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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1372: Insurance

GENERAL BILL by Banking and Insurance ; Williams ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Grant

Insurance; requires agents to be appointed; clarifies application of fees for title insurance agents; revises definition of term "life agent"; exempts minority-owned property & casualty insurers from prescribed taxes & assessments for specified period; creates Special Disability Trust Fund Privatization Commission; revises method of reimbursement to insurers under Fla. Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $200,000.

Effective Date: 10/01/1998 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/24/1998 - Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-199; See also CS/HB 4047 (Ch. 98-399)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/19/1998 Senate • Prefiled
    2/25/1998 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance; Ways and Means
    3/3/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Ways and Means -SJ 00084
    3/9/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/12/98, 1:00 pm, Room-EL
    3/12/1998 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Banking and Insurance -SJ 00182; CS read first time on 03/18/98 -SJ 00212
    3/16/1998 Senate • Now in Ways and Means -SJ 00182
    3/20/1998 Senate • Withdrawn from Ways and Means -SJ 00239; Placed on Calendar
    4/1/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00343
    4/2/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00343; Read second time -SJ 00369; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00370; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00371
    4/8/1998 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00391; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00391; CS passed as amended; YEAS 35 NAYS 0 -SJ 00392; Immediately certified -SJ 00392
    4/8/1998 House • In Messages
    4/30/1998 House • Received -HJ 01945; Temporarily postponed -HJ 01945
    5/1/1998 House • Read second time -HJ 02011; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 02012; Read third time -HJ 02022; CS passed as amended; YEAS 117 NAYS 0 -HJ 02022
    5/1/1998 Senate • In returning messages; Was taken up -SJ 01784; Concurred -SJ 01794; CS passed as amended; YEAS 36 NAYS 0 -SJ 01794; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 01794
    5/8/1998 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/24/1998 • Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-199; See also CS/HB 4047 (Ch. 98-399)

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  • CS/SB 1372, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/5/1998 at 1:25 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (8)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 4451 (c1) Insurance Rayson Similar Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died pending Consent Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare bill passed refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    H 4047 (e1) Ziebarth Compare Last Action: 5/31/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-399; See also CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    H 4251 (c1) Insurance Tamargo Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Committee on Civil Justice & Claims (JC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    H 4267 (e1) Workers' Comp./Leased Workers Wiles Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    H 4815 (e2) Workers' Compensation Safley Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    S 994 (c1) Insurance Grant Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; Died on Special Order Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    S 1316 Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers Holzendorf Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)
    S 1946 Workers' Comp./Leased Workers Williams Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Ways and Means, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1372 (Ch. 98-199)

    Citations - Statutes (94)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    624.22 Purpose of chapter.
    624.316 Examination of insurers.
    624.412 Deposit of alien insurers.
    624.425 Resident agent and countersignature required, property, casualty, surety insurance.
    624.426 Exceptions to resident agent and countersignature law.
    624.428 Licensed agent law, life and health insurances.
    624.478 Use of agents.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.051 "Life agent" defined.
    626.062 "Health agent" defined.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, solicitors, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents, claims investigators.
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required.
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed life, health, or general lines agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.532 Continuation, expiration of insurance vending machine license.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension, revocation, or refusal of license or appointment.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.727 Scope of this part.
    626.730 Purpose of license.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.739 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of agent.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.792 Nonresident agents.
    626.835 Nonresident agents.
    626.837 Excess or rejected business.
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent's license; application and qualification; errors and omissions insurance; bond and deposit requirements; exemptions.
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license.
    626.8437 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.852 Scope of this part.
    626.857 "Claims investigator" defined.
    626.858 "Nonresident adjuster" defined.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident adjusters.
    626.875 Office and records.
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.922 Evidence of the insurance; changes; penalty.
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent.
    626.928 Surplus lines agent's bond.
    626.929 Origination, acceptance, placement of surplus lines business.
    626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines agent's license.
    626.944 Qualifications for health care risk managers.
    627.681 Term and evidence of insurance.
    627.7275 Motor vehicle property damage liability.
    627.745 Mediation of claims.
    627.9126 Annual reports of information by liability insurers required.
    627.913 Reports of information by products liability insurers required.
    634.317 License and appointment required.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.

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  • CS/SB 1372, Engrossed 3 Posted 5/5/1998 at 1:21 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Financial Services (Post-Meeting) 5/28/1998 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (94)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    624.22 Purpose of chapter.
    624.316 Examination of insurers.
    624.412 Deposit of alien insurers.
    624.425 Resident agent and countersignature required, property, casualty, surety insurance.
    624.426 Exceptions to resident agent and countersignature law.
    624.428 Licensed agent law, life and health insurances.
    624.478 Use of agents.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.051 "Life agent" defined.
    626.062 "Health agent" defined.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, solicitors, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents, claims investigators.
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required.
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed life, health, or general lines agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.532 Continuation, expiration of insurance vending machine license.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension, revocation, or refusal of license or appointment.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.727 Scope of this part.
    626.730 Purpose of license.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.739 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of agent.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.792 Nonresident agents.
    626.835 Nonresident agents.
    626.837 Excess or rejected business.
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent's license; application and qualification; errors and omissions insurance; bond and deposit requirements; exemptions.
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license.
    626.8437 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.852 Scope of this part.
    626.857 "Claims investigator" defined.
    626.858 "Nonresident adjuster" defined.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident adjusters.
    626.875 Office and records.
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.922 Evidence of the insurance; changes; penalty.
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent.
    626.928 Surplus lines agent's bond.
    626.929 Origination, acceptance, placement of surplus lines business.
    626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines agent's license.
    626.944 Qualifications for health care risk managers.
    627.681 Term and evidence of insurance.
    627.7275 Motor vehicle property damage liability.
    627.745 Mediation of claims.
    627.9126 Annual reports of information by liability insurers required.
    627.913 Reports of information by products liability insurers required.
    634.317 License and appointment required.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1372, Engrossed 2 Posted 4/10/1998 at 2:58 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   House Message Summary (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (13)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    104751 - Amendment
    Safley 4/29/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    310487 - Amendment
    Eggelletion 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    381703 - Amendment
    Tamargo 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    475277 - Amendment
    Ziebarth 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    665475 - Amendment
    Wiles 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    841385 - Amendment
    Ziebarth 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    124665 - Amendment
    Safley 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    140933 - Amendment
    Tamargo 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    315599 - Amendment
    Safley 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    370137 - Amendment
    Safley 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    410961 - Amendment
    King 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    753791 - Amendment
    Eggelletion 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    043859 - Amendment
    Gottlieb 5/2/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/1/1998 8:54 AM House 117 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/1/1998 5:47 PM Senate 36 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (83)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    624.412 Deposit of alien insurers.
    624.425 Resident agent and countersignature required, property, casualty, surety insurance.
    624.426 Exceptions to resident agent and countersignature law.
    624.428 Licensed agent law, life and health insurances.
    624.478 Use of agents.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.051 "Life agent" defined.
    626.062 "Health agent" defined.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, solicitors, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents, claims investigators.
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required.
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed life, health, or general lines agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.532 Continuation, expiration of insurance vending machine license.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension, revocation, or refusal of license or appointment.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.727 Scope of this part.
    626.730 Purpose of license.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.739 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of agent.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.792 Nonresident agents.
    626.835 Nonresident agents.
    626.837 Excess or rejected business.
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent's license; application and qualification; errors and omissions insurance; bond and deposit requirements; exemptions.
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license.
    626.8437 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.852 Scope of this part.
    626.857 "Claims investigator" defined.
    626.858 "Nonresident adjuster" defined.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident adjusters.
    626.875 Office and records.
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law.
    626.922 Evidence of the insurance; changes; penalty.
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent.
    626.928 Surplus lines agent's bond.
    626.929 Origination, acceptance, placement of surplus lines business.
    626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines agent's license.
    626.944 Qualifications for health care risk managers.
    627.681 Term and evidence of insurance.
    627.745 Mediation of claims.
    634.317 License and appointment required.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1372, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/3/1998 at 1:50 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (3)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    045448 - Amendment
    Williams 4/8/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    122588 - Amendment
    Holzendorf 4/8/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    680220 - Amendment
    Williams 4/8/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/8/1998 10:40 AM Senate 35 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (82)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    624.412 Deposit of alien insurers.
    624.425 Resident agent and countersignature required, property, casualty, surety insurance.
    624.426 Exceptions to resident agent and countersignature law.
    624.428 Licensed agent law, life and health insurances.
    624.478 Use of agents.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.051 "Life agent" defined.
    626.062 "Health agent" defined.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, solicitors, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents, claims investigators.
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required.
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed life, health, or general lines agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.532 Continuation, expiration of insurance vending machine license.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension, revocation, or refusal of license or appointment.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.727 Scope of this part.
    626.730 Purpose of license.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.739 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of agent.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.792 Nonresident agents.
    626.835 Nonresident agents.
    626.837 Excess or rejected business.
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent's license; application and qualification; errors and omissions insurance; bond and deposit requirements; exemptions.
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license.
    626.8437 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.852 Scope of this part.
    626.857 "Claims investigator" defined.
    626.858 "Nonresident adjuster" defined.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident adjusters.
    626.875 Office and records.
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law.
    626.922 Evidence of the insurance; changes; penalty.
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent.
    626.928 Surplus lines agent's bond.
    626.929 Origination, acceptance, placement of surplus lines business.
    626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines agent's license.
    626.944 Qualifications for health care risk managers.
    627.745 Mediation of claims.
    634.317 License and appointment required.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1372, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/17/1998 at 1:31 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Banking and Insurance (Post-Meeting) 3/12/1998 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (5)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    211052 - Amendment
    Holzendorf 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 410554 - Substitute Amendment (211052)
    Holzendorf 4/7/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 830228 - Substitute Amendment (211052)
    Holzendorf 5/12/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    371194 - Amendment
    Williams 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    791536 - Amendment
    Williams 5/12/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (80)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    624.425 Resident agent and countersignature required, property, casualty, surety insurance.
    624.426 Exceptions to resident agent and countersignature law.
    624.428 Licensed agent law, life and health insurances.
    624.478 Use of agents.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.051 "Life agent" defined.
    626.062 "Health agent" defined.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, solicitors, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents, claims investigators.
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required.
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed life, health, or general lines agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.532 Continuation, expiration of insurance vending machine license.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension, revocation, or refusal of license or appointment.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.727 Scope of this part.
    626.730 Purpose of license.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.739 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of agent.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.792 Nonresident agents.
    626.835 Nonresident agents.
    626.837 Excess or rejected business.
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent's license; application and qualification; errors and omissions insurance; bond and deposit requirements; exemptions.
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license.
    626.8437 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.852 Scope of this part.
    626.857 "Claims investigator" defined.
    626.858 "Nonresident adjuster" defined.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident adjusters.
    626.875 Office and records.
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law.
    626.922 Evidence of the insurance; changes; penalty.
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent.
    626.928 Surplus lines agent's bond.
    626.929 Origination, acceptance, placement of surplus lines business.
    626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines agent's license.
    626.944 Qualifications for health care risk managers.
    627.745 Mediation of claims.
    634.317 License and appointment required.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.

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  • SB 1372, Original Filed Version Posted 2/20/1998 at 1:18 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (72)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    624.425 Resident agent and countersignature required, property, casualty, surety insurance.
    624.426 Exceptions to resident agent and countersignature law.
    624.428 Licensed agent law, life and health insurances.
    624.478 Use of agents.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.051 "Life agent" defined.
    626.062 "Health agent" defined.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, solicitors, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents, claims investigators.
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.281 Reexamination.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required.
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed life, health, or general lines agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information.
    626.521 Character, credit reports.
    626.532 Continuation, expiration of insurance vending machine license.
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes.
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, title agency's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent's, solicitor's, adjuster's, customer representative's, service representative's, managing general agent's, or claims investigator's license or appointment.
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees.
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension, revocation, or refusal of license or appointment.
    626.691 Probation.
    626.727 Scope of this part.
    626.730 Purpose of license.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.739 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of agent.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.792 Nonresident agents.
    626.835 Nonresident agents.
    626.837 Excess or rejected business.
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent's license; application and qualification; errors and omissions insurance; bond and deposit requirements; exemptions.
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license.
    626.8437 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment.
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    626.852 Scope of this part.
    626.857 "Claims investigator" defined.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.8695 Primary adjuster.
    626.872 Temporary license.
    626.873 Nonresident adjusters.
    626.875 Office and records.
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law.
    626.922 Evidence of the insurance; changes; penalty.
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent.
    626.928 Surplus lines agent's bond.
    626.929 Origination, acceptance, placement of surplus lines business.
    626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines agent's license.
    626.944 Qualifications for health care risk managers.
    627.745 Mediation of claims.
    634.317 License and appointment required.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.

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