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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 651: Building Construction and Inspection

GENERAL BILL by Economic Affairs Committee ; Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee ; Davis ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Campbell ; Costello ; Tobia

Building Construction and Inspection; Revises authorized methods of sending notices to violators of local codes; requires state or any county, municipality, or other public body or institution to open sealed bids or certain portions of sealed bids & disclose certain information at public meeting; redefines "bedroom" for purposes of requirements governing onsite sewage treatment & disposal systems; provides that permit for installation, modification, or repair of onsite sewage treatment & disposal system approved by DOH transfers along with title to property in real estate transaction; provides criteria for abandoned onsite sewage treatment & disposal system; provides for applicability of rules to construction of onsite sewage treatment & disposal system; provides certain exemptions for remodeled single-family home; authorizes building code administrator or building official or fire code administrator or fire official to approve electronic filing of building plans & related documents; revises eligibility requirements of building code inspector or plans examiner; revises criteria for issuance of provisional certificates; adds landscape architects to those who are exempt from complying with provisions related to mold assessment; clarifies intent of Legislature in adoption of certain amendments to s. 489.105(6), F.S.; revises types of planting plans that landscaping designer may submit to governmental agencies; revises construction contracting provisions, including definitions; requires certain notice relating to construction permits; exempts certain buildings & structures from Florida Building Code; requires Florida Building Commission to establish workgroup to assist commission in developing rule for implementing certain methods of alternative screen enclosure design; extends expiration of exemption from building code relating to certain equipment & appliances.

Effective Date: 7/1/2012
Last Action: 3/5/2012 House - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 704 (Ch. 2012-13), CS/HB 387 (Ch. 2012-58), CS/CS/HB 887 (Ch. 2012-72), CS/CS/HB 897 (Ch. 2012-211) -HJ 1067
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
11/15/2011 House • Filed
11/21/2011 House • Referred to Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee -HJ 65
1/10/2012 House • Introduced -HJ 65
1/12/2012 House • PCS on Committee agenda-- Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee, 01/17/12, 12:30 pm, 404 HOB
1/17/2012 House • CS by Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 14 NAYS 0 -HJ 248
1/23/2012 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 7.19(c)
• CS by Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 244
1/24/2012 House • Original reference(s) removed: Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee
• CS referred to Economic Affairs Committee -HJ 261
• Now in Economic Affairs Committee
2/20/2012 House • On Committee agenda-- Economic Affairs Committee, 02/22/12, 9:00 am, Reed Hall
2/22/2012 House • CS/CS by- Economic Affairs Committee; YEAS 15 NAYS 2 -HJ 815
2/23/2012 House • Pending review of CS -under Rule 7.19(c)
• Placed on Calendar -HJ 812
• CS/CS by Economic Affairs Committee read 1st time -HJ 797
2/24/2012 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 02/28/12
2/28/2012 House • Temporarily postponed, on 2nd Reading -HJ 892
3/1/2012 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/02/12
3/2/2012 House • Read 2nd time -HJ 1015
• Amendment(s) adopted (147305, 474077, 572633, 659431, 739345, 891531) -HJ 1015
• Placed on 3rd reading
3/5/2012 House • Substituted CS/CS/SB 704 -HJ 1067
• Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 704 (Ch. 2012-13), CS/HB 387 (Ch. 2012-58), CS/CS/HB 887 (Ch. 2012-72), CS/CS/HB 897 (Ch. 2012-211) -HJ 1067