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The Florida Senate

HB 2011: Professions/Regulation

GENERAL BILL by Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs ; Ogles ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Brown ; Crist ; Dockery ; Chestnut ; Lynn

Professions/Regulation; requires plats & replats of subdivisions submitted for approval to be accompanied by boundary survey of platted lands; provides qualifications for certain applicants for specified physician assistants; provides definitions for classes of water & wastewater operators; requires each applicant for licensure as athlete agent to submit full set of fingerprints for purposes of required criminal records check, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/1997 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 3/4/1998 House - Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 947 (Ch. 97-35), HB 1179 (Ch. 97-228), HB 1307 (Ch. 97-122), HB 1357 (Ch. 97-237), CS/HB 885 (Ch. 98-298), CS/CS/HB 3211 (Ch. 98-250), CS/HB 3223 (Ch. 98-20), CS/HB 3343 (Ch. 98-323), HB 3589 (Ch. 98-263), CS/HB 4065 (Ch. 98-340), HB 4439 (Ch. 98-419), CS/SB 776 (Ch. 98-49), CS/SB 1466 (Ch. 98-135) -HJ 00119
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/11/1997 House • Filed
    4/14/1997 House • Introduced -HJ 00553
    4/16/1997 House • In Economic Impact Council, pending ranking -HJ 00588
    4/18/1997 House • Placed on Economic Impact Council Calendar -HJ 00665
    4/24/1997 House • Read second time -HJ 00741; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00744
    4/28/1997 House • Read third time -HJ 01098; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 01101; Passed as amended; YEAS 116 NAYS 1 -HJ 01102
    4/28/1997 Senate • In Messages
    4/29/1997 Senate • Received, referred to Regulated Industries; Governmental Reform and Oversight; Ways and Means -SJ 00951
    5/2/1997 Senate • Upon adjournment in Senate Regulated Industries, Carried over to 1998 Session pursuant to House Rule 96, Placed on House Consent Calendar
    3/3/1998 House • CARRIED OVER; Pending Consent Calendar
    3/4/1998 House • Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 947 (Ch. 97-35), HB 1179 (Ch. 97-228), HB 1307 (Ch. 97-122), HB 1357 (Ch. 97-237), CS/HB 885 (Ch. 98-298), CS/CS/HB 3211 (Ch. 98-250), CS/HB 3223 (Ch. 98-20), CS/HB 3343 (Ch. 98-323), HB 3589 (Ch. 98-263), CS/HB 4065 (Ch. 98-340), HB 4439 (Ch. 98-419), CS/SB 776 (Ch. 98-49), CS/SB 1466 (Ch. 98-135) -HJ 00119

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  • HB 2011, Engrossed 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (26)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 671 (e1) Contracting/Unlicensed Violations Livingston Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries
    H 885 (c1) Crady Compare Last Action: 5/29/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-298
    H 1447 (e2) Veterinary Medical Practice Sindler Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries
    H 3211 (e1) Ogles Compare Last Action: 5/27/1998 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 98-250
    H 3223 (c1) Dockery Compare Last Action: 4/22/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-20 -HJ 00964
    H 3343 (c1) Chestnut Compare Last Action: 5/30/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-323
    H 3589 Bitner Compare Last Action: 5/28/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-263
    H 4065 (c1) Safley Compare Last Action: 5/30/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-340
    H 4091 Auctioneers Trovillion Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Committee on Civil Justice & Claims (JC)
    H 4359 Industrial Hygienists/Use of Titles Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4439 (Ch. 98-419)
    H 4427 Physician Assistant Certification Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs Compare Last Action: 4/22/1998 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 776 (Ch. 97-49) -HJ 00989
    H 4439 (e3) Brown Compare Last Action: 6/17/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-419; See also CS/CS/HB 4181 (Ch. 98-287), CS/SB 2484 (Ch. 98-170)
    S 78 (e1) Michael Lambert Ferguson Act Childers Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Messages
    S 318 (c1) Real Estate Appraisals Dyer Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 3211 (Ch. 98-250)
    S 340 (e1) Real Estate Clary Compare Last Action: 4/23/1998 S House Bill substituted -SJ 00855; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 3211 (Ch. 98-250)
    S 406 (c1) Land Platting Clary Compare Last Action: 4/8/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00406; House Bill substituted -SJ 00401; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 3223 (Ch. 98-20)
    S 472 (e1) Veterinary Medical Practice Dyer Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Messages
    S 776 (e1) Clary Compare Last Action: 5/12/1998 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 98-49
    S 880 (c1) Barbering & Cosmetology Clary Compare Last Action: 4/22/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00741; Read second time -SJ 00789; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00789; House Bill substituted -SJ 00789; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 3343 (Ch. 98-323)
    S 1212 Contracting/Unlicensed Violations Crist Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice
    S 1220 Certified Public Accountants Crist Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; House Bill substituted -SJ 01636; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 3589 (Ch. 98-263)
    S 1370 Funeral Directing & Embalming Holzendorf Compare Last Action: 4/22/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00741; House Bill substituted -SJ 00771; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 885 (Ch. 98-298)
    S 1466 (e1) Dudley Compare Last Action: 5/22/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-135
    S 1508 (c1) Public Accountancy Latvala Compare Last Action: 4/17/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00528; House Bill substituted -SJ 00525; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 4065 (Ch. 98-340)
    S 2084 (c1) Professional Regulation Clary Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; Died on Special Order Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4439 (Ch. 98-419)
    S 2336 (c2) Regulation of Contracting Clary Compare Last Action: 4/30/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01222, -SJ 01522; House Bill substituted -SJ 01330; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4439 (Ch. 98-419); See also CS/CS/HB 4181 (Ch. 98-287), CS/SB 2484 (Ch. 98-170)

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/28/1997 3:09 PM House 116 Yeas - 1 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (150)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    177.021 Legal status of recorded plats.
    177.031 Definitions.
    177.041 Title certification.
    177.051 Name of subdivision.
    177.061 Qualification of person making survey and plat certification.
    177.071 Approval of plat by governing bodies.
    177.081 Dedication and approval.
    177.091 Plats made for recording.
    177.121 Misdemeanor to molest monument or deface or destroy map or plat.
    177.131 Recordation of the Department of Transportation official right-of-way maps and other governmental right-of-way maps.
    177.132 Preservation of unrecorded maps.
    177.141 Affidavit confirming error on a recorded plat.
    177.151 State plane coordinate.
    177.27 Definitions.
    177.38 Standards for establishment of local tidal datums.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    455.213 General licensing provisions.
    455.217 Examinations.
    455.225 Disciplinary proceedings.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    468.385 Licenses required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.386 Fees; local licensing requirements.
    468.388 Conduct of an auction.
    468.389 Prohibited acts; penalties.
    468.391 Penalty.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    468.393 Surcharge to license fee; assessments.
    468.395 Conditions of recovery; eligibility.
    468.396 Claims against a single licensee in excess of dollar limitation; joinder of claims, payment; insufficient funds.
    468.432 Licensure of community association managers; exceptions.
    468.453 Licensure required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.607 Certification of building code administration and inspection personnel.
    468.609 Administration of this part; standards for certification; additional categories of certification.
    468.617 Joint inspection department; other arrangements.
    468.621 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.629 Prohibitions; penalties.
    469.001 Definitions.
    469.002 Exemptions.
    469.004 License; asbestos consultant; asbestos contractor; exceptions.
    469.005 License requirements.
    469.006 Licensure of business organizations; qualifying agents.
    469.013 Course requirements for asbestos surveyors, management planners, and project monitors.
    469.015 Seals.
    470.002 Definitions.
    470.0085 Establishment of embalmer apprentice program.
    470.009 Licensure as a funeral director by examination; provisional license.
    470.015 Renewal of funeral director and embalmer licenses.
    470.018 Renewal of registration of direct disposer.
    470.024 Funeral establishment; licensure.
    470.029 Reports of cases embalmed and bodies handled.
    470.0301 Removal services; refrigeration facilities; centralized embalming facilities.
    470.036 Disciplinary proceedings.
    473.306 Examinations.
    473.308 Licensure.
    473.309 Practice requirements for partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies; business entities practicing public accounting.
    473.312 Continuing education.
    474.203 Exemptions.
    474.2065 Fees.
    474.207 Licensure by examination.
    474.211 Renewal of license.
    474.2125 Temporary license.
    474.214 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.215 Premises permits.
    474.217 Licensure by endorsement.
    475.125 Fees.
    475.15 Registration and licensing of general partners, members, officers, and directors of a firm.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.175 Examinations.
    475.180 Nonresident licenses.
    475.181 Licensure.
    475.183 Inactive status.
    475.22 Broker to maintain office and sign at entrance of office; registered office outside state; broker required to cooperate in investigation.
    475.25 Discipline.
    475.278 Authorized brokerage relationships; required disclosures.
    475.422 Disclosure.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.452 Advance fees; deposit; accounting; penalty; damages.
    475.482 Real Estate Recovery Fund.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.615 Qualifications for registration, licensure, or certification.
    475.617 Education and experience requirements.
    475.624 Discipline.
    476.114 Examination; prerequisites.
    476.124 Application for examination.
    476.134 Time, place, and subjects of examination.
    476.144 Licensure.
    477.013 Definitions.
    477.0132 Hair braiding registration.
    477.0135 Exemptions.
    477.019 Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure; license renewal; endorsement.
    477.022 Examinations.
    477.026 Fees; disposition.
    477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exception.
    481.207 Fees.
    481.209 Examinations.
    481.213 Licensure.
    489.103 Exemptions.
    489.105 Definitions.
    489.107 Construction Industry Licensing Board.
    489.109 Fees.
    489.111 Licensure by examination.
    489.113 Qualifications for practice; restrictions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    489.119 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.127 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.140 Construction Industries Recovery Fund.
    489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    489.142 Board powers upon notification of commencement of action.
    489.143 Payment from the fund.
    489.1455 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards.
    489.503 Exemptions.
    489.505 Definitions.
    489.507 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board.
    489.509 Fees.
    489.511 Certification; application; examinations; endorsement.
    489.513 Registration; application; requirements.
    489.517 Renewal of certificate or registration; continuing education.
    489.519 Inactive status.
    489.521 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.525 Reports of certified contractors to local building officials.
    489.529 Alarm verification calls required.
    489.531 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    489.5335 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards.
    489.537 Application of this part.
    489.539 Adoption of electrical standards.
    489.553 Administration of part; registration qualifications; examination.
    553.06 State Plumbing Code.
    553.19 Adoption of electrical standards.
    553.63 Trench excavations in excess of 5 feet deep; required information.
    553.64 Certain requirements for contract bids.
    553.991 Purpose.
    553.994 Applicability.
    553.996 Energy-efficiency rating disclosure; information brochure.
    713.01 Definitions.

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  • HB 2011, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    390175 - Amendment
    Ogles 10/9/1997
    8:38 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (149)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    177.021 Legal status of recorded plats.
    177.031 Definitions.
    177.041 Title certification.
    177.051 Name of subdivision.
    177.061 Qualification of person making survey and plat certification.
    177.071 Approval of plat by governing bodies.
    177.081 Dedication and approval.
    177.091 Plats made for recording.
    177.121 Misdemeanor to molest monument or deface or destroy map or plat.
    177.131 Recordation of the Department of Transportation official right-of-way maps and other governmental right-of-way maps.
    177.132 Preservation of unrecorded maps.
    177.141 Affidavit confirming error on a recorded plat.
    177.151 State plane coordinate.
    177.27 Definitions.
    177.38 Standards for establishment of local tidal datums.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    455.213 General licensing provisions.
    455.217 Examinations.
    455.225 Disciplinary proceedings.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    468.385 Licenses required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.386 Fees; local licensing requirements.
    468.388 Conduct of an auction.
    468.389 Prohibited acts; penalties.
    468.391 Penalty.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    468.393 Surcharge to license fee; assessments.
    468.395 Conditions of recovery; eligibility.
    468.396 Claims against a single licensee in excess of dollar limitation; joinder of claims, payment; insufficient funds.
    468.432 Licensure of community association managers; exceptions.
    468.453 Licensure required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.607 Certification of building code administration and inspection personnel.
    468.609 Administration of this part; standards for certification; additional categories of certification.
    468.617 Joint inspection department; other arrangements.
    468.621 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.629 Prohibitions; penalties.
    469.001 Definitions.
    469.002 Exemptions.
    469.004 License; asbestos consultant; asbestos contractor; exceptions.
    469.005 License requirements.
    469.006 Licensure of business organizations; qualifying agents.
    469.013 Course requirements for asbestos surveyors, management planners, and project monitors.
    469.015 Seals.
    470.002 Definitions.
    470.0085 Establishment of embalmer apprentice program.
    470.009 Licensure as a funeral director by examination; provisional license.
    470.015 Renewal of funeral director and embalmer licenses.
    470.018 Renewal of registration of direct disposer.
    470.024 Funeral establishment; licensure.
    470.029 Reports of cases embalmed and bodies handled.
    470.0301 Removal services; refrigeration facilities; centralized embalming facilities.
    470.036 Disciplinary proceedings.
    473.306 Examinations.
    473.308 Licensure.
    473.309 Practice requirements for partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies; business entities practicing public accounting.
    473.312 Continuing education.
    474.203 Exemptions.
    474.2065 Fees.
    474.207 Licensure by examination.
    474.211 Renewal of license.
    474.2125 Temporary license.
    474.214 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.215 Premises permits.
    474.217 Licensure by endorsement.
    475.125 Fees.
    475.15 Registration and licensing of general partners, members, officers, and directors of a firm.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.175 Examinations.
    475.180 Nonresident licenses.
    475.181 Licensure.
    475.183 Inactive status.
    475.22 Broker to maintain office and sign at entrance of office; registered office outside state; broker required to cooperate in investigation.
    475.25 Discipline.
    475.278 Authorized brokerage relationships; required disclosures.
    475.422 Disclosure.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.452 Advance fees; deposit; accounting; penalty; damages.
    475.482 Real Estate Recovery Fund.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.615 Qualifications for registration, licensure, or certification.
    475.617 Education and experience requirements.
    475.624 Discipline.
    476.114 Examination; prerequisites.
    476.124 Application for examination.
    476.134 Time, place, and subjects of examination.
    476.144 Licensure.
    477.013 Definitions.
    477.0132 Hair braiding registration.
    477.0135 Exemptions.
    477.019 Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure; license renewal; endorsement.
    477.022 Examinations.
    477.026 Fees; disposition.
    477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exception.
    481.207 Fees.
    481.209 Examinations.
    481.213 Licensure.
    489.103 Exemptions.
    489.105 Definitions.
    489.107 Construction Industry Licensing Board.
    489.109 Fees.
    489.111 Licensure by examination.
    489.113 Qualifications for practice; restrictions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    489.119 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.127 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.140 Construction Industries Recovery Fund.
    489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    489.142 Board powers upon notification of commencement of action.
    489.143 Payment from the fund.
    489.1455 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards.
    489.503 Exemptions.
    489.505 Definitions.
    489.507 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board.
    489.509 Fees.
    489.511 Certification; application; examinations; endorsement.
    489.513 Registration; application; requirements.
    489.517 Renewal of certificate or registration; continuing education.
    489.519 Inactive status.
    489.521 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.525 Reports of certified contractors to local building officials.
    489.529 Alarm verification calls required.
    489.531 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    489.5335 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards.
    489.537 Application of this part.
    489.539 Adoption of electrical standards.
    489.553 Administration of part; registration qualifications; examination.
    553.06 State Plumbing Code.
    553.19 Adoption of electrical standards.
    553.63 Trench excavations in excess of 5 feet deep; required information.
    553.64 Certain requirements for contract bids.
    553.991 Purpose.
    553.994 Applicability.
    553.996 Energy-efficiency rating disclosure; information brochure.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 2011, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs (Post-Meeting) 4/11/1997 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (142)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    177.021 Legal status of recorded plats.
    177.031 Definitions.
    177.041 Title certification.
    177.051 Name of subdivision.
    177.061 Qualification of person making survey and plat certification.
    177.071 Approval of plat by governing bodies.
    177.081 Dedication and approval.
    177.091 Plats made for recording.
    177.121 Misdemeanor to molest monument or deface or destroy map or plat.
    177.131 Recordation of the Department of Transportation official right-of-way maps and other governmental right-of-way maps.
    177.132 Preservation of unrecorded maps.
    177.141 Affidavit confirming error on a recorded plat.
    177.151 State plane coordinate.
    177.27 Definitions.
    177.38 Standards for establishment of local tidal datums.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    455.213 General licensing provisions.
    455.217 Examinations.
    455.225 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.385 Licenses required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.386 Fees; local licensing requirements.
    468.388 Conduct of an auction.
    468.389 Prohibited acts; penalties.
    468.391 Penalty.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    468.393 Surcharge to license fee; assessments.
    468.395 Conditions of recovery; eligibility.
    468.396 Claims against a single licensee in excess of dollar limitation; joinder of claims, payment; insufficient funds.
    468.432 Licensure of community association managers; exceptions.
    468.453 Licensure required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.607 Certification of building code administration and inspection personnel.
    468.609 Administration of this part; standards for certification; additional categories of certification.
    468.617 Joint inspection department; other arrangements.
    468.621 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.629 Prohibitions; penalties.
    469.001 Definitions.
    469.002 Exemptions.
    469.004 License; asbestos consultant; asbestos contractor; exceptions.
    469.005 License requirements.
    469.006 Licensure of business organizations; qualifying agents.
    469.013 Course requirements for asbestos surveyors, management planners, and project monitors.
    469.015 Seals.
    470.002 Definitions.
    470.0085 Establishment of embalmer apprentice program.
    470.009 Licensure as a funeral director by examination; provisional license.
    470.015 Renewal of funeral director and embalmer licenses.
    470.018 Renewal of registration of direct disposer.
    470.024 Funeral establishment; licensure.
    470.029 Reports of cases embalmed and bodies handled.
    470.0301 Removal services; refrigeration facilities; centralized embalming facilities.
    473.306 Examinations.
    473.308 Licensure.
    473.309 Practice requirements for partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies; business entities practicing public accounting.
    473.312 Continuing education.
    474.203 Exemptions.
    474.2065 Fees.
    474.207 Licensure by examination.
    474.211 Renewal of license.
    474.2125 Temporary license.
    474.214 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.215 Premises permits.
    474.217 Licensure by endorsement.
    475.125 Fees.
    475.15 Registration and licensing of general partners, members, officers, and directors of a firm.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.175 Examinations.
    475.180 Nonresident licenses.
    475.181 Licensure.
    475.183 Inactive status.
    475.22 Broker to maintain office and sign at entrance of office; registered office outside state; broker required to cooperate in investigation.
    475.25 Discipline.
    475.422 Disclosure.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.452 Advance fees; deposit; accounting; penalty; damages.
    475.482 Real Estate Recovery Fund.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.615 Qualifications for registration, licensure, or certification.
    475.617 Education and experience requirements.
    475.624 Discipline.
    476.114 Examination; prerequisites.
    476.124 Application for examination.
    476.134 Time, place, and subjects of examination.
    476.144 Licensure.
    477.013 Definitions.
    477.0132 Hair braiding registration.
    477.0135 Exemptions.
    477.019 Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure; license renewal; endorsement.
    477.022 Examinations.
    477.026 Fees; disposition.
    477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exception.
    481.207 Fees.
    481.209 Examinations.
    481.213 Licensure.
    489.103 Exemptions.
    489.105 Definitions.
    489.107 Construction Industry Licensing Board.
    489.109 Fees.
    489.111 Licensure by examination.
    489.113 Qualifications for practice; restrictions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    489.119 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.127 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.140 Construction Industries Recovery Fund.
    489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    489.142 Board powers upon notification of commencement of action.
    489.143 Payment from the fund.
    489.503 Exemptions.
    489.505 Definitions.
    489.507 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board.
    489.509 Fees.
    489.511 Certification; application; examinations; endorsement.
    489.513 Registration; application; requirements.
    489.517 Renewal of certificate or registration; continuing education.
    489.519 Inactive status.
    489.521 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.525 Reports of certified contractors to local building officials.
    489.529 Alarm verification calls required.
    489.531 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    489.537 Application of this part.
    489.539 Adoption of electrical standards.
    489.553 Administration of part; registration qualifications; examination.
    553.06 State Plumbing Code.
    553.19 Adoption of electrical standards.
    553.63 Trench excavations in excess of 5 feet deep; required information.
    553.64 Certain requirements for contract bids.
    553.991 Purpose.
    553.994 Applicability.
    553.996 Energy-efficiency rating disclosure; information brochure.

    Top of SectionTop of Page