CS/CS/SB 788: Gaming [WPSC]
GENERAL BILL by Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means ; Regulated Industries ; Jones ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) King
Gaming [WPSC]; Provides terms and conditions for a gaming compact between the State of Florida and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Removes an exception to the required issuance date of licenses to conduct thoroughbred racing performances. Provides that the payout percentage of a slot machine gaming facility must be at least 85 percent. Revises requirements for initial issuance of a cardroom license, etc.
Last Action: 6/15/2009 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2009-170; See also SB 2600 (Ch. 2009-81)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 1/21/2009 Senate • Filed
1/30/2009 Senate • Referred to Regulated Industries; Judiciary; Finance and Tax; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means; Rules
3/3/2009 Senate • Introduced, referred to Regulated Industries; Judiciary; Finance and Tax; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means; Rules -SJ 00049
3/20/2009 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Regulated Industries, 03/25/09, 8:00 am, 110-S
3/25/2009 Senate • CS by Regulated Industries; YEAS 6 NAYS 1 -SJ 00252; CS read 1st time on 04/01/09 -SJ 00255
3/26/2009 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
3/30/2009 Senate • Original reference(s) removed: Judiciary; Finance and Tax; Rules; Now in Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means -SJ 00273
4/2/2009 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, 04/07/09, 1:30 pm, 412-K
4/7/2009 Senate • CS/CS by- Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means; YEAS 11 NAYS 6 -SJ 00340; CS read 1st time on 04/14/09 -SJ 00342
4/9/2009 Senate • Pending reference review -under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute); Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 00340
4/16/2009 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00382; Amendment(s) adopted (947104, 390982) -SJ 00382; Read 3rd time -SJ 00383; CS passed as amended (947104, 390982); YEAS 27 NAYS 11 -SJ 00383; Immediately certified -SJ 00383; Requests House concur or failing to concur appoint conference cmte -SJ 00393
4/16/2009 House • In Messages; Received, referred to Calendar -HJ 00456
4/17/2009 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted for HB 7129 -HJ 00570; Read 2nd time -HJ 00570; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00570
4/21/2009 House • Read 3rd time -HJ 00594; CS passed as amended; YEAS 84 NAYS 27 -HJ 00594
4/21/2009 Senate • In returning messages
4/29/2009 Senate • Refused to concur, requests House recede/appoint Conference Comm. -SJ 00733
4/29/2009 House • In returning messages; Refused to recede, agreed to go to conference -HJ 01133; Conference Committee appointed: Galvano, Chair; Adams, Hays, Abruzzo, Gibbons -HJ 01133
4/29/2009 Senate • In returning messages; Conference Committee appointed: Senator Jones, Chair; Haridopolos, Altman, Lawson, At Large; Deutch, Diaz de la Portilla, Pruitt -SJ 00838
5/8/2009 Senate • Conference Committee Report received -SJ 01348; Conference Committee Report adopted -SJ 01368; Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report (318420); YEAS 31 NAYS 9 -SJ 01368
5/8/2009 House • In returning messages; Conference Committee Report considered -HJ 01515; Conference Committee Report adopted -HJ 01516; Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 82 NAYS 35 -HJ 01538
5/8/2009 Senate • Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 01494
6/4/2009 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
6/15/2009 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2009-170; See also SB 2600 (Ch. 2009-81)
CS/CS/SB 788, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/8/2009 at 6:30 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (10)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 836 (c2) Gaming [CPSC] Jones Linked Last Action: 4/29/2009 S Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00796; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00797; Substituted HB 7145 (Died in Conference Committee) -SJ 00797; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170) -SJ 00797
Location:H 1103 Pari-mutuel Wagering Kelly Compare Last Action: 5/2/2009 S Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration; Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:H 1215 Pari-mutuel Facilities Schultz Compare Last Action: 5/2/2009 H Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration; Died in Committee on Insurance, Business, & Financial Affairs Policy (GGPC), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:H 1285 Quarter Horse Permitholders Bovo, Gonzalez Compare Last Action: 5/2/2009 H Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration; Died, reference deferred, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:H 1491 Pari-Mutuel Permitholders Rivera Compare Last Action: 5/2/2009 H Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration; Died, reference deferred, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:H 7129 Gaming on Indian Lands Select Committee on Seminole Indian Compact Review Compare Last Action: 4/17/2009 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/SB 788; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170) -HJ 00570
Location:H 7145 (e2) Pari-Mutuel Permitholders [CPSC] Galvano Compare Last Action: 5/8/2009 S Died in Conference Committee, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:S 2200 Pari-mutuel Wagering [CPSC] Oelrich Compare Last Action: 5/2/2009 S Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration; Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:S 2316 Pari-mutuel Facilities [CPSC] Jones Compare Last Action: 5/2/2009 S Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration; Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 788 (Ch. 2009-170)
Location:S 2600 (e2) Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 CS/SB 1802 (Ch. 2009-76), CS/SB 1804 (Ch. 2009-77), CS/SB 1806 (Ch. 2009-78), CS/CS/SB 1840 (Ch. 2009-79), CS/SB 2198 (Ch. 2009-188), CS/SB 2574 (Ch. 2009-80), SB 2602 (Ch. 2009-82)
Location:Citations - Statutes (25)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 285.710 285.711 550.002 Definitions. 550.01215 License application; periods of operation; bond, conversion of permit. 550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering. 550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes; penalties. 550.09511 Jai alai taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes. 550.09514 Greyhound dogracing taxes; purse requirements. 550.105 Occupational licenses of racetrack employees; fees; denial, suspension, and revocation of license; penalties and fines. 550.2415 Racing of animals under certain conditions prohibited; penalties; exceptions. 550.26165 Breeders' awards. 550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders' and owners' awards. 550.334 Quarter horse racing; substitutions. 550.3345 550.3355 Harness track licenses for summer quarter horse racing. 550.3605 Use of electronic transmitting equipment; permit by division required. 550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days. 551.102 Definitions. 551.104 License to conduct slot machine gaming. 551.106 License fee; tax rate; penalties. 551.121 Prohibited activities and devices; exceptions. 772.102 Definitions. 849.086 Cardrooms authorized. 895.02 Definitions. 1013.737 The Class Size Reduction Lottery Revenue Bond Program. -
CS/CS/SB 788, Engrossed 2 Posted 5/8/2009 at 4:39 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Citations - Statutes (25)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 285.710 285.711 550.002 Definitions. 550.01215 License application; periods of operation; bond, conversion of permit. 550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering. 550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes; penalties. 550.09511 Jai alai taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes. 550.09514 Greyhound dogracing taxes; purse requirements. 550.105 Occupational licenses of racetrack employees; fees; denial, suspension, and revocation of license; penalties and fines. 550.2415 Racing of animals under certain conditions prohibited; penalties; exceptions. 550.26165 Breeders' awards. 550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders' and owners' awards. 550.334 Quarter horse racing; substitutions. 550.3345 550.3355 Harness track licenses for summer quarter horse racing. 550.3605 Use of electronic transmitting equipment; permit by division required. 550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days. 551.102 Definitions. 551.104 License to conduct slot machine gaming. 551.106 License fee; tax rate; penalties. 551.121 Prohibited activities and devices; exceptions. 772.102 Definitions. 849.086 Cardrooms authorized. 895.02 Definitions. 1013.737 The Class Size Reduction Lottery Revenue Bond Program. -
CS/CS/SB 788, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/21/2009 at 7:27 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Committee Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 318420 - Conference Committee Amendment
9:55 AMWeb Page
PDFFloor Amendments (2)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 386451 - Amendment
Galvano 4/17/2009
1:13 PMWeb Page
PDF228703 - Amendment to Amendment (386451)
Jenne 4/17/2009
2:47 PMWeb Page
PDFFloor Votes (2)
Date Chamber Result 5/8/2009 12:27 PM Senate 31 Yeas - 9 Nays 5/8/2009 1:23 PM House 82 Yeas - 35 Nays Citations - Statutes (2)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 551.102 Definitions. 1013.737 The Class Size Reduction Lottery Revenue Bond Program. -
CS/CS/SB 788, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 4/9/2009 at 2:23 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Floor Amendments (5)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 522326 - Amendment
Jones 4/15/2009
4:13 PMSenate: Replaced by Substitute Amendment
4/16/2009Web Page
PDF390982 - Substitute Amendment (522326)
Jones 4/16/2009
9:30 AMSenate: Adopted
4/16/2009Web Page
PDF947104 - Amendment
Jones 4/15/2009
4:13 PMSenate: Adopted
4/16/2009Web Page
PDF623374 - Amendment
Deutch 4/15/2009
8:15 PMSenate: Withdrawn
4/16/2009Web Page
PDF295414 - Substitute Amendment (623374)
Deutch 4/16/2009
10:33 AMSenate: Withdrawn
4/16/2009Web Page
PDFFloor Votes (2)
Date Chamber Result 4/16/2009 2:06 PM Senate 27 Yeas - 11 Nays 4/21/2009 1:25 PM House 84 Yeas - 27 Nays Citations - Statutes (2)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 551.102 Definitions. 1013.737 The Class Size Reduction Lottery Revenue Bond Program. -
CS/SB 788, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/26/2009 at 12:14 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Regulated Industries (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Committee Amendments (3)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 103746 - Amendment
Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means
6:32 PMReplaced by Committee Substitute
4/9/2009Web Page
PDF804590 - Amendment
Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means
6:38 PMWithdrawn
4/9/2009Web Page
PDF282088 - Amendment
Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means
9:00 AMReplaced by Committee Substitute
4/9/2009Web Page
PDFCommittee Votes (1)
Date Committee Result 4/7/2009 1:30 PM Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means 11 Yeas - 6 Nays Citations - Statutes (1)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 551.102 Definitions. -
SB 788, Original Filed Version Posted 3/3/2009 at 3:47 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Regulated Industries PCS 230330 (Post-Meeting) 3/21/2009 (pdf)
Proposed Committee Substitutes (1)
PCS and Amendments Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 230330 - Proposed Committee Substitute Regulated Industries 3/24/2009
7:28 AMClear Action
3/25/2009Web Page
PDF656008 - Amendment (230330)
Regulated Industries
7:49 PMReplaced by Committee Substitute
3/25/2009Web Page
PDF799448 - Amendment (230330)
Regulated Industries
9:03 AMReplaced by Committee Substitute
3/25/2009Web Page
PDFCommittee Votes (1)
Date Committee Result 3/25/2009 8:00 AM Regulated Industries 6 Yeas - 1 Nays