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The Florida Senate

2024 Florida Statutes (Including 2025C)

The Florida Statutes are updated annually after the conclusion of a regular legislative session, typically published in July/August. 

449 Sections found

Chapter Title
11.143 Standing or select committees; powers.
14.022 Governor; emergency powers to quell violence.
14.20195 Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council; creation; membership; duties.
16.617 Statewide Council on Human Trafficking; creation; membership; duties.
17.12 Authorized to issue warrants to tax collector or sheriff for payment.
20.165 Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
25.262 Duties of marshal, process.
26.49 Executive officer of circuit court.
27.12 Power to compromise.
27.13 Completion of compromise.
27.251 Special investigators.
27.255 Investigators; authority to arrest, qualifications, rights, immunities, bond, and oath.
28.32 Destruction of certain instruments.
30.01 Bond of sheriffs; small counties.
30.02 Bond of sheriffs; large counties.
30.03 Obligation of sureties.
30.04 Justification of sureties.
30.05 Surety companies.
30.06 Liability of sureties.
30.07 Deputy sheriffs.
30.071 Applicability and scope of act.
30.072 Definitions.
30.073 Appointment; probation; regular appointment.
30.074 Regular appointee status.
30.075 Review boards.
30.076 Appeal.
30.077 Conduct of hearing.
30.078 Continuation of appointment after a change in sheriff.
30.079 Effects of act; no property interest or expectancy in office; sheriff’s authority.
30.09 Qualification of deputies; special deputies.
30.10 Place of office.
30.12 Power to appoint sheriff.
30.14 Succession of office.
30.15 Powers, duties, and obligations.
30.20 False return.
30.21 Failure to pay over money.
30.22 When sheriff may accept service.
30.231 Sheriffs’ fees for service of summons, subpoenas, and executions.
30.24 Transportation and return of prisoners.
30.27 Constructive mileage not to be charged.
30.29 Sheriffs may furnish vital war industries guard service against sabotage.
30.2905 Program to contract for employment of off-duty deputies for security services.
30.291 Closing of public facilities upon threat of violence.
30.30 Writs, process; duties and liabilities in levying.
30.46 Sheriffs; motor vehicles color combination; badges; simulation prohibited; penalties.
30.48 Salaries.
30.49 Budgets.
30.50 Payment of salaries and expenses.
30.501 Bailiffs’ meals and lodging.
30.51 Fees and commissions.
30.52 Handling of public funds.
30.53 Independence of constitutional officials.
30.555 Liability insurance.
30.56 Release of traffic violator on recognizance or bond; penalty for failure to appear.
30.60 Establishment of neighborhood crime watch programs.
30.61 Establishment of civilian oversight boards.
34.07 Sheriff to be executive officer.
34.08 Compensation of sheriff.
35.26 Marshal of district court; appointment; duties.
39.201 Required reports of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect, sexual abuse of a child, and juvenile sexual abuse; required reports of death; reports involving a child who has exhibited inappropriate sexual behavior.
39.306 Child protective investigations; working agreements with local law enforcement.
39.502 Notice, process, and service.
39.801 Procedures and jurisdiction; notice; service of process.
40.26 Meals and lodging for jurors.
44.201 Citizen Dispute Settlement Centers; establishment; operation; confidentiality.
48.011 Process; how directed.
48.021 Process; by whom served.
48.184 Service of process for removal of unknown parties in possession.
48.195 Service of foreign process.
48.27 Certified process servers.
50.011 Publication of legal notices.
50.031 Newspapers in which legal notices and process may be published.
55.03 Judgments; rate of interest, generally.
55.204 Duration and continuation of judgment lien; destruction of records.
55.208 Effect of prior liens on payment intangibles and accounts; effect of filed judgment lien on writs of execution previously delivered to a sheriff.
56.031 Executions; form.
56.041 Executions; collection and return.
56.051 Executions; collection when against principal and sureties.
56.21 Execution sales; notice.
56.22 Execution sales.
56.27 Executions; payment of money collected.
56.275 Disposition of unclaimed money collected.
56.29 Proceedings supplementary.
57.081 Costs; right to proceed where prepayment of costs and payment of filing fees waived.
61.11 Writs.
61.18 Alimony and child support; default in undertaking of bond posted to ensure payment.
76.13 Writ; form.
76.151 Writ; execution on property changing possession.
76.16 Writ; levy in other counties.
76.17 Writ; levy upon property removed from county pending levy.
77.082 No reply filed.
77.14 Disposition of property surrendered by garnishee.
78.08 Writ; form.
78.10 Writ; execution on property in buildings or enclosures.
78.12 Writ; execution on property removed from jurisdiction.
79.03 Service of writ.
79.05 Compelling return and production of body.
82.036 Limited alternative remedy to remove unauthorized persons from residential real property.
82.05 Service of process.
83.12 Distress writ.
83.13 Levy of writ.
83.135 Dissolution of writ.
83.14 Replevy of distrained property.
83.19 Sale of property distrained.
83.22 Removal of tenant; service.
83.241 Removal of tenant; process.
83.62 Restoration of possession to landlord.
92.151 Witness compensation; payment; overcharges.
100.021 Notice of general election.
100.041 Officers chosen at general election.
101.131 Watchers at polls.
102.014 Poll worker recruitment and training.
102.021 Compensation of inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs.
102.031 Maintenance of good order at polls; authorities; persons allowed in polling rooms and early voting areas; unlawful solicitation of voters.
102.091 Duty of sheriff to watch for violations; appointment of special officers.
102.101 Sheriff and other officers not allowed in polling place.
104.101 Failure to assist officers at polls.
104.11 Neglect of duty by sheriff or other officer.
106.26 Powers of commission; rights and responsibilities of parties; findings by commission.
112.3142 Ethics training for specified constitutional officers, elected municipal officers, commissioners of community redevelopment agencies, and elected local officers of independent special districts.
112.531 Definitions.
112.532 Law enforcement officers’ and correctional officers’ rights.
112.535 Construction.
113.07 Bond by surety company; when required.
116.07 Account books to be kept by sheriffs and clerks.
116.21 Unclaimed moneys; limitation.
121.121 Authorized leaves of absence.
122.01 State and County Officers and Employees’ Retirement System; consolidation; divisions.
122.08 Requirements for retirement; classifications.
122.34 Special provisions for certain sheriffs and full-time deputy sheriffs.
125.01 Powers and duties.
125.01015 Office of the sheriff.
125.691 Prohibition against duplicating county constitutional office powers or authority; penalties; remedies.
129.01 Budget system established.
142.15 Prisoner confined in different county.
145.012 Applicability.
145.071 Sheriff.
145.16 Special laws or general laws of local application prohibited.
154.012 Sexual assault response teams; membership; duties.
161.071 Prosecuting officers to assist enforcement of this part.
162.08 Powers of enforcement boards.
162.12 Notices.
163.524 Neighborhood Preservation and Enhancement Program; participation; creation of Neighborhood Preservation and Enhancement Districts; creation of Neighborhood Councils and Neighborhood Enhancement Plans.
166.0485 Establishment of neighborhood crime watch programs.
166.049 Municipal law enforcement agencies; communications and assistance.
197.412 Attachment of tangible personal property in case of removal.
197.417 Sale of personal property after seizure.
197.522 Notice to owner when application for tax deed is made.
197.562 Grantee of tax deed entitled to immediate possession.
198.20 Failure to pay tax when due, department’s warrant, etc.
199.262 Tax liens and garnishment.
202.33 Taxes declared to be government funds; penalties for failure to remit taxes; warrants.
202.36 Departmental powers; hearings; distress warrants; bonds; subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum.
206.075 Department’s warrant for collection of unpaid taxes.
206.16 Officer selling property.
206.205 Forfeiture of vehicles and boats illegally transporting or delivering motor fuel.
206.21 Trial of issues interposed by defense; sale, etc.
206.215 Costs and expenses of proceedings.
206.24 Department and agents may make arrests, seize property, and execute warrants.
207.014 Departmental warrant for collection of unpaid taxes.
207.016 Officer’s sale of property or franchise.
207.023 Authority to inspect vehicles, make arrests, seize property, and execute warrants.
210.12 Seizures; forfeiture proceedings.
210.14 Warrant for collection of taxes.
210.15 Permits.
210.18 Penalties for tax evasion; reports by sheriffs.
211.33 Administration of the tax; returns; delinquency penalties and interest; departmental inspections of records.
212.15 Taxes declared state funds; penalties for failure to remit taxes; due and delinquent dates; judicial review.
212.16 Importation of goods; permits; seizure for noncompliance; procedure; review.
213.69 Authority to issue warrants.
215.11 Defaulting officers; Department of Financial Services to report to clerk.
218.31 Definitions.
218.403 Definitions.
220.827 Collection procedures.
222.061 Method of exempting personal property; inventory.
222.10 Jurisdiction to subject property claimed to be exempt.
250.29 Duty of officer receiving order to provide emergency aid to civil authority; penalty for failure to comply.
250.32 Commanding officer’s control of arms sales.
250.36 Mandates and process.
250.37 Expenses of courts-martial.
253.05 Prosecuting officers to assist in protecting state lands.
265.0041 Florida Law Enforcement Officers’ Hall of Fame.
274.01 Definitions.
274.03 Property supervision and control.
274.06 Alternative procedure.
282.3185 Local government cybersecurity.
282.709 State agency law enforcement radio system and interoperability network.
316.006 Jurisdiction.
316.065 Crashes; reports; penalties.
316.068 Crash report forms.
316.1891 Designation of special event zones; definitions; enhanced penalties; vehicle impoundment.
316.305 Wireless communications devices; prohibition.
316.6105 Violations involving operation of motor vehicle in unsafe condition or without required equipment; procedure for disposition.
316.614 Safety belt usage.
316.640 Enforcement.
318.13 Definitions.
320.19 Tax lien; enforcement.
320.408 Departmental warrant for collection of unpaid taxes and penalties due from motor carriers.
320.411 Officer’s sale of property or franchise.
321.05 Duties, functions, and powers of patrol officers.
321.25 Training provided at patrol schools.
322.283 Commencement of period of suspension or revocation for incarcerated offenders.
324.201 Return of license or registration to department.
327.30 Collisions, accidents, and casualties.
327.302 Accident report forms.
327.48 Regattas, races, marine parades, tournaments, or exhibitions.
327.70 Enforcement of this chapter and chapter 328.
339.281 Damage to transportation facility by vessel; marine accident report; investigative authorities; penalties.
348.59 Traffic control.
354.02 Powers.
365.179 Direct radio communication between 911 public safety answering points and first responders.
373.603 Power to enforce.
373.609 Enforcement; city and county officers to assist.
376.306 Cattle-dipping vats; legislative findings; liability.
377.32 Issuance of subpoenas; service, etc.
377.39 Seizure and sale of illegal oil, gas, or product.
379.226 Florida Territorial Waters Act; alien-owned commercial fishing vessels; prohibited acts; enforcement.
379.2525 Noncultured shellfish harvesting.
379.3004 Voluntary Authorized Hunter Identification Program.
379.333 Arrest by officers of the commission; recognizance; cash bond; citation.
381.0012 Enforcement authority.
384.281 Prehearing detention.
384.283 Service of notice and processes; sheriff to deliver person to state program.
384.288 Fees and other compensation; payment by board of county commissioners.
392.565 Execution of certificate for involuntary hold.
392.57 Emergency hold.
392.58 Service of notice and processes; duties of sheriff.
392.62 Hospitalization and placement programs.
392.68 Fees and other compensation.
394.656 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program.
394.657 County planning councils or committees.
394.90826 Behavioral Health Interagency Collaboration.
394.926 Notice to victims and others of release of persons in the custody of the department.
397.697 Court determination; effect of court order for involuntary services.
406.02 Medical Examiners Commission; membership; terms; duties; staff.
406.145 Unidentified persons; reporting requirements.
409.257 Service of process.
409.259 Filing fees in Title IV-D cases; electronic filing of pleadings, returns of service, and other papers.
409.9205 Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
415.103 Central abuse hotline.
427.708 Certain public safety and health care providers required to purchase and operate TDD’s.
443.141 Collection of contributions and reimbursements.
450.121 Enforcement of Child Labor Law.
454.18 Officers not allowed to practice.
482.032 Enforcement.
489.127 Prohibitions; penalties.
499.68 Reports of thefts, illegal use, or illegal possession.
501.022 Home solicitation sale; permit required.
501.925 Used watches; sales regulated.
509.285 Enforcement; city and county officers to assist.
538.03 Definitions; applicability.
538.04 Recordkeeping requirements; penalties.
538.08 Stolen goods; complaint for return.
538.18 Definitions.
538.235 Method of payment.
538.24 Stolen regulated metals property; petition for return.
538.32 Registration, transaction, and recordkeeping requirements; penalties.
549.01 Holding automobile race meets; notice to sheriff.
549.02 Duties of sheriffs.
549.03 Sheriff to exclude from course vehicles and persons.
549.04 Association holding race to pay sheriff’s fees.
549.05 Holding race meet without notice to sheriff; penalty.
549.06 Failure of person to remove from automobile racecourse; penalty.
552.113 Reports of thefts, illegal use, or illegal possession.
559.24 Enforcement.
559.25 Exemptions.
561.25 Officers and employees prohibited from being employed by or engaging in beverage business; penalties; exceptions.
561.57 Deliveries by licensees.
562.12 Beverages sold with improper license, or without license or registration, or held with intent to sell prohibited.
562.27 Seizure and forfeiture.
562.28 Possession of beverages in fraud of Beverage Law.
562.29 Raw materials and personal property; seizure and forfeiture.
562.33 Beverage and personal property; seizure and forfeiture.
562.34 Containers; seizure and forfeiture.
562.38 Report of seizures.
562.41 Searches; penalty.
562.454 Vendors to be closed in time of riot.
568.10 Confiscation of liquors.
568.12 Record of confiscation required.
568.14 Division vested with enforcing powers.
569.004 Consent to inspection and search without warrant.
569.33 Consent to inspection and search without warrant.
570.65 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, law enforcement officers.
581.184 Adoption of rules; citrus disease management.
581.201 Injunction.
585.09 Procedure for condemnation of animals and property by department.
586.11 Certificate of inspection to accompany interstate shipments; enforcement.
588.16 Authority to impound livestock running at large or strays.
588.17 Disposition of impounded livestock.
588.18 Livestock at large; fees.
588.19 Failure to secure purchaser or insufficient funds to defray certain costs.
588.20 Report of sale and disposition of proceeds.
588.22 Duty of impounder.
588.23 Right of owner.
601.44 Destruction of immature fruit.
601.97 Destruction of certain fruit containing arsenic.
633.116 Agents; powers to make arrests, conduct searches and seizures, serve summonses, and carry firearms.
648.39 Termination of appointment of managing general agents, bail bond agents, and bail bond agencies.
648.40 Application for appointment of professional bail bond agents; termination.
648.42 Registration of bail bond agents.
648.43 Power of attorney; approval by office; filing of copies; notification of transfer bond.
648.44 Prohibitions; penalty.
663.18 Fees.
698.03 Power of sale may be included in certain mortgages; exercise of power.
701.04 Cancellation of mortgages, liens, and judgments.
703.11 Order granting petition; jury to assess compensation; copies of original abstracts.
705.101 Definitions.
705.106 Recovery from person wrongfully in possession.
713.691 Landlord’s lien for rent; exemptions.
723.062 Removal of mobile home owner; process.
741.30 Domestic violence; injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; enforcement; public records exemption.
741.315 Recognition of foreign protection orders.
742.107 Determining paternity of child with mother under 16 years of age when impregnated.
742.108 Criminal penalties for false statements of paternity.
753.03 Standards for supervised visitation and supervised exchange programs.
767.11 Definitions.
775.083 Fines.
775.0843 Policies to be adopted for career criminal cases.
775.13 Registration of convicted felons, exemptions; penalties.
775.21 The Florida Sexual Predators Act.
775.261 The Florida Career Offender Registration Act.
784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence for protective injunction; dating violence investigations, notice to victims, and reporting; pretrial release violations; public records exemption.
784.0485 Stalking; injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; enforcement.
787.03 Interference with custody.
790.052 Carrying concealed firearms; off-duty law enforcement officers.
790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or concealed firearm.
790.08 Taking possession of weapons and arms; reports; disposition; custody.
790.24 Report of medical treatment of certain wounds; penalty for failure to report.
790.335 Prohibition of registration of firearms; electronic records.
790.401 Risk protection orders.
791.05 Seizure of illegal fireworks.
817.482 Possessing or transferring device for theft of telecommunications service; concealment of destination of telecommunications service.
825.1035 Injunction for protection against exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
828.073 Animals found in distress.
828.17 Officer to arrest without warrant.
828.30 Rabies vaccination of dogs, cats, and ferrets.
831.20 Counterfeit bills and counterfeiters’ tools to be seized.
839.04 County officers not to speculate in county warrants or certificates.
839.12 Officer failing to keep record of costs.
839.13 Falsifying records.
839.19 Failure to execute process generally.
839.24 Penalty for failure to perform duty required of officer.
843.04 Refusing to assist prison officers in arresting escaped convicts.
843.08 False personation.
843.085 Unlawful use of badges or other indicia of authority.
843.16 Unlawful to install or transport radio equipment using assigned frequency of state or law enforcement officers; definitions; exceptions; penalties.
847.011 Prohibition of certain acts in connection with obscene, lewd, etc., materials; penalty.
847.012 Harmful materials; sale or distribution to minors or using minors in production prohibited; penalty.
847.02 Confiscation of obscene material.
849.18 Disposition of machines upon conviction.
849.22 Fees of clerk of circuit court and sheriff.
849.232 Property right in gambling devices; confiscation.
849.37 Disposition and appraisal of property seized under this chapter.
849.38 Proceedings for forfeiture; notice of seizure and order to show cause.
849.39 Delivery of property to claimant.
849.42 State attorney to represent state.
849.43 Judgment of forfeiture.
849.45 Fees for services.
856.031 Arrest without warrant.
870.04 Specified officers to disperse riotous assembly.
870.042 Designation of local authority.
870.043 Declaration of emergency.
877.155 Report of initial treatment of burn injuries; penalty for failure to report.
893.07 Records.
901.04 Direction and execution of warrant.
901.15 When arrest by officer without warrant is lawful.
901.215 Search of person arrested for identifying device indicating a medical disability.
902.21 Commitment to jail in another county.
903.105 Appearance bonds.
903.16 Deposit of money or bonds as bail.
903.26 Forfeiture of the bond; when and how directed; discharge; how and when made; effect of payment.
903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.
903.34 Who may admit to bail.
905.38 Summoning of jurors.
907.04 Disposition of defendant upon arrest.
908.102 Definitions.
908.1032 State Immigration Enforcement Council.
908.11 Immigration enforcement assistance agreements; reporting requirement.
914.001 Witnesses; subpoenas to run throughout the state; all names to be included in one subpoena.
916.107 Rights of forensic clients.
921.15 Stay of execution of sentence to fine; bond and proceedings.
921.16 When sentences to be concurrent and when consecutive.
922.052 Issuance of warrant of execution.
922.111 Transfer to state prison for safekeeping before death warrant issued.
923.01 Criminal report.
932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
933.07 Issuance of search warrants.
936.003 Procedure.
938.17 County delinquency prevention; juvenile assessment centers and school board suspension programs.
939.03 Execution for costs in capital cases.
939.09 Sheriff’s mileage.
941.23 Application for issuance of requisition; by whom made; contents.
943.03 Department of Law Enforcement.
943.031 Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council.
943.0435 Sexual offenders required to register with the department; penalty.
943.0581 Administrative expunction for arrests made contrary to law or by mistake.
943.06 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Systems Council.
943.11 Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission; membership; meetings; compensation.
943.12 Powers, duties, and functions of the commission.
943.125 Accreditation of state and local law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, public agency offices of inspectors general, and certain pretrial diversion programs; intent.
943.1701 Uniform statewide policies and procedures; duty of the commission.
943.1755 Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute.
943.324 Rapid DNA Grant Program for county jails or sheriffs’ offices.
943.35 Funding for existing laboratories.
943.63 Arrest by the Capitol Police.
944.17 Commitments and classification; transfers.
944.31 Inspector general; inspectors; power and duties.
944.605 Inmate release; notification; identification card.
944.606 Sexual offenders; notification upon release.
944.607 Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on sexual offenders.
944.609 Career offenders; notification upon release.
947.13 Powers and duties of commission.
950.001 Regional jails; establishment, operation.
950.02 Removal to jail of another county.
950.061 Unlawful for male and female prisoners to be confined together.
951.061 Designation of sheriff as chief correctional officer; duties.
951.062 Contractual arrangements for operation and maintenance of county detention facilities.
951.0623 Application of ch. 86-183; agreement or contract as of July 1, 1986.
951.13 Transferring from one county to another.
951.176 Provision of education.
951.21 Gain-time for good conduct for county prisoners.
951.22 County detention facilities; contraband articles.
951.23 County and municipal detention facilities; definitions; administration; standards and requirements.
951.24 Extend the limits of confinement for county prisoners.
951.26 Public safety coordinating councils.
951.27 Blood tests of inmates.
951.28 Transmitting prisoner information to reduce public assistance fraud.
960.001 Guidelines for fair treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems.
960.294 Effect of civil restitution liens.
984.071 Resources and information.
984.16 Process and service.
985.046 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
985.047 Information systems.
985.12 Prearrest delinquency citation programs.
985.245 Risk assessment instrument.
985.275 Detention of escapee or absconder on authority of the department.
985.319 Process and service.
985.4815 Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on juvenile sexual offenders.
985.664 Juvenile justice circuit advisory boards.
985.688 Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
1002.36 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
1003.01 Definitions.
1004.0981 College credit for law enforcement training.
1004.343 Statewide Data Repository for Anonymous Human Trafficking Data.
1006.07 District school board duties relating to student discipline and school safety.
1006.12 Safe-school officers at each public school.
1006.66 Regulation of traffic at universities.
1012.88 Florida College System institution police.
1012.97 University police.