HB 255: Nursing Home Facilities
Nursing Home Facilities; directs AHCA to contract for consumer satisfaction surveys for nursing home residents; provides for disposition of punitive damage awards; directs agency to establish quality assurance & assistance program; expands authority of agency to suspend or revoke facility's license; provides for funding of certain actions to improve facility's quality of care; abolishes Nursing Home Advisory Committee, etc. Amends Ch. 400; repeals 400.29.
Last Action: 3/10/1999 House - Withdrawn from Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (HFC); Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Health Care Licensing & Regulation (HFC); Health & Human Services Appropriations (FRC); Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1971 (Ch. 99-394) -HJ 00286
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 1/6/1999 House • Prefiled
1/7/1999 House • Referred to Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (HFC); Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Health Care Licensing & Regulation (HFC); Health & Human Services Appropriations (FRC)
1/8/1999 House • On Committee agenda-- Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (HFC), 01/19/99, 2:00 pm, 214C --Not considered
3/2/1999 House • Introduced, referred to Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (HFC); Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Health Care Licensing & Regulation (HFC); Health & Human Services Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00036; On Committee agenda-- Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (HFC), 01/19/99, 2:00 pm, 214C --Not considered
3/10/1999 House • Withdrawn from Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (HFC); Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Health Care Licensing & Regulation (HFC); Health & Human Services Appropriations (FRC); Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1971 (Ch. 99-394) -HJ 00286
HB 255, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:26 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (2)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location H 1971 (e1) Crist Compare Last Action: 6/18/1999 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 99-394
Location:S 834 (e1) Nursing Home Facilities Meek Compare Last Action: 4/29/1999 S Reconsidered -SJ 01436; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 01436; House Bill substituted -SJ 01437; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1971 (Ch. 99-394)
Location:Citations - Statutes (16)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 400.0225 400.023 Civil enforcement. 400.0231 Patient records; penalties for alteration. 400.024 400.063 Resident Protection Trust Fund. 400.071 Application for license. 400.118 400.121 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedure. 400.141 Administration and management of nursing home facilities. 400.1415 400.19 Right of entry and inspection. 400.191 Availability, distribution, and posting of reports and records. 400.23 Rules; criteria; Nursing Home Advisory Committee; evaluation and rating system; fee for review of plans. 400.232 400.235 400.29 Annual report of nursing home facilities.
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