SB 1660: Prostitution and Related Acts
Prostitution and Related Acts; Prohibiting adults from offering to commit, committing, or engaging in prostitution, lewdness, or assignation; repealing a provision relating to forcing, compelling, or coercing another to become a prostitute; prohibiting the owning, establishing, maintaining, operating, using, letting, or renting of a building, residence, place, or structure, in whole or in part, or a trailer or any other conveyance, with knowledge or reckless disregard that it will be used for the purpose of commercial sex, etc.
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/28/2025 | Senate |
• Filed |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location | Track Bills |
H 895 | Prostitution and Related Acts | Trabulsy | Similar | Last Action: 3/4/2025 H 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) |
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Committee Amendments
Floor Amendments
Bill Analyses
No Bill Analyses AvailableVote History - Committee
No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (23)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
60.05 | Abatement of nuisances. | Page 13 (pdf) |
322.28 | Period of suspension or revocation. | Page 13 (pdf) |
397.4073 | Background checks of service provider personnel. | Page 14 (pdf) |
397.417 | Peer specialists. | Page 15 (pdf) |
435.07 | Exemptions from disqualification. | Page 20 (pdf) |
456.074 | Certain health care practitioners; immediate suspension of license. | Page 20 (pdf) |
480.041 | Massage therapists; qualifications; licensure; endorsement. | Page 23 (pdf) |
480.043 | Massage establishments; requisites; licensure; inspection; human trafficking awareness training and policies. | Page 24 (pdf) |
480.046 | Grounds for disciplinary action by the board. | Page 26 (pdf) |
772.102 | Definitions. | Page 26 (pdf) |
787.01 | Kidnapping; kidnapping of child under age 13, aggravating circumstances. | Page 29 (pdf) |
787.02 | False imprisonment; false imprisonment of child under age 13, aggravating circumstances. | Page 29 (pdf) |
794.056 | Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund. | Page 30 (pdf) |
796.011 | Page 3 (pdf) | |
796.031 | Page 3 (pdf) | |
796.04 | Forcing, compelling, or coercing another to become a prostitute. | Page 4 (pdf) |
796.06 | Renting space to be used for lewdness, assignation, or prostitution. | Page 5 (pdf) |
796.07 | Prohibiting prostitution and related acts. | Page 6 (pdf) |
796.08 | Screening for HIV and sexually transmissible diseases; providing penalties. | Page 31 (pdf) |
796.09 | Coercion; civil cause of action; evidence; defenses; attorney’s fees. | Page 32 (pdf) |
893.138 | Local administrative action to abate certain activities declared public nuisances. | Page 32 (pdf) |
895.02 | Definitions. | Page 33 (pdf) |
938.085 | Additional cost to fund rape crisis centers. | Page 37 (pdf) |
Citations - Constitution (0)
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Citations - Chapter Law (0)
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