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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 2240: Rulemaking Authority

GENERAL BILL by Governmental Reform and Oversight ; Williams

Rulemaking Authority; restates rulemaking authority for numerous state officers, departments, divisions, boards, & other entities; repeals provision re rules for state parks; conforms cross-reference to change made by act. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/1998
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1440 (Ch. 98-200)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/3/1998 Senate • Filed
    3/18/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Governmental Reform and Oversight -SJ 00204
    4/2/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Reform and Oversight, 04/07/98, 2:00 pm, Room-309C
    4/7/1998 Senate • Comm. Action:-CS by Governmental Reform and Oversight -SJ 00425; CS read first time on 04/09/98 -SJ 00430
    4/9/1998 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00425
    5/1/1998 Senate • Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1440 (Ch. 98-200)

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  • CS/SB 2240, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/10/1998 at 2:18 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Governmental Reform and Oversight (Post-Meeting) 4/7/1998 (pdf)

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 1509 (e1) Administrative Procedures Spratt Similar Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1440 (Ch. 98-200)
    S 1440 (e1) Latvala Similar Last Action: 5/24/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-200; See also CS/SB 846 (Ch. 98-105)

    Citations - Statutes (226)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    18.22 Rules and regulations.
    20.171 Department of Labor and Employment Security.
    63.233 Rulemaking authority.
    175.341 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking authority; investments by the State Board of Administration.
    177.504 Powers and duties of the department.
    185.23 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking; investment by State Board of Administration.
    198.08 Rules and regulations.
    199.202 Administration of law; rules.
    201.11 Administration of law by Department of Revenue.
    207.011 Inspection of records; hearings; forms; rules.
    210.10 General powers of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
    210.75 Administration.
    212.17 Credits for returned goods, rentals, or admissions; additional powers of department.
    212.18 Administration of law; registration of dealers; rules.
    213.06 Rules of department; circumstances requiring emergency rules.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    217.14 Adoption of rules and regulations.
    220.182 Enterprise zone property tax credit.
    220.183 Community contribution tax credit.
    229.053 General powers of state board.
    229.515 Rules and standards have force of law.
    230.22 General powers of school board.
    230.32 General powers of superintendents.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    235.01 Purpose; rules.
    240.209 Board of Regents; powers and duties.
    240.227 University presidents; powers and duties.
    240.311 State Board of Community Colleges; powers and duties.
    240.319 Community college district boards of trustees; duties and powers.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    246.041 Powers and duties of board.
    246.051 Administration by board.
    246.071 Rules of State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities.
    246.207 Powers and duties of board.
    246.213 Power of State Board of Education.
    253.03 Board of trustees to administer state lands; lands enumerated.
    253.73 Rules and regulations; ss. 253.67-253.75.
    257.14 Division of Library and Information Services; rules.
    258.007 Powers of division.
    258.011 Rules and regulations for certain parks.
    258.43 Rules and regulations.
    259.035 Advisory council; powers and duties.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.284 Chief cultural officer; director of division; powers and duties.
    265.605 Cultural Endowment Program; rulemaking.
    267.031 Division of Historical Resources.
    280.19 Rules.
    284.17 Rules and regulations.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    310.151 Rates of pilotage; Pilotage Rate Review Board.
    310.185 Rulemaking.
    319.17 Rules; forms; indexes and records.
    320.011 Administration and enforcement; rules.
    320.69 Rules and regulations.
    320.824 Rules and regulations, changes and modifications of standards.
    324.042 Administration.
    326.003 Administration.
    327.04 Rules and regulations.
    330.29 Administration and enforcement; rules; standards for airport sites and airports.
    334.044 Department; powers and duties.
    339.175 Metropolitan planning organization.
    350.127 Penalties; rules; execution of contracts.
    366.05 Powers.
    367.121 Powers of commission.
    368.05 Commission jurisdiction, rules and regulations.
    369.20 Florida Aquatic Weed Control Act.
    369.22 Nonindigenous aquatic plant control.
    369.251 Invasive nonnative plants; prohibitions; study; removal; rules.
    370.021 Administration; rules, publications, records; penalty for violation of chapter; injunctions.
    370.092 Carriage of proscribed nets across Florida waters.
    370.15 Shrimp; regulation.
    373.043 Adoption and enforcement of regulations by the department.
    373.044 Rules and regulations; enforcement; availability of personnel rules.
    373.113 Adoption of regulations by the governing board.
    373.171 Rules and regulations.
    373.337 Rules.
    373.418 Rulemaking; preservation of existing authority.
    376.07 Regulatory powers of department; penalties for inadequate booming by terminal facilities.
    377.22 Rules, regulations, and orders.
    377.703 Additional functions of the Department of Community Affairs; energy emergency contingency plan; federal and state conservation programs.
    378.205 Administration; powers and duties of the department; agency review responsibility.
    378.404 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties.
    380.05 Areas of critical state concern.
    380.0651 Statewide guidelines and standards.
    381.0011 Duties and powers of the Department of Health.
    384.33 Rules.
    391.026 Powers and duties of the department.
    392.66 Rules.
    394.879 Rules; enforcement.
    395.1055 Rules and enforcement.
    403.061 Department; powers and duties.
    403.1835 Sewage treatment facilities revolving loan program.
    403.504 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties enumerated.
    403.523 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties.
    403.704 Powers and duties of the department.
    403.716 Training of operators of solid waste management and other facilities.
    403.805 Secretary; powers and duties.
    403.861 Department; powers and duties.
    403.869 Authority to adopt rules.
    403.9404 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties.
    406.04 Rules and regulations.
    408.15 Powers of the agency.
    414.45 Rulemaking.
    427.013 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged; purpose and responsibilities.
    430.08 Rulemaking.
    440.591 Administrative procedure; rulemaking authority.
    443.171 Division and commission; powers and duties; rules; advisory council; records and reports.
    455.203 Department; powers and duties.
    455.521 Department; powers and duties.
    457.104 Authority to make rules.
    458.309 Authority to make rules.
    459.005 Authority to make rules.
    460.405 Authority to make rules.
    461.005 Authority to make rules.
    463.005 Authority of the board.
    464.006 Authority to make rules.
    465.005 Authority to make rules.
    465.022 Pharmacies; general requirements; fees.
    466.004 Board of Dentistry.
    466.038 Rules.
    467.005 Authority to make rules.
    468.1135 Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
    468.1685 Powers and duties of board and department.
    468.204 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.384 Florida Board of Auctioneers.
    468.402 Duties of the department; authority to issue and revoke license; adoption of rules.
    468.507 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.522 Rules of the board.
    468.606 Authority of the board.
    468.705 Rulemaking authority.
    468.802 Authority to adopt rules.
    470.005 Rulemaking authority of board and department.
    471.008 Rules of the board.
    472.008 Rules of the board.
    473.304 Rules of board; powers and duties; legal services.
    474.206 Authority to make rules.
    475.05 Power of commission to enact bylaws, rules, and regulations and decide questions of practice.
    475.614 Power of board to enact rules and decide questions of practice.
    476.064 Organization; headquarters; personnel; meetings.
    477.016 Rulemaking.
    478.43 Board of Medicine; powers and duties.
    480.035 Board of Massage Therapy.
    481.2055 Authority to make rules.
    481.306 Authority to make rules.
    482.051 Rules.
    483.805 Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel.
    484.005 Authority to make rules.
    484.044 Authority to make rules.
    486.025 Powers and duties of the Board of Physical Therapy Practice.
    488.02 Rules and regulations.
    489.108 Rulemaking authority of the board.
    489.507 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board.
    490.004 Board of Psychology.
    491.004 Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling.
    492.104 Authority to make rules.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    496.424 Rulemaking authority.
    497.103 Rulemaking authority of board and department.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    498.007 General powers and duties.
    500.459 Water vending machines.
    501.014 Health studios; powers and duties of the department.
    501.143 Dance Studio Act.
    501.626 Rulemaking power.
    502.014 Powers and duties.
    503.031 Powers of department.
    504.32 Rulemaking authority.
    516.22 Regulations; certified copies.
    516.23 Subpoenas; enforcement actions; rules.
    517.03 Power of department to make rules.
    520.994 Powers of department.
    526.09 Department to enforce law; rules and regulations.
    531.41 Powers and duties of the department.
    548.003 State Athletic Commission.
    553.76 General powers of the board.
    560.105 Supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.
    561.11 Power and authority of division.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    571.05 Rules.
    571.24 Purpose; duties of the division.
    574.14 Rules.
    578.11 Duties, authority, and rules and regulations of the department.
    580.036 Powers and duties.
    583.04 Promulgation of rules.
    585.002 Department control; continuance of powers, duties, rules, orders, etc.
    593.103 Powers and duties of department.
    616.165 Rules.
    616.256 Powers of authority.
    617.01301 Powers of Department of State.
    620.1835 Powers of Department of State; interrogatories.
    620.81055 Fees for filing documents and issuing certificates; powers of the Department of State.
    624.308 Rules.
    624.4431 Administration; rules.
    626.943 Powers and duties of the department.
    627.805 Departmental regulation of variable and indeterminate value contracts; rules.
    627.9408 Rules.
    628.535 Authority to promulgate rules.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.517 Authority of State Fire Marshal to adopt rules, administer oaths, and take testimony.
    633.70 Jurisdiction of State Fire Marshal over alarm system contractors and certified unlimited electrical contractors.
    634.021 Powers of department; rules.
    634.302 Powers of department; rules.
    634.402 Powers of department; rules.
    635.081 Administration and enforcement.
    636.067 Rules.
    641.403 Promulgation of rules.
    641.56 Rulemaking authority.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    655.012 General supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.
    681.118 Rulemaking authority.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    916.20 Operation and administration; rules.
    943.03 Department of Law Enforcement.
    944.09 Rules of the department; offenders, probationers, and parolees.
    947.07 Rules and regulations.
    960.045 Department of Legal Affairs; powers and duties.
    985.405 Rules for implementation.

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  • SB 2240, Original Filed Version Posted 3/13/1998 at 2:42 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (226)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    18.22 Rules and regulations.
    20.171 Department of Labor and Employment Security.
    63.233 Rulemaking authority.
    175.341 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking authority; investments by the State Board of Administration.
    177.504 Powers and duties of the department.
    185.23 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking; investment by State Board of Administration.
    198.08 Rules and regulations.
    199.202 Administration of law; rules.
    201.11 Administration of law by Department of Revenue.
    207.011 Inspection of records; hearings; forms; rules.
    210.10 General powers of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
    210.75 Administration.
    212.17 Credits for returned goods, rentals, or admissions; additional powers of department.
    212.18 Administration of law; registration of dealers; rules.
    213.06 Rules of department; circumstances requiring emergency rules.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    217.14 Adoption of rules and regulations.
    220.182 Enterprise zone property tax credit.
    220.183 Community contribution tax credit.
    229.053 General powers of state board.
    229.515 Rules and standards have force of law.
    230.22 General powers of school board.
    230.32 General powers of superintendents.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    235.01 Purpose; rules.
    240.209 Board of Regents; powers and duties.
    240.227 University presidents; powers and duties.
    240.311 State Board of Community Colleges; powers and duties.
    240.319 Community college district boards of trustees; duties and powers.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    246.041 Powers and duties of board.
    246.051 Administration by board.
    246.071 Rules of State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities.
    246.207 Powers and duties of board.
    246.213 Power of State Board of Education.
    253.03 Board of trustees to administer state lands; lands enumerated.
    253.73 Rules and regulations; ss. 253.67-253.75.
    257.14 Division of Library and Information Services; rules.
    258.007 Powers of division.
    258.011 Rules and regulations for certain parks.
    258.43 Rules and regulations.
    259.035 Advisory council; powers and duties.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.284 Chief cultural officer; director of division; powers and duties.
    265.605 Cultural Endowment Program; rulemaking.
    267.031 Division of Historical Resources.
    280.19 Rules.
    284.17 Rules and regulations.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    310.151 Rates of pilotage; Pilotage Rate Review Board.
    310.185 Rulemaking.
    319.17 Rules; forms; indexes and records.
    320.011 Administration and enforcement; rules.
    320.69 Rules and regulations.
    320.824 Rules and regulations, changes and modifications of standards.
    324.042 Administration.
    326.003 Administration.
    327.04 Rules and regulations.
    330.29 Administration and enforcement; rules; standards for airport sites and airports.
    334.044 Department; powers and duties.
    339.175 Metropolitan planning organization.
    350.127 Penalties; rules; execution of contracts.
    366.05 Powers.
    367.121 Powers of commission.
    368.05 Commission jurisdiction, rules and regulations.
    369.20 Florida Aquatic Weed Control Act.
    369.22 Nonindigenous aquatic plant control.
    369.251 Invasive nonnative plants; prohibitions; study; removal; rules.
    370.021 Administration; rules, publications, records; penalty for violation of chapter; injunctions.
    370.092 Carriage of proscribed nets across Florida waters.
    370.15 Shrimp; regulation.
    373.043 Adoption and enforcement of regulations by the department.
    373.044 Rules and regulations; enforcement; availability of personnel rules.
    373.113 Adoption of regulations by the governing board.
    373.171 Rules and regulations.
    373.337 Rules.
    373.418 Rulemaking; preservation of existing authority.
    376.07 Regulatory powers of department; penalties for inadequate booming by terminal facilities.
    377.22 Rules, regulations, and orders.
    377.703 Additional functions of the Department of Community Affairs; energy emergency contingency plan; federal and state conservation programs.
    378.205 Administration; powers and duties of the department; agency review responsibility.
    378.404 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties.
    380.05 Areas of critical state concern.
    380.0651 Statewide guidelines and standards.
    381.0011 Duties and powers of the Department of Health.
    384.33 Rules.
    391.026 Powers and duties of the department.
    392.66 Rules.
    394.879 Rules; enforcement.
    395.1055 Rules and enforcement.
    403.061 Department; powers and duties.
    403.1835 Sewage treatment facilities revolving loan program.
    403.504 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties enumerated.
    403.523 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties.
    403.704 Powers and duties of the department.
    403.716 Training of operators of solid waste management and other facilities.
    403.805 Secretary; powers and duties.
    403.861 Department; powers and duties.
    403.869 Authority to adopt rules.
    403.9404 Department of Environmental Protection; powers and duties.
    406.04 Rules and regulations.
    408.15 Powers of the agency.
    414.45 Rulemaking.
    427.013 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged; purpose and responsibilities.
    430.08 Rulemaking.
    440.591 Administrative procedure; rulemaking authority.
    443.171 Division and commission; powers and duties; rules; advisory council; records and reports.
    455.203 Department; powers and duties.
    455.521 Department; powers and duties.
    457.104 Authority to make rules.
    458.309 Authority to make rules.
    459.005 Authority to make rules.
    460.405 Authority to make rules.
    461.005 Authority to make rules.
    463.005 Authority of the board.
    464.006 Authority to make rules.
    465.005 Authority to make rules.
    465.022 Pharmacies; general requirements; fees.
    466.004 Board of Dentistry.
    466.038 Rules.
    467.005 Authority to make rules.
    468.1135 Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
    468.1685 Powers and duties of board and department.
    468.204 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.384 Florida Board of Auctioneers.
    468.402 Duties of the department; authority to issue and revoke license; adoption of rules.
    468.507 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.522 Rules of the board.
    468.606 Authority of the board.
    468.705 Rulemaking authority.
    468.802 Authority to adopt rules.
    470.005 Rulemaking authority of board and department.
    471.008 Rules of the board.
    472.008 Rules of the board.
    473.304 Rules of board; powers and duties; legal services.
    474.206 Authority to make rules.
    475.05 Power of commission to enact bylaws, rules, and regulations and decide questions of practice.
    475.614 Power of board to enact rules and decide questions of practice.
    476.064 Organization; headquarters; personnel; meetings.
    477.016 Rulemaking.
    478.43 Board of Medicine; powers and duties.
    480.035 Board of Massage Therapy.
    481.2055 Authority to make rules.
    481.306 Authority to make rules.
    482.051 Rules.
    483.805 Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel.
    484.005 Authority to make rules.
    484.044 Authority to make rules.
    486.025 Powers and duties of the Board of Physical Therapy Practice.
    488.02 Rules and regulations.
    489.108 Rulemaking authority of the board.
    489.507 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board.
    490.004 Board of Psychology.
    491.004 Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling.
    492.104 Authority to make rules.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    496.424 Rulemaking authority.
    497.103 Rulemaking authority of board and department.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    498.007 General powers and duties.
    500.459 Water vending machines.
    501.014 Health studios; powers and duties of the department.
    501.143 Dance Studio Act.
    501.626 Rulemaking power.
    502.014 Powers and duties.
    503.031 Powers of department.
    504.32 Rulemaking authority.
    516.22 Regulations; certified copies.
    516.23 Subpoenas; enforcement actions; rules.
    517.03 Power of department to make rules.
    520.994 Powers of department.
    526.09 Department to enforce law; rules and regulations.
    531.41 Powers and duties of the department.
    548.003 State Athletic Commission.
    553.76 General powers of the board.
    560.105 Supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.
    561.11 Power and authority of division.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    571.05 Rules.
    571.24 Purpose; duties of the division.
    574.14 Rules.
    578.11 Duties, authority, and rules and regulations of the department.
    580.036 Powers and duties.
    583.04 Promulgation of rules.
    585.002 Department control; continuance of powers, duties, rules, orders, etc.
    593.103 Powers and duties of department.
    616.165 Rules.
    616.256 Powers of authority.
    617.01301 Powers of Department of State.
    620.1835 Powers of Department of State; interrogatories.
    620.81055 Fees for filing documents and issuing certificates; powers of the Department of State.
    624.308 Rules.
    624.4431 Administration; rules.
    626.943 Powers and duties of the department.
    627.805 Departmental regulation of variable and indeterminate value contracts; rules.
    627.9408 Rules.
    628.535 Authority to promulgate rules.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.517 Authority of State Fire Marshal to adopt rules, administer oaths, and take testimony.
    633.70 Jurisdiction of State Fire Marshal over alarm system contractors and certified unlimited electrical contractors.
    634.021 Powers of department; rules.
    634.302 Powers of department; rules.
    634.402 Powers of department; rules.
    635.081 Administration and enforcement.
    636.067 Rules.
    641.403 Promulgation of rules.
    641.56 Rulemaking authority.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    655.012 General supervisory powers of the department; rulemaking.
    681.118 Rulemaking authority.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    916.20 Operation and administration; rules.
    943.03 Department of Law Enforcement.
    944.09 Rules of the department; offenders, probationers, and parolees.
    947.07 Rules and regulations.
    960.045 Department of Legal Affairs; powers and duties.
    985.405 Rules for implementation.

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