7:13 PM
    Web Page
    241388 - Amendment
    Posey 4/24/2004
    7:47 AM
    Web Page
    931386 - Amendment
    Clary 4/24/2004
    9:32 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 800734 - Amendment to Amendment (931386)
    Aronberg 4/24/2004
    2:38 PM
    Web Page
    813944 - Amendment
    Alexander 4/24/2004
    9:49 AM
    Web Page
    431674 - Amendment
    Posey 4/24/2004
    10:05 AM
    Web Page
    923178 - Amendment
    Posey 4/24/2004
    11:46 AM
    Web Page
    841710 - Amendment
    Posey 4/24/2004
    1:02 PM
    Web Page
    080682 - Amendment
    Lawson 4/26/2004
    12:30 PM
    Web Page
    111920 - Amendment
    Lawson 4/26/2004
    3:53 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (80)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.16 Seal.
    17.57 Deposits and investments of state money.
    17.59 Safekeeping services.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    501.212 Application.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 2994, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 4/15/2004 at 10:36 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Banking and Insurance (Post-Meeting) 4/15/2004 (pdf)

    Committee Votes (2)

    Date Committee Result
    4/14/2004 12:30 AM Banking and Insurance 11 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/20/2004 3:30 PM Appropriations 15 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (79)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.16 Seal.
    17.57 Deposits and investments of state money.
    17.59 Safekeeping services.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    501.212 Application.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • SB 2994, Original Filed Version Posted 3/15/2004 at 4:06 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (72)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.16 Seal.
    20.121 Department of Financial Services.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    501.212 Application.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.161 Licensing forms.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.191 Repeated applications.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.231 Eligibility for examination.
    626.241 Scope of examination.
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice.
    626.261 Conduct of examination.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.291 Denial, issuance of license.
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, or managing general agent's license or appointment.
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.661 Surrender of license.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.692 Restitution.
    626.8582 "Nonresident public adjuster" defined.
    626.8584 "Nonresident independent adjuster" defined.
    626.859 "Catastrophe" or "emergency" adjuster defined.
    626.863 Licensed independent adjusters required; insurers' responsibility.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license.
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license.
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters.
    626.870 Application for license.
    626.871 Reappointment after military service.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident company employee adjusters.
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.8734 Nonresident independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.8738 Penalty for violation.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.

    Top of SectionTop of Page