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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 2086: Elections

GENERAL BILL by Judiciary ; Ethics and Elections ; Posey

Elections; authorizes Secretary of State to investigate voter fraud; authorizes Dept. of State to adopt rules; provides for qualifying for nomination or election by petition process; revises Voter's Bill of Rights to authorize provisional ballot if person's identity is in question; prohibits changing voter's certificate after absentee ballot is received by supervisor; revises requirements for tabulating votes, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 01/01/2006 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/4/2005 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01074; Read second time -SJ 00919; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00920, -SJ 00933; Was taken up -SJ 01000; Substituted HB 1567 -SJ 01002; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1567 (Ch. 2005-277), HB 1589 (Ch. 2005-278)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/7/2005 Senate • Filed
3/16/2005 Senate • Introduced, referred to Ethics and Elections; Judiciary; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Ways and Means; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00205
4/7/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Ethics and Elections, 04/12/05, 1:00 pm, 412-K
4/12/2005 Senate • CS by Ethics and Elections; YEAS 3 NAYS 1 -SJ 00463; CS read first time on 04/19/05 -SJ 00472
4/14/2005 Senate • Now in Judiciary -SJ 00463
4/21/2005 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 04/26/05, 11:45 am, 401-S
4/26/2005 Senate • CS/CS by Judiciary; YEAS 4 NAYS 3 -SJ 00744; CS read first time on 04/29/05 -SJ 00745
4/28/2005 Senate • Withdrawn from- Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00689
4/29/2005 Senate • Now in Ways and Means -SJ 00744; Withdrawn from Ways and Means -SJ 00743; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
5/4/2005 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01074; Read second time -SJ 00919; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00920, -SJ 00933; Was taken up -SJ 01000; Substituted HB 1567 -SJ 01002; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1567 (Ch. 2005-277), HB 1589 (Ch. 2005-278)