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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 638: Title Insurance

GENERAL BILL by Banking and Insurance ; Wise ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Geller ; King ; Campbell

Title Insurance; redefines term "title insurance" to include insurance for security interests in personal property; redefines term "related title services" to include examination of searches of certain records; prohibits title insurer from issuing title insurance commitment, endorsement, or policy until there has been examination of certain records; requires title insurer to preserve & retain evidence of certain records, etc. Amends 624.608, 627.7711,.7845.

Effective Date: 07/01/2005
Last Action: 5/2/2005 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00811; Read second time -SJ 00785; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00786; Substituted HB 75 -SJ 00786; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 75 (Ch. 2005-153)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/11/2005 Senate • Filed
1/28/2005 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Rules and Calendar
3/8/2005 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00042
3/23/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/29/05, 2:30 pm, 412-K
3/29/2005 Senate • CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 00320; CS read first time on 03/31/05 -SJ 00320
3/31/2005 Senate • Now in Judiciary -SJ 00320
4/7/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 04/12/05, 9:00 am, 401-S
4/12/2005 Senate • Favorable by Judiciary; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 00419
4/13/2005 Senate • Now in Rules and Calendar -SJ 00419
4/27/2005 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules and Calendar -SJ 00637; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
5/2/2005 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00811; Read second time -SJ 00785; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00786; Substituted HB 75 -SJ 00786; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 75 (Ch. 2005-153)